XML/DOM serialization: Difference between revisions

Added C++
(add task to ARM64 assembly Raspberry Pi)
(Added C++)
Line 445:
<lang cpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/tree.h>
#include <libxml/xmlerror.h>
#include <libxml/xmlsave.h>
#include <libxml/xmlstring.h>
#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
# error libxml was not configured with DOM tree support
# error libxml was not configured with serialization support
// Because libxml2 is a C library, we need a couple things to make it work
// well with modern C++:
// 1) a ScopeGuard-like type to handle cleanup functions; and
// 2) an exception type that transforms the library's errors.
// ScopeGuard-like type to handle C library cleanup functions.
template <typename F>
class [[nodiscard]] scope_exit
// C++20: Constructor can (and should) be [[nodiscard]].
/*[[nodiscard]]*/ constexpr explicit scope_exit(F&& f) :
// Non-copyable, non-movable.
scope_exit(scope_exit const&) = delete;
scope_exit(scope_exit&&) = delete;
auto operator=(scope_exit const&) -> scope_exit& = delete;
auto operator=(scope_exit&&) -> scope_exit& = delete;
F f_;
// Exception that gets last libxml2 error.
class libxml_error : public std::runtime_error
libxml_error() : libxml_error(std::string{}) {}
explicit libxml_error(std::string message) :
static auto make_message_(std::string message) -> std::string
if (auto const last_error = ::xmlGetLastError(); last_error)
if (not message.empty())
message += ": ";
message += last_error->message;
return message;
auto add_text(::xmlNode* node, ::xmlChar const* content)
// Create a new text node with the desired content.
auto const text_node = ::xmlNewText(content);
if (not text_node)
throw libxml_error{"failed to create text node"};
// Try to add it to the node. If it succeeds, that node will take
// ownership of the text node. If it fails, we have to clean up the text
// node ourselves first, then we can throw.
if (auto const res = ::xmlAddChild(node, text_node); not res)
throw libxml_error{"failed to add text node"};
return text_node;
auto main() -> int
// Set this to true if you don't want the XML declaration.
constexpr auto no_xml_declaration = false;
// Initialize libxml.
auto const libxml_cleanup = scope_exit{[] { ::xmlCleanupParser(); }};
// Create a new document.
auto doc = ::xmlNewDoc(reinterpret_cast<::xmlChar const*>(u8"1.0"));
if (not doc)
throw libxml_error{"failed to create document"};
auto const doc_cleanup = scope_exit{[doc] { ::xmlFreeDoc(doc); }};
// Create the root element.
auto root = ::xmlNewNode(nullptr,
reinterpret_cast<::xmlChar const*>(u8"root"));
if (not root)
throw libxml_error{"failed to create root element"};
::xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root); // doc now owns root
// Add whitespace. Unless you know the whitespace is not significant,
// you should do this manually, rather than relying on automatic
// indenting.
add_text(root, reinterpret_cast<::xmlChar const*>(u8"\n "));
// Add the child element.
if (auto const res = ::xmlNewTextChild(root, nullptr,
reinterpret_cast<::xmlChar const*>(u8"element"),
reinterpret_cast<::xmlChar const*>(
u8"\n Some text here\n "));
not res)
throw libxml_error{"failed to create child text element"};
// Add whitespace.
add_text(root, reinterpret_cast<::xmlChar const*>(u8"\n"));
// Output tree. Note that the output is UTF-8 in all cases. If you
// want something different, use xmlSaveFileEnc() or the second
// argument of xmlSaveDoc().
if constexpr (no_xml_declaration)
auto const save_context = ::xmlSaveToFilename("-", nullptr,
auto const save_context_cleanup = scope_exit{[save_context] {
::xmlSaveClose(save_context); }};
if (auto const res = ::xmlSaveDoc(save_context, doc); res == -1)
throw libxml_error{"failed to write tree to stdout"};
if (auto const res = ::xmlSaveFile("-", doc); res == -1)
throw libxml_error{"failed to write tree to stdout"};
catch (std::exception const& x)
std::cerr << "ERROR: " << x.what() << '\n';
=={{header|C sharp}}==
