XML/XPath: Difference between revisions

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# Gets an array of all of the "name" elements in the document.
names = XPath.match( doc, "//name" )
# Python has basic xml parsing built in
from xml.dom import minidom
xmlfile = file("test3.xml") # load xml document from file
xmldoc = xmldom.parse(xmlfile).documentElement # parse from file stream
xmldoc = xmldom.parseString("<inventory title="OmniCorp Store #45x10^3">...</inventory>").documentElement # or alternatively, parse a string
# 1st Task: Retrieve the first "item" element
i = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("item") # get a list of all "item" tags
firstItemElement = i[0] # get the first element
# 2nd task: Perform an action on each "price" element (print it out)
for j in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("price"): # get a list of all "price" tags
print j.childNodes[0].data # XML Element . TextNode . data of textnode
# 3rd Task: Get an array of all the "name" elements
namesArray = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("name")