Word wrap: Difference between revisions

→‎version 1: corrected some misspellings in the LAWS.TXT file. -- ~~~~
m (→‎version 1: removed a vestigual REXX statement. -- ~~~~)
m (→‎version 1: corrected some misspellings in the LAWS.TXT file. -- ~~~~)
Line 1,634:
∙ Complicated systems produce unexpected outcomes.
∙ The total behavior of large systems cannot be predicted.
The Non-AddivityAdditivity Theorem of Systems-Behavior -or- Climax Design Theorem:
∙ A large system, produced by expanding the dimensions of a smaller system, does not behave like the smaller system.
LeChateliers's Principle:
Line 1,649:
∙ The real world is whatever is reported to the system.
∙ If it isn't official; it didn't happen.
∙ If it's made in DetriotDetroit, it must be an automobile.
∙ A system is no better than its sensory organs.
∙ To those within a system, the outside reality tends to pale and disappear.
Line 1,667:
∙ Complex programs never run.
∙ Anything worth doing once will probably have to be done twice.
The Functional indeterminancyindeterminacy Theorem:
∙ In complex systems, malfunction and even total nonfunction may not be detectable for long periods, if ever.
The Kantian Hypothesis -or- Know-Nothing Theorem:
Line 1,709:
Growth: ∙ Systems tend to grow, and as they grow, they encroach. The Big-Bang Theorem of Systems-Cosmology: ∙ Systems tend to expand to fill the known
universe. Parkinson's Extended Law: ∙ The system itself tends to expand at 5-6% per annum. The Generalized Uncertainty Principle: ∙ Systems display antics.
∙ Complicated systems produce unexpected outcomes. ∙ The total behavior of large systems cannot be predicted. The Non-AddivityAdditivity Theorem of Systems-Behavior
Systems-Behavior -or- Climax Design Theorem: ∙ A large system, produced by expanding the dimensions of a smaller system, does not behave like the smaller system.
system. LeChateliers's Principle: ∙ Complex systems tend to oppose their own proper function. ∙ Systems get in the way. ∙ The system always kicks back. ∙ Positive
Positive feedback is dangerous. Functionary's Falsity: ∙ People in systems do not do what the system says they are doing. ∙ The function performed by a system is
system is not operationally identical to the function of the same name performed by a man. ∙ A function performed by a larger system is not operationally identical
identical to the function of the same name performed by a smaller system. The Fundamental Law of Administrative Workings: ∙ Things are what they are reported to be.
reported to be. ∙ The real world is whatever is reported to the system. ∙ If it isn't official; it didn't happen. ∙ If it's made in DetriotDetroit, it must be an automobile. ∙ A
automobile. ∙ A system is no better than its sensory organs. ∙ To those within a system, the outside reality tends to pale and disappear. ∙ Systems attract systems-people.
systems-people. ∙ For every human system, there is a type of person adapted to thrive on it or in it. ∙ The bigger the system, the narrower and more specialized the
specialized the interface with individuals. Administrator's Anxiety: ∙ Pushing on the systems doesn't help. It just makes things worse. ∙ A complex system cannot be "made"
cannot be "made" to work. It either works or it doesn't. ∙ A simple system, designed from scratch, sometimes works. ∙ A simple system may or may not work. ∙ Some complex
∙ Some complex systems actually work. ∙ If a system is working, leave it alone. ∙ A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system
simple system that works. ∙ A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over, beginning with a working
with a working simple system. ∙ Programs never run the first time. ∙ Complex programs never run. ∙ Anything worth doing once will probably have to be done twice. The
twice. The Functional indeterminancyindeterminacy Theorem: ∙ In complex systems, malfunction and even total nonfunction may not be detectable for long periods, if ever. The
The Kantian Hypothesis -or- Know-Nothing Theorem: ∙ Large complex systems are beyond human capacity to evaluate. The Newtonian Lay of Systems-Inertia: ∙ A
system that performs a certain way will continue to operate in that way regardless of the need of of changed conditions. ∙ A system continues to do its
thing, regardless of need. ∙ Systems develop goals of their own the instant they come into being. ∙ Intrasystem goals come first. Failure-Mode Theorems: ∙
Line 1,739:
assumed name.
