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If you have both basic and extra credit solutions, show an example where the two algorithms give different results.
If you have both basic and extra credit solutions, show an example where the two algorithms give different results.

Basic word wrap.

<lang awk>function wordwrap_paragraph(p)
if ( length(p) < 1 ) return
split(p, words)
spaceLeft = lineWidth
line = words[1]
delete words[1]

for (i = 1; i <= length(words); i++) {
word = words[i]
if ( (length(word) + 1) > spaceLeft ) {
print line
line = word
spaceLeft = lineWidth - length(word)
} else {
spaceLeft -= length(word) + 1
line = line " " word
print line

lineWidth = width
par = ""

/^[ \t]*$/ {
par = ""

!/^[ \t]*$/ {
par = par " " $0


To test it,

awk -f wordwrap.awk -v width=80 &lt; text.txt
