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<lang racket>
#lang racket

(define (wrap words width)
(define (maybe-cons xs xss)
(if (empty? xs) xss (cons xs xss)))
(for/fold ([lines '()] [line '()] [left width]) ([w words])
(define n (string-length w))
[(> n width) ; word longer than line => line on its own
(values (cons (list w) (maybe-cons line lines)) '() width)]
[(> n left) ; not enough space left => new line
(values (cons line lines) (list w) (- width n 1))]
(values lines (cons w line) (- left n 1))]))
[(lines line _)
(apply string-append
(for/list ([line (reverse (cons line lines))])
(string-join line #:after-last "\n")))]))

;;; Usage:
(wrap (string-split text) 70)

The input for this program is in a file (named LAWS.TXT).
The input for this program is in a file (named LAWS.TXT).