Output when specifying: <tt> , 7677 </tt>
<pre style="height:15ex;overflow:scroll">
────────── Computer programming laws ────────── The Primal Scenario -or-
Basic Datum of Experience: ∙ Systems in general work poorly or not at all. ∙
Nothing complicated works. ∙ Complicated systems seldom exceed 5% efficiency.
efficiency. ∙ There is always a fly in the ointment. The Fundamental Theorem: ∙ New
Theorem: ∙ New systems generate new problems. Occam's Razor: ∙ Systems should not be
should not be unnecessarily multiplied. The Law of Conservation of Energy: ∙ The total
The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. ∙ Systems operate by
redistributing energy into different forms and into accumulations of
different sizes. Laws of Growth: ∙ Systems tend to grow, and as they grow,
Line 1,753:
expand to fill the known universe. Parkinson's Extended Law: ∙ The system
itself tends to expand at 5-6% per annum. The Generalized Uncertainty
Principle: ∙ Systems display antics. ∙ Complicated systems produce unexpected
unexpected outcomes. ∙ The total behavior of large systems cannot be predicted. The
predicted. The Non-AddivityAdditivity Theorem of Systems-Behavior -or- Climax Design Theorem: ∙ A
Theorem: ∙ A large system, produced by expanding the dimensions of a smaller system, does
system, does not behave like the smaller system. LeChateliers's Principle: ∙ Complex
Complex systems tend to oppose their own proper function. ∙ Systems get in the way. ∙
the way. ∙ The system always kicks back. ∙ Positive feedback is dangerous. Functionary's
Functionary's Falsity: ∙ People in systems do not do what the system says they are doing. ∙
they are doing. ∙ The function performed by a system is not operationally identical to the
identical to the function of the same name performed by a man. ∙ A function performed by a
performed by a larger system is not operationally identical to the function of the same name
of the same name performed by a smaller system. The Fundamental Law of Administrative
Administrative Workings: ∙ Things are what they are reported to be. ∙ The real world is
real world is whatever is reported to the system. ∙ If it isn't official; it didn't happen.
didn't happen. ∙ If it's made in DetriotDetroit, it must be an automobile. ∙ A system is no better
system is no better than its sensory organs. ∙ To those within a system, the outside reality
outside reality tends to pale and disappear. ∙ Systems attract systems-people. ∙ For every
systems-people. ∙ For every human system, there is a type of person adapted to thrive on it or in it. ∙
to thrive on it or in it. ∙ The bigger the system, the narrower and more specialized the interface with
specialized the interface with individuals. Administrator's Anxiety: ∙ Pushing on the systems doesn't help.
