XML/XPath: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
(→‎{{header|R}}: disambiguate from XML task category)
(→‎{{header|D}}: add implementation)
Line 134: Line 134:
<!--- visualize the results --->
<!--- visualize the results --->
<cfdump var="#variables#">
<cfdump var="#variables#">

It is important to note that the KXML library currently only supports XPath minimally.
<lang d>
import kxml.xml;
char[]xmlinput =
"<inventory title=\"OmniCorp Store #45x10^3\">
<section name=\"health\">
<item upc=\"123456789\" stock=\"12\">
<name>Invisibility Cream</name>
<description>Makes you invisible</description>
<item upc=\"445322344\" stock=\"18\">
<name>Levitation Salve</name>
<description>Levitate yourself for up to 3 hours per application</description>
<section name=\"food\">
<item upc=\"485672034\" stock=\"653\">
<name>Blork and Freen Instameal</name>
<description>A tasty meal in a tablet; just add water</description>
<item upc=\"132957764\" stock=\"44\">
<name>Grob winglets</name>
<description>Tender winglets of Grob. Just add water</description>
void main() {
auto root = readDocument(xmlinput);
auto firstitem = root.parseXPath("inventory/section/item")[0];
foreach(price;root.parseXPath("inventory/section/item/price")) {
auto namearray = root.parseXPath("inventory/section/item/name");

