Word search: Difference between revisions

11,566 bytes added ,  2 years ago
Word search en FreeBASIC
(Added Wren)
(Word search en FreeBASIC)
Line 911:
yon (2,7)(0,9) ell (6,9)(4,7)
gig (5,3)(3,1) yea (0,1)(2,1)</pre>
<lang freebasic>
Randomize Timer ' OK getting a good puzzle every time
Dim Shared As Byte LengthLimit(3 To 10) 'reset in Initialize, track and limit longer words
'LoadWords opens file of words and sets
Dim Shared As Integer NWORDS 'set in LoadWords, number of words with length: > 2 and < 11 and just letters
' word file words (shuffled) to be fit into puzzle and index position
Dim Shared As String WORDSSS(1 To 24945), CWORDSSS(1 To 24945)
Dim Shared As Integer WORDSINDEX 'the file has 24945 words but many are unsuitable
'words placed in Letters grid, word itself (WSS) x, y head (WX, WY) and direction (WD), WI is the index to all these
Dim Shared As String WSS(1 To 100)
Dim Shared As Byte WX(1 To 100), WY(1 To 100), WD(1 To 100), WI
' letters grid and direction arrays
Dim Shared As String LSS(0 To 9, 0 To 9)
Dim Shared As Byte DX(0 To 7), DY(0 To 7)
DX(0) = 1: DY(0) = 0
DX(1) = 1: DY(1) = 1
DX(2) = 0: DY(2) = 1
DX(3) = -1: DY(3) = 1
DX(4) = -1: DY(4) = 0
DX(5) = -1: DY(5) = -1
DX(6) = 0: DY(6) = -1
DX(7) = 1: DY(7) = -1
'to store all the words found embedded in the grid LSS()
Dim Shared As String ALLSS(1 To 200)
Dim Shared As Byte AllX(1 To 200), AllY(1 To 200), AllD(1 To 200) 'to store all the words found embedded in the grid LSS()
Dim Shared As Integer ALLindex
' signal successful fill of puzzle
Dim Shared FILLED As Boolean
Dim As Byte try
try = 1
Sub LoadWords
Dim As String wdSS
Dim As Integer i, m
Dim ok As Boolean
Open "unixdict.txt" For Input As #1
While Eof(1) = 0
Input #1, wdSS
If Len(wdSS) > 2 And Len(wdSS) < 11 Then
ok = -1
For m = 1 To Len(wdSS)
If Asc(wdSS, m) < 97 Or Asc(wdSS, m) > 122 Then ok = 0: Exit For
If ok Then i += 1: WORDSSS(i) = wdSS: CWORDSSS(i) = wdSS
End If
Close #1
End Sub
Sub Shuffle
Dim As Integer i, r
For i = NWORDS To 2 Step -1
r = Int(Rnd * i) + 1
Next i
End Sub
Sub Initialize
Dim As Byte r, c'', x, y, d
Dim As String wdSS
For r = 0 To 9
For c = 0 To 9
LSS(c, r) = " "
Next c
Next r
'reset word arrays by resetting the word index back to zero
WI = 0
'fun stuff for me but doubt others would like that much fun!
