XXXX redacted: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Lua}}: added Lua solution)
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[w|s|n] 🧑 👨 🧔 X
[w|s|n] 🧑 👨 🧔 X

Note: The syntax-highlighter used here for Lua appears to be confused by the nested quote styles, but the syntax is valid as written.
<lang lua>function redact(text, targ, opts)
local part, case, ovrk = opts:find("p")~=nil, opts:find("s")~=nil, opts:find("o")~=nil
local oknp = ovrk or not part
local patt = oknp and "([%w%-]+)" or "(%w+)"
local ci = case and function(s) return s end or function(s) return s:lower() end
local matches = function(s,w) return part and ci(s):find(ci(w))~=nil or ci(s)==ci(w) end
local replace = function(s,w) return oknp and string.rep("X",#s) or ci(s):gsub(ci(w), string.rep("X",#w)) end
return text:gsub(patt, function(word) return matches(word,targ) and replace(word,targ) or word end)

text = [[Tom? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.]]
targlist, optslist = { "Tom", "tom" }, { "[w|s|n]", "[w|i|n]", "[p|s|n]", "[p|i|n]", "[p|s|o]", "[p|i|o]" }
for _,targ in ipairs(targlist) do
print("Redact '"..targ.."':")
for _,opts in ipairs(optslist) do
print(opts .. " " .. redact(text, targ, opts))
<pre>Redact 'Tom':
[w|s|n] XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
[w|i|n] XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so XXX.
[p|s|n] XXX? XXXs bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "XXX-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
[p|i|n] XXX? XXXs botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the "XXX-XXX" brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX.
[p|s|o] XXX? XXXX bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
[p|i|o] XXX? XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX.
Redact 'tom':
[w|s|n] Tom? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so XXX.
[w|i|n] XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so XXX.
[p|s|n] Tom? Toms botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the "Tom-XXX" brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX.
[p|i|n] XXX? XXXs botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the "XXX-XXX" brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX.
[p|s|o] Tom? Toms XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX.
[p|i|o] XXX? XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX.</pre>
