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If you have both basic and extra credit solutions, show an example where the two algorithms give different results.
Basic word wrap.
<lang awk>function wordwrap_paragraph(p)
if ( length(p) < 1 ) return
split(p, words)
spaceLeft = lineWidth
line = words[1]
delete words[1]
for (i = 1; i <= length(words); i++) {
word = words[i]
if ( (length(word) + 1) > spaceLeft ) {
print line
line = word
spaceLeft = lineWidth - length(word)
} else {
spaceLeft -= length(word) + 1
line = line " " word
print line
lineWidth = width
par = ""
/^[ \t]*$/ {
par = ""
!/^[ \t]*$/ {
par = par " " $0
To test it,
awk -f wordwrap.awk -v width=80 &lt; text.txt