Wordiff: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: shown a different game.)
(julia example)
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:* That last player must have entered a wordiff or loses.
:* That last player must have entered a wordiff or loses.
:* If the game is timed-out, the loser is the person who took the longest `average` time to answer in their rounds.
:* If the game is timed-out, the loser is the person who took the longest `average` time to answer in their rounds.

<lang julia>

isoneless(nw, ow) = any(i -> nw == ow[begin:i-1] * ow[i+1:end], eachindex(ow))
isonemore(nw, ow) = isoneless(ow, nw)
isonechanged(x, y) = length(x) == length(y) && count(i -> x[i] != y[i], eachindex(y)) == 1
onefrom(nw, ow) = isoneless(nw, ow) || isonemore(nw, ow ) || isonechanged(nw, ow)

function askprompt(prompt)
ans = ""
while isempty(ans)
ans = strip(readline())
return ans

function wordiff(dictfile = "unixdict.txt")
wordlist = [w for w in split(read(dictfile, String), r"\s+") if !occursin(r"\W", w)]
starters = [w for w in wordlist if 3 <= length(w) <= 4]

timelimit = something(tryparse(Float64, askprompt("Time limit (min) or 0 for none: ")), 0)

players = split(askprompt("Enter players' names. Separate by commas: "), r"\s*,\s*")
times, word = Dict(player => Float32[] for player in players), rand(starters)
used = [word]
totalsecs, timestart = timelimit * 60, time()
while length(players) > 1
player = popfirst!(players)
playertimestart = time()
newword = askprompt("$player, your move. The current word is $word. Your worddiff? ")
if timestart + totalsecs > time()
if onefrom(newword, word) && !(newword in used) && lowercase(newword) in wordlist
push!(players, player)
word = newword
push!(used, newword)
push!(times[player], time() - playertimestart)
println("Wordiff choice incorrent. Player $player exits game.")
else # out of time
println("Sorry, time was up. Timing ranks for remaining players:")
avtimes = Dict(p => isempty(times[p]) ? NaN : sum(times[p]) / length(times[p])
for p in players)
sort!(players, lt = (x, y) -> avtimes[x] < avtimes[y])
foreach(p -> println(" $p:", lpad(avtimes[p], 10), " seconds average"), players)
sleep(rand() * 10)
length(players) < 2 && println("Player $(first(players)) is the only one left, and wins the game.")

Time limit (min) or 0 for none: 0.4

Enter players' names. Separate by commas: sam,mary,ann,ron

sam, your move. The current word is shod. Your worddiff? shot

mary, your move. The current word is shot. Your worddiff? hot

ann, your move. The current word is hot. Your worddiff? hog

ron, your move. The current word is hog. Your worddiff? log

Sorry, time was up. Timing ranks for remaining players:
ann: 3.1 seconds average
mary: 4.573 seconds average
sam: 6.447 seconds average
