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(Haskell implementation of Xiaolin Wu's fast antialiased line drawing algorithm)
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Example makes use of [http://hackage.haskell.org/package/JuicyPixels <tt>JuicyPixels</tt>] for serializing to PNG format and and [http://hackage.haskell.org/package/primitive <tt>primitive</tt>] to abstract away memory-related operations. This is a fairly close translation of the algorithm as described on [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiaolin_Wu%27s_line_algorithm Wikipedia]:

<lang haskell>{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Main (main) where

import Codec.Picture (writePng)
import Codec.Picture.Types (createMutableImage, Image, MutableImage(..), Pixel, PixelRGB8(..), unsafeFreezeImage, writePixel)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad, PrimState)
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)

type MImage m px = MutableImage (PrimState m) px

-- | Create an image given a function to apply to an empty mutable image
:: (Pixel px, PrimMonad m)
=> Int -- ^ image width
-> Int -- ^ image height
-> px -- ^ background colour
-> (MImage m px -> m ()) -- ^ function to apply to mutable image
-> m (Image px) -- ^ action
withMutableImage w h px f = createMutableImage w h px >>= \m -> f m >> unsafeFreezeImage m

-- | Plot a pixel at the given point in the given colour
:: (Pixel px, PrimMonad m)
=> MImage m px -- ^ mutable image
-> Int -- ^ x-coordinate of point
-> Int -- ^ y-coordinate of point
-> px -- ^ colour
-> m () -- ^ action
plot = writePixel

-- | Draw an antialiased line from first point to second point in given colour
:: forall px m . (Pixel px, PrimMonad m)
=> MImage m px -- ^ mutable image
-> Int -- ^ x-coordinate of first point
-> Int -- ^ y-coordinate of first point
-> Int -- ^ x-coordinate of second point
-> Int -- ^ y-coordinate of second point
-> (Double -> px) -- ^ colour generator function
-> m () -- ^ action
drawAntialiasedLine m p1x p1y p2x p2y colour = do
let steep = abs (p2y - p1y) > abs (p2x - p1x)
((p3x, p4x), (p3y, p4y)) = swapIf steep ((p1x, p2x), (p1y, p2y))
((ax, ay), (bx, by)) = swapIf (p3x > p4x) ((p3x, p3y), (p4x, p4y))
dx = bx - ax
dy = by - ay
gradient = if dx == 0 then 1.0 else fromIntegral dy / fromIntegral dx

-- handle first endpoint
let xpxl1 = ax -- round (fromIntegral ax)
yend1 = fromIntegral ay + gradient * fromIntegral (xpxl1 - ax)
xgap1 = rfpart (fromIntegral ax + 0.5)
endpoint steep xpxl1 yend1 xgap1

-- handle second endpoint
let xpxl2 = bx -- round (fromIntegral bx)
yend2 = fromIntegral by + gradient * fromIntegral (xpxl2 - bx)
xgap2 = fpart (fromIntegral bx + 0.5)
endpoint steep xpxl2 yend2 xgap2

-- main loop
let intery = yend1 + gradient
void $ if steep
then foldlM (\i x -> do
plot m (ipart i) x (colour (rfpart i))
plot m (ipart i + 1) x (colour (fpart i))
pure $ i + gradient) intery [xpxl1 + 1..xpxl2 - 1]
else foldlM (\i x -> do
plot m x (ipart i) (colour (rfpart i))
plot m x (ipart i + 1) (colour (fpart i))
pure $ i + gradient) intery [xpxl1 + 1..xpxl2 - 1]

endpoint :: Bool -> Int -> Double -> Double -> m ()
endpoint True xpxl yend xgap = do
plot m ypxl xpxl (colour (rfpart yend * xgap))
plot m (ypxl + 1) xpxl (colour (fpart yend * xgap))
where ypxl = ipart yend
endpoint False xpxl yend xgap = do
plot m xpxl ypxl (colour (rfpart yend * xgap))
plot m xpxl (ypxl + 1) (colour (fpart yend * xgap))
where ypxl = ipart yend

swapIf :: Bool -> (a, a) -> (a, a)
swapIf False p = p
swapIf True (x, y) = (y, x)

ipart :: Double -> Int
ipart = truncate

fpart :: Double -> Double
fpart x
| x > 0 = x - temp
| otherwise = x - (temp + 1)
where temp = fromIntegral (ipart x)

rfpart :: Double -> Double
rfpart x = 1 - fpart x

main :: IO ()
main = do
-- We start and end the line with sufficient clearance from the edge of the
-- image to be able to see the endpoints
img <- withMutableImage 640 480 (PixelRGB8 0 0 0) $ \m@(MutableImage w h _) ->
drawAntialiasedLine m 2 2 (w - 2) (h - 2)
(\brightness -> let level = round (brightness * 255) in PixelRGB8 level level level)

-- Write it out to a file on disc
writePng "xiaolin-wu-algorithm.png" img</lang>

Building and running this program will generate an output PNG file named <code>xiaolin-wu-algorithm.png</code> showing an white antialiased diagonal line.