Pushing on the systems doesn't help. It just makes things worse. ∙ A complex system cannot be "made" to work. It
system cannot be "made" to work. It either works or it doesn't. ∙ A simple system, designed from scratch,
system, designed from scratch, sometimes works. ∙ A simple system may or may not work. ∙ Some complex
not work. ∙ Some complex systems actually work. ∙ If a system is working, leave it alone. ∙ A complex
leave it alone. ∙ A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system
evolved from a simple system that works. ∙ A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot
scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over, beginning with a
start over, beginning with a working simple system. ∙ Programs never run the first time. ∙ Complex
first time. ∙ Complex programs never run. ∙ Anything worth doing once will probably have to be done
probably have to be done twice. The Functional indeterminancyindeterminacy Theorem: ∙ In complex systems,
complex systems, malfunction and even total nonfunction may not be detectable for long
detectable for long periods, if ever. The Kantian Hypothesis -or- Know-Nothing Theorem: ∙ Large
Know-Nothing Theorem: ∙ Large complex systems are beyond human capacity to evaluate. The Newtonian Lay of
evaluate. The Newtonian Lay of Systems-Inertia: ∙ A system that performs a certain way will continue to
certain way will continue to operate in that way regardless of the need of of changed conditions. ∙ A
of changed conditions. ∙ A system continues to do its thing, regardless of need. ∙ Systems develop goals
need. ∙ Systems develop goals of their own the instant they come into being. ∙ Intrasystem goals come
∙ Intrasystem goals come first. Failure-Mode Theorems: ∙ Complex systems usually operate in failure
usually operate in failure mode. ∙ A complex system can fail in a infinite number of ways. ∙ If anything
number of ways. ∙ If anything can go wrong, it will. ∙ The mode of failure of a complex system cannot
of a complex system cannot ordinarily be predicted from its structure. ∙ The crucial variables are
crucial variables are discovered by accident. ∙ The larger the system, the greater the probability
greater the probability of unexpected failure. ∙ "Success" or "function" in any system may be failure
any system may be failure in the larger or smaller systems to which the system is connected. ∙ In
system is connected. ∙ In setting up a new system, tread softly. You may be disturbing another system
disturbing another system that is actually working. The Fail-Safe Theorem: ∙ When a fail-safe system
When a fail-safe system fails, it fails by failing to fail safe. ∙ Complex systems tend to produce
systems tend to produce complex responses (not solutions) to problems. ∙ Great advances are not
Great advances are not produced by systems designed to produce great advances. ∙ Loose systems last
advances. ∙ Loose systems last longer and work better. ∙ Efficient systems are dangerous to themselves and
are dangerous to themselves and to others. The Vector Theory of Systems: ∙ Systems run better when designed
Systems run better when designed to run downhill. ∙ Systems aligned with human motivational vectors will
human motivational vectors will sometimes work. Systems opposing such vectors work poorly or not at all.
Advanced Systems Theories: ∙ Everything is a system. ∙ Everything is a part
vectors work poorly or not at all. Advanced Systems Theories: ∙ Everything
is a system. ∙ Everything is a part of a larger system. ∙ The universe is infinitely systematized, both upward
infinitely systematized, both upward [larger systems] and downward [smaller systems]. ∙ All systems are infinitely
systems]. ∙ All systems are infinitely complex. (The illusion of simplicity comes from focusing attention on one or
comes from focusing attention on one or a few variables.) ∙ Parameters are variables travelling under an assumed
variables travelling under an assumed name.
Output [justified] when specifying: <tt> , 70 both </tt>
<pre style="height:15ex;overflow:scroll">
────────── Computer programming laws ────────── The Primal Scenario -or-
-or- Basic Datum of Experience: Systems in general work poorly or not at all. ∙
not at all. ∙ Nothing complicated works. ∙ Complicated systems seldom exceed 5% efficiency.
exceed 5% efficiency. ∙ There is always a fly in the ointment. The Fundamental Theorem: ∙ New
Fundamental Theorem: ∙ New systems generate new problems. Occam's Razor: ∙ Systems should not be
unnecessarily multiplied. The Law of Conservation of Energy: ∙ The total
Razor: ∙ Systems should not be unnecessarily multiplied. The Law of
amount of energy in the universe is constant. ∙ Systems operate by
Conservation of Energy: ∙ The total amount of energy in the universe
redistributing energy into different forms and into accumulations of
is constant. ∙ Systems operate by redistributing energy into different
different sizes. Laws of Growth: ∙ Systems tend to grow, and as they grow,
forms and into accumulations of different sizes. Laws of Growth: ∙
they encroach. The Big-Bang Theorem of Systems-Cosmology: ∙ Systems tend to
Systems tend to grow, and as they grow, they encroach. The Big-Bang
expand to fill the known universe. Parkinson's Extended Law: ∙ The system
Theorem of Systems-Cosmology: ∙ Systems tend to expand to fill the
itself tends to expand at 5-6% per annum. The Generalized Uncertainty
known universe. Parkinson's Extended Law: ∙ The system itself tends to
Principle: ∙ Systems display antics. ∙ Complicated systems produce unexpected
expand at 5-6% per annum. The Generalized Uncertainty Principle: ∙
outcomes. ∙ The total behavior of large systems cannot be predicted. The
Systems display antics. ∙ Complicated systems produce unexpected
Non-Additivity Theorem of Systems-Behavior -or- Climax Design Theorem: ∙ A
outcomes. ∙ The total behavior of large systems cannot be predicted.
