Word wrap: Difference between revisions

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awk -f wordwrap.awk -v width=80 < text.txt
<lang c>#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
/* nonsensical hyphens to make greedy wrapping method look bad */
char *string = "In olden times when wishing still helped one, there lived a king "
"whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful "
"that the sun itself, which has seen so much, was astonished whenever "
"it shone-in-her-face. Close-by-the-king's castle lay a great dark "
"forest, and under an old lime-tree in the forest was a well, and when "
"the day was very warm, the king's child went out into the forest and "
"sat down by the side of the cool-fountain, and when she was bored she "
"took a golden ball, and threw it up on high and caught it, and this "
"ball was her favorite plaything.";
/* Each but the last of wrapped lines comes with some penalty as the square
of the diff between line length and desired line length. If the line
is longer than desired length, the penalty is multiplied by 100. This
pretty much prohibits the wrapping routine from going over right margin.
If is ok to exceed the margin just a little, something like 20 or 40 will
Knuth uses a per-paragraph penalty for line-breaking in TeX, which is--
unlike what I have here--probably bug-free.
#define PENALTY_LONG 100
typedef struct word_t {
char *s;
int len;
} *word;
word make_word_list(char *s, int *n)
int max_n = 0;
word words = 0;
*n = 0;
while (1) {
while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++;
if (!*s) break;
if (*n >= max_n) {
if (!(max_n *= 2)) max_n = 2;
words = realloc(words, max_n * sizeof(*words));
words[*n].s = s;
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) s++;
words[*n].len = s - words[*n].s;
(*n) ++;
return words;
int greedy_wrap(word words, int count, int cols, int *breaks)
int score = 0, line, i, j, d;
i = j = line = 0;
while (1) {
if (i == count) {
breaks[j++] = i;
if (!line) {
line = words[i++].len;
if (line + words[i].len < cols) {
line += words[i++].len + 1;
breaks[j++] = i;
if (i < count) {
d = cols - line;
if (d > 0) score += PENALTY_SHORT * d * d;
else if (d < 0) score += PENALTY_LONG * d * d;
line = 0;
breaks[j++] = 0;
return score;
/* tries to make right margin more even; pretty sure there's an off-by-one bug
here somewhere */
int balanced_wrap(word words, int count, int cols, int *breaks)
int *best = malloc(sizeof(int) * (count + 1));
/* do a greedy wrap to have some baseline score to work with, else
we'll end up with O(2^N) behavior */
int best_score = greedy_wrap(words, count, cols, breaks);
void test_wrap(int line_no, int start, int score) {
int line = 0, current_score = -1, d;
while (start <= count) {
if (line) line ++;
line += words[start++].len;
d = cols - line;
if (start < count || d < 0) {
if (d > 0)
current_score = score + PENALTY_SHORT * d * d;
current_score = score + PENALTY_LONG * d * d;
} else {
current_score = score;
if (current_score >= best_score) {
if (d <= 0) return;
best[line_no] = start;
test_wrap(line_no + 1, start, current_score);
if (current_score >= 0 && current_score < best_score) {
best_score = current_score;
memcpy(breaks, best, sizeof(int) * (line_no));
test_wrap(0, 0, 0);
return best_score;
void show_wrap(word list, int count, int *breaks)
int i, j;
for (i = j = 0; i < count && breaks[i]; i++) {
while (j < breaks[i]) {
printf("%.*s", list[j].len, list[j].s);
if (j < breaks[i] - 1)
putchar(' ');
if (breaks[i]) putchar('\n');
int main(void)
int len, score, cols;
word list = make_word_list(string, &len);
int *breaks = malloc(sizeof(int) * (len + 1));
cols = 80;
score = greedy_wrap(list, len, cols, breaks);
printf("\n== greedy wrap at %d (score %d) ==\n\n", cols, score);
show_wrap(list, len, breaks);
score = balanced_wrap(list, len, cols, breaks);
printf("\n== balanced wrap at %d (score %d) ==\n\n", cols, score);
show_wrap(list, len, breaks);
cols = 32;
score = greedy_wrap(list, len, cols, breaks);
printf("\n== greedy wrap at %d (score %d) ==\n\n", cols, score);
show_wrap(list, len, breaks);
score = balanced_wrap(list, len, cols, breaks);
printf("\n== balanced wrap at %d (score %d) ==\n\n", cols, score);
show_wrap(list, len, breaks);
return 0;
Basic algorithm. The text splitting is lazy.
Anonymous user