'pluggin "basic", 0, 0, 2
'pluggin "plus", 1, 0, 0
'to assure the spreading of ROSETTA CODE
LSS(Int(Rnd * 5) + 5, 0) = "R": LSS(Int(Rnd * 9) + 1, 1) = "O"
LSS(Int(Rnd * 9) + 1, 2) = "S": LSS(Int(Rnd * 9) + 1, 3) = "E"
LSS(1, 4) = "T": LSS(9, 4) = "T": LSS(Int(10 * Rnd), 5) = "A"
LSS(Int(10 * Rnd), 6) = "C": LSS(Int(10 * Rnd), 7) = "O"
LSS(Int(10 * Rnd), 8) = "D": LSS(Int(10 * Rnd), 9) = "E"
'reset limits
LengthLimit(3) = 200
LengthLimit(4) = 6
LengthLimit(5) = 3
LengthLimit(6) = 2
LengthLimit(7) = 1
LengthLimit(8) = 0
LengthLimit(9) = 0
LengthLimit(10) = 0
'reset word order
End Sub
'for fun plug-in of words
Sub pluggin (wdSS As String, x As Integer, y As Integer, d As Integer)
For i As Byte = 0 To Len(wdSS) - 1
LSS(x + i * DX(d), y + i * DY(d)) = Mid(wdSS, i + 1, 1)
Next i
WI += WI
WSS(WI) = wdSS: WX(WI) = x: WY(WI) = y: WD(WI) = d
End Sub
Function TrmSS (n As Integer) As String
TrmSS = Rtrim(Ltrim(Str(n)))
End Function
'used in PlaceWord
Function CountSpaces () As Integer
Dim As Byte x, y
Dim count As Integer
For y = 0 To 9
For x = 0 To 9
If LSS(x, y) = " " Then count += 1
Next x
Next y
CountSpaces = count
End Function
Sub ShowPuzzle
Dim As Byte i, x, y
Dim As String wateSS
Print " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
Locate 3, 1
For i = 0 To 9
Print TrmSS(i)
Next i
For y = 0 To 9
For x = 0 To 9
Locate y + 3, 2 * x + 5: Print LSS(x, y)
Next x
Next y
For i = 1 To WI
If i < 20 Then
Locate i + 1, 30: Print TrmSS(i); " "; WSS(i)
Elseif i < 40 Then
Locate i - 20 + 1, 45: Print TrmSS(i); " "; WSS(i)
Elseif i < 60 Then
Locate i - 40 + 1, 60: Print TrmSS(i); " "; WSS(i)
End If
Next i
Locate 18, 1: Print "Spaces left:"; CountSpaces
Locate 19, 1: Print NWORDS
Locate 20, 1: Print Space(16)
'LOCATE 15, 1: INPUT "OK, press enter... "; wateSS
End Sub
'used in PlaceWord
Function Match (word As String, template As String) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim c As String
Match = 0
If Len(word) <> Len(template) Then Exit Function
For i = 1 To Len(template)
If Asc(template, i) <> 32 And (Asc(word, i) <> Asc(template, i)) Then Exit Function
Match = -1
End Function
'heart of puzzle builder
Sub PlaceWord
' place the words randomly in the grid
' start at random spot and work forward or back 100 times = all the squares
' for each open square try the 8 directions for placing the word
' even if word fits Rossetta Challenge task requires leaving 11 openings to insert ROSETTA CODE,
' exactly 11 spaces needs to be left, if/when this occurs FILLED will be set true to signal finished to main loop
' if place a word update LSS, WI, WSS(WI), WX(WI), WY(WI), WD(WI)
Dim As String wdSS, templateSS, wateSS
Dim As Byte wLen, spot, testNum, rdir
Dim As Byte x, y, d, dNum, rdd, i, j
Dim As Boolean b1, b2
wdSS = WORDSSS(WORDSINDEX) 'the right side is all shared
'skip too many long words
If LengthLimit(Len(wdSS)) Then LengthLimit(Len(wdSS)) += 1 Else Exit Sub 'skip long ones
wLen = Len(wdSS) - 1 ' from the spot there are this many letters to check
spot = Int(Rnd * 100) ' a random spot on grid
testNum = 1 ' when this hits 100 we've tested all possible spots on grid
If Rnd < .5 Then rdir = -1 Else rdir = 1 ' go forward or back from spot for next test
While testNum < 101
y = Int(spot / 10)
x = spot Mod 10
If LSS(x, y) = Mid(wdSS, 1, 1) Or LSS(x, y) = " " Then
d = Int(8 * Rnd)
If Rnd < .5 Then rdd = -1 Else rdd = 1
dNum = 1
While dNum < 9
'will wdSS fit? from at x, y
templateSS = ""
b1 = wLen * DX(d) + x >= 0 And wLen * DX(d) + x <= 9
b2 = wLen * DY(d) + y >= 0 And wLen * DY(d) + y <= 9
If b1 And b2 Then 'build the template of letters and spaces from Letter grid
For i = 0 To wLen
templateSS += LSS(x + i * DX(d), y + i * DY(d))
If Match(wdSS, templateSS) Then 'the word will fit but does it fill anything?