large system, produced by expanding the dimensions of a smaller system, does
The Non-Addivity Theorem of Systems-Behavior -or- Climax Design
not behave like the smaller system. LeChateliers's Principle: ∙ Complex
Theorem: ∙ A large system, produced by expanding the dimensions of a
systems tend to oppose their own proper function. ∙ Systems get in the way. ∙
smaller system, does not behave like the smaller system.
The system always kicks back. ∙ Positive feedback is dangerous. Functionary's
LeChateliers's Principle: ∙ Complex systems tend to oppose their own
proper function.Falsity:Systems getPeople in systems thedo not way.do what Thethe system alwayssays kicksthey are doing. ∙
The function performed by a system is not operationally identical to the
back. ∙ Positive feedback is dangerous. Functionary's Falsity: ∙
function of the same name performed by a man. ∙ A function performed by a
People in systems do not do what the system says they are doing. ∙ The
function performed by alarger system is not operationally identical to the function of the same name
performed by a smaller system. The Fundamental Law of Administrative
function of the same name performed by a man. ∙ A function performed
Workings: ∙ Things are what they are reported to be. ∙ The real world is
by a larger system is not operationally identical to the function of
whatever is reported to the system. ∙ If it isn't official; it didn't happen.
the same name performed by a smaller system. The Fundamental Law of
∙ If it's made in Detroit, it must be an automobile. ∙ A system is no better
Administrative Workings: ∙ Things are what they are reported to be. ∙
than its sensory organs. ∙ To those within a system, the outside reality
The real world is whatever is reported to the system. ∙ If it isn't
tends to pale and disappear. ∙ Systems attract systems-people. ∙ For every
official; it didn't happen. ∙ If it's made in Detriot, it must be an
automobile. ∙ Ahuman system, there is a notype of betterperson thanadapted itsto sensorythrive organson it or in it. ∙ To
thoseThe bigger within a the system, the outsidenarrower realityand more tendsspecialized the tointerface pale andwith
individuals. Administrator's Anxiety: ∙ Pushing on the systems doesn't help.
disappear. ∙ Systems attract systems-people. ∙ For every human system,
It just makes things worse. ∙ A complex system cannot be "made" to work. It
there is a type of person adapted to thrive on it or in it. ∙ The
either works or it doesn't. ∙ A simple system, designed from scratch,
bigger the system, the narrower and more specialized the interface
sometimes works. ∙ A simple system may or may not work. ∙ Some complex
with individuals. Administrator's Anxiety: ∙ Pushing on the systems
doesn'tsystems helpactually work. It justIf makesa thingssystem is working, leave it worsealone. ∙ A complex system cannot be
"made"system tothat work.works Itis invariably either found works or to it have doesn't.evolved from Aa simple system,
designed from scratch, sometimesthat works. A simplecomplex system may ordesigned from scratch never works and maycannot
be patched up to make it work. You have to start over, beginning with a
not work. ∙ Some complex systems actually work. ∙ If a system is
working, leavesimple it alonesystem. APrograms complexnever system thatrun works isthe first time. ∙ invariablyComplex
programs never run. ∙ Anything worth doing once will probably have to be done
found to have evolved from a simple system that works. ∙ A complex
twice. The Functional indeterminacy Theorem: ∙ In complex systems,
system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to
malfunction and even total nonfunction may not be detectable for long
make it work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple
periods, if ever. The Kantian Hypothesis -or- Know-Nothing Theorem: ∙ Large
system. ∙ Programs never run the first time. ∙ Complex programs never
complex systems are beyond human capacity to evaluate. The Newtonian Lay of
run. ∙ Anything worth doing once will probably have to be done twice.
