Window management: Difference between revisions

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(Nimrod -> Nim)
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Line 820: Line 820:
(say 'Close) (send frame show #f) (sleep 1) ; that's how we close a window
(say 'Close) (send frame show #f) (sleep 1) ; that's how we close a window

<lang ring>

Load "guilib.ring"

+ Program Name : ScreenDrawOnReSize.ring
+ Date : 2016.06.16
+ Author : Bert Mariani
+ Purpose : Re-Draw Chart after ReSize or move

### DRAW CHART size 1000 x 1000

### Window Size
WinLeft = 80 ### 80 Window position on screen
WinTop = 80 ### 80 Window position on screen
WinWidth = 1000 ### 1000 Window Size - Horizontal-X WinWidth
WinHeight = 750 ### 750 Window Size - Vertical-Y WinHeight
WinRight = WinLeft + WinWidth ### 1080
WinBottom = WinTop + WinHeight ### 830
### Label Box Size
BoxLeft = 40 ### Start corner Label1 Box Start Position inside WIN1
BoxTop = 40 ### Start corner
BoxWidth = WinWidth -80 ### End corner Label1 Box Size
BoxHeight = WinHeight -80 ### End corner


New qapp {
win1 = new qwidget() {
### Position and Size of WINDOW on the Screen
setwindowtitle("DrawChart using QPainter")
setgeometry( WinLeft, WinTop, WinWidth, WinHeight)
win1{ setwindowtitle("Initial Window Position: " +" L " + WinLeft +" T " + WinTop +" Width" + width() +" Height " + height() ) }

### ReSizeEvent ... Call WhereAreWe function
myfilter = new qallevents(win1)
### Draw within this BOX
label1 = new qlabel(win1) {
setgeometry(BoxLeft, BoxTop, BoxWidth, BoxHeight)
settext("We are Here")

### Button Position and Size ... Call DRAW function
new qpushbutton(win1) {
setgeometry( 30, 30, 80, 20)




Func WhereAreWe
Rec = win1.framegeometry()
WinWidth = win1.width() ### 1000 Current Values
WinHeight = win1.height() ### 750
WinLeft = Rec.left() +8 ### <<< QT FIX because of Win Title
WinTop = +30 ### <<< QT FIX because of Win Title
WinRight = Rec.right()
WinBottom = Rec.bottom()

BoxWidth = WinWidth -80 ### 950
BoxHeight = WinHeight -80 ### 700

win1{ setwindowtitle("Window ReSize: Win " + WinWidth + "x" + WinHeight + " --- Box " + BoxWidth + "x" + BoxHeight +
" --- LT " + WinLeft + "-" + WinTop + " --- RB " + WinRight + "-" + WinBottom ) }
See "We Are Here - setResizeEvent - "
See " Win " + WinWidth + "x" + WinHeight + " --- Box " + BoxWidth + "x" + BoxHeight
See " --- LT " + Winleft + "-" + WinTop + " --- RB " + WinRight + "-" + WinBottom +nl
win1.setgeometry( WinLeft, WinTop, WinWidth, WinHeight )
label1.setgeometry( BoxLeft, BoxTop, BoxWidth, BoxHeight )

Func Draw

win1{ setwindowtitle("Draw Position: Win " + WinWidth + "x" + WinHeight + " --- Box " + BoxWidth + "x" + BoxHeight +
" --- LT " + WinLeft + "-" + WinTop + " --- RB " + WinRight + "-" + WinBottom ) }
See "Draw Position: " + WinWidth + "x" + WinHeight + " --- Box " + BoxWidth + "x" + BoxHeight +
" --- LT " + WinLeft + "-" + WinTop + " --- RB " + WinRight + "-" + WinBottom + nl
# ##-----------------------------
### PEN Colors
p1 = new qpicture()

colorBlue = new qcolor() { setrgb(0, 0,255,255) }
penBlue = new qpen() { setcolor(colorBlue) setwidth(1) }

### PAINT the Chart

new qpainter() {

### Draw Line Chart

drawline( 1 , 1 , BoxWidth , 1 ) ### WinTop line horizonal
drawline( 1 , 1 , 1 , BoxHeight ) ### WinLeft Line vetical
drawline( 1 , BoxHeight , BoxWidth , BoxHeight ) ### Bottom Line horizontal
drawline( BoxWidth , 1 , BoxWidth , BoxHeight ) ### WinRight Line vertical
drawline( BoxWidth / 2 , 1 , BoxWidth / 2 , BoxHeight ) ### Central vertical
drawline( 1 , BoxHeight / 2 , BoxWidth , BoxHeight / 2 ) ### Central horizontal


label1 { setpicture(p1) show() }

