Word ladder: Difference between revisions

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child into adult cannot be done
child into adult cannot be done

The function ''cache'' is not part of the algorithm but avoid re-download and map re-computing at each re-run.
<lang python>import os,sys,zlib,urllib.request

def h ( str,x=9 ):
for c in str :
x = ( x*33 + ord( c )) & 0xffffffffff
return x

def cache ( func,*param ):
n = 'cache_%x.bin'%abs( h( repr( param )))
try : return eval( zlib.decompress( open( n,'rb' ).read()))
except : pass
s = func( *param )
open( n,'wb' ).write( zlib.compress( bytes( repr( s ),'ascii' )))
return s

dico_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/quinnj/Rosetta-Julia/master/unixdict.txt'
read_url = lambda url : urllib.request.urlopen( url ).read()
load_dico = lambda url : tuple( cache( read_url,url ).split( b'\n'))
isnext = lambda w1,w2 : len( w1 ) == len( w2 ) and len( list( filter( lambda l : l[0]!=l[1] , zip( w1,w2 )))) == 1

def build_map ( words ):
map = [(w.decode('ascii'),[]) for w in words]
for i1,(w1,n1) in enumerate( map ):
for i2,(w2,n2) in enumerate( map[i1+1:],i1+1 ):
if isnext( w1,w2 ):
n1.append( i2 )
n2.append( i1 )
return map

def find_path ( words,w1,w2 ):
i = [w[0] for w in words].index( w1 )
front,done,res = [i],{i:-1},[]
while front :
i = front.pop(0)
word,next = words[i]
for n in next :
if n in done : continue
done[n] = i
if words[n][0] == w2 :
while n >= 0 :
res = [words[n][0]] + res
n = done[n]
return ' '.join( res )
front.append( n )
return '%s can not be turned into %s'%( w1,w2 )

for w in ('boy man','girl lady','john jane','alien drool','child adult'):
print( find_path( cache( build_map,load_dico( dico_url )),*w.split()))</lang>

boy bay ban man
girl gill gall gale gaze laze lazy lady
john cohn conn cone cane jane
alien alden alder alter aster ester eater bater bator baton baron boron moron moran moral morel monel money monty month mouth south sooth sloth slosh slash flash flask flank blank bland blend bleed breed bread tread triad trial trill drill droll drool
child can not be turned into adult