Systems-Inertia: ∙ A system that performs a certain way will continue to
The Functional indeterminancy Theorem: ∙ In complex systems,
operate in that way regardless of the need of of changed conditions. ∙ A
malfunction and even total nonfunction may not be detectable for long
system continues to do its thing, regardless of need. ∙ Systems develop goals
periods, if ever. The Kantian Hypothesis -or- Know-Nothing Theorem: ∙
of their own the instant they come into being. ∙ Intrasystem goals come
Large complex systems are beyond human capacity to evaluate. The
first. Failure-Mode Theorems: ∙ Complex systems usually operate in failure
Newtonian Lay of Systems-Inertia: ∙ A system that performs a certain
mode. ∙ A complex system can fail in a infinite number of ways. ∙ If anything
way will continue to operate in that way regardless of the need of of
can go wrong, it will. ∙ The mode of failure of a complex system cannot
changed conditions. ∙ A system continues to do its thing, regardless
ordinarily be predicted from its structure. ∙ The crucial variables are
of need. ∙ Systems develop goals of their own the instant they come
discovered by accident. ∙ The larger the system, the greater the probability
into being. ∙ Intrasystem goals come first. Failure-Mode Theorems: ∙
of unexpected failure. ∙ "Success" or "function" in any system may be failure
Complex systems usually operate in failure mode. ∙ A complex system
in the larger or smaller systems to which the system is connected. ∙ In
can fail in a infinite number of ways. ∙ If anything can go wrong, it
setting up a new system, tread softly. You may be disturbing another system
will. ∙ The mode of failure of a complex system cannot ordinarily be
that is actually working. The Fail-Safe Theorem: ∙ When a fail-safe system
predicted from its structure. ∙ The crucial variables are discovered
fails, it fails by failing to fail safe. ∙ Complex systems tend to produce
by accident. ∙ The larger the system, the greater the probability of
complex responses (not solutions) to problems. ∙ Great advances are not
unexpected failure. ∙ "Success" or "function" in any system may be
produced by systems designed to produce great advances. ∙ Loose systems last
failure in the larger or smaller systems to which the system is
longer and work better. ∙ Efficient systems are dangerous to themselves and
connected. ∙ In setting up a new system, tread softly. You may be
to others. The Vector Theory of Systems: ∙ Systems run better when designed
disturbing another system that is actually working. The Fail-Safe
to run downhill. ∙ Systems aligned with human motivational vectors will
Theorem: ∙ When a fail-safe system fails, it fails by failing to fail
sometimes work. Systems opposing such vectors work poorly or not at all.
safe. ∙ Complex systems tend to produce complex responses (not
Advanced Systems Theories: ∙ Everything is a system. ∙ Everything is a part
solutions) to problems. ∙ Great advances are not produced by systems
of a larger system. ∙ The universe is infinitely systematized, both upward
designed to produce great advances. ∙ Loose systems last longer and
[larger systems] and downward [smaller systems]. ∙ All systems are infinitely
work better. ∙ Efficient systems are dangerous to themselves and to
complex. (The illusion of simplicity comes from focusing attention on one or
others. The Vector Theory of Systems: ∙ Systems run better when
a few variables.) ∙ Parameters are variables travelling under an assumed
designed to run downhill. ∙ Systems aligned with human motivational
vectors will sometimes work. Systems opposing such vectors work poorly
or not at all. Advanced Systems Theories: ∙ Everything is a system. ∙
Everything is a part of a larger system. ∙ The universe is infinitely
systematized, both upward [larger systems] and downward [smaller
systems]. ∙ All systems are infinitely complex. (The illusion of
simplicity comes from focusing attention on one or a few variables.) ∙
Parameters are variables travelling under an assumed name.