Word frequency: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
(Added Arturo implementation)
Line 438: Line 438:
That: 7924
That: 7924
It: 6661"</lang>
It: 6661"</lang>


<lang rebol>findFrequency: function [file, count][
freqs: #[]
r: {/[[:alpha:]]+/}
loop flatten map split.lines read file 'l -> match lower l r 'word [
if not? key? freqs word -> freqs\[word]: 0
freqs\[word]: freqs\[word] + 1
freqs: sort.values.descending freqs
result: new []
loop 0..dec count 'x [
'result ++ @[@[get keys freqs x, get values freqs x]]
return result

loop findFrequency "https://www.gutenberg.org/files/135/135-0.txt" 10 'pair [
print pair


<pre>the 41096
of 19955
and 14939
a 14558
to 13954
in 11218
he 9649
was 8622
that 7924
it 6661</pre>