For j = 1 To Len(templateSS)
If Asc(templateSS, j) = 32 Then 'yes a space to fill
For i = 0 To wLen
LSS(x + i * DX(d), y + i * DY(d)) = Mid(wdSS, i + 1, 1)
WI += 1
WSS(WI) = wdSS: WX(WI) = x: WY(WI) = y: WD(WI) = d
If CountSpaces = 0 Then FILLED = -1
Exit Sub 'get out now that word is loaded
End If
'if still here keep looking
End If
End If
d = (d + 8 + rdd) Mod 8
dNum += 1
End If
spot = (spot + 100 + rdir) Mod 100
testNum += 1
End Sub
Sub FindAllWords
Dim As String wdSS, templateSS, wateSS
Dim As Byte wLen, x, y, d, j
Dim As Boolean b1, b2
For i As Integer = 1 To NWORDS
wLen = Len(wdSS) - 1
For y = 0 To 9
For x = 0 To 9
If LSS(x, y) = Mid(wdSS, 1, 1) Then
For d = 0 To 7
b1 = wLen * DX(d) + x >= 0 And wLen * DX(d) + x <= 9
b2 = wLen * DY(d) + y >= 0 And wLen * DY(d) + y <= 9
If b1 And b2 Then 'build the template of letters and spaces from Letter grid
templateSS = ""
For j = 0 To wLen
templateSS += LSS(x + j * DX(d), y + j * DY(d))
Next j
If templateSS = wdSS Then 'founda word
'store it
ALLindex += 1
ALLSS(ALLindex) = wdSS: AllX(ALLindex) = x: AllY(ALLindex) = y: AllD(ALLindex) = d
'report it
Locate 22, 1: Print Space(50)
Locate 22, 1: Print "Found: "; wdSS; " ("; TrmSS(x); ", "; TrmSS(y); ") >>>---> "; TrmSS(d);
Input " Press enter...", wateSS
End If
End If
Next d
End If
Next x
Next y
Next i
End Sub
Sub FilePuzzle
Dim As Byte i, r, c
Dim As String bSS
Open "WS Puzzle.txt" For Output As #1
Print " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
Print ""
For r = 0 To 9
bSS = TrmSS(r) + " "
For c = 0 To 9
bSS += LSS(c, r) + " "
Next c
Print bSS
Next r
Print ""
Print "Directions >>>---> 0 = East, 1 = SE, 2 = South, 3 = SW, 4 = West, 5 = NW, 6 = North, 7 = NE"
Print ""
Print " These are the items from unixdict.txt used to build the puzzle:"
Print ""
For i = 1 To WI Step 2
Print Right(Space(7) + TrmSS(i), 7); ") "; Right(Space(7) + WSS(i), 10); " ("; TrmSS(WX(i)); ", "; TrmSS(WY(i)); ") >>>---> "; TrmSS(WD(i));
If i + 1 <= WI Then
Print Right(Space(7) + TrmSS(i + 1), 7); ") "; Right(Space(7) + WSS(i + 1), 10); " ("; TrmSS(WX(i + 1)); ", "; TrmSS(WY(i + 1)); ") >>>---> "; TrmSS(WD(i + 1))
Print ""
End If
Print ""
Print " These are the items from unixdict.txt found embedded in the puzzle:"
Print ""
For i = 1 To ALLindex Step 2
Print Right(Space(7) + TrmSS(i), 7); ") "; Right(Space(7) + ALLSS(i), 10); " ("; TrmSS(AllX(i)); ", "; TrmSS(AllY(i)); ") >>>---> "; TrmSS(AllD(i));
If i + 1 <= ALLindex Then
Print Right(Space(7) + TrmSS(i + 1), 7); ") "; Right(Space(7) + ALLSS(i + 1), 10); " ("; TrmSS(AllX(i + 1)); ", "; TrmSS(AllY(i + 1)); ") >>>---> "; TrmSS(AllD(i + 1))
Print ""
End If
Next i
Close #1
End Sub
LoadWords 'this sets NWORDS count to work with
While try < 11
If FILLED Then Exit For
If FILLED And WI > 24 Then
Locate 23, 1: Print "On try #"; TrmSS(try); " a successful puzzle was built and filed."
Exit While
try += 1
End If
If FILLED = 0 Then Locate 23, 1: Print "Sorry, 10 tries and no success."
Igual que la entrada de QB64.
