Water collected between towers: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Visual Basic .NET}}: Changed to more efficient character counting at the end.)
(→‎{{header|Visual Basic .NET}}: Added second version, which doesn't depend on Replace() statements, and has some formatting details..)
Line 1,227: Line 1,227:

=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
===Version 1===
'''Method:''' Instead of "scanning" adjoining towers for each column, convert the tower data into a string representation with building blocks, empty spaces, and potential water retention sites. Then "erode" away the water retention sites that are unsupported. This is accomplished with the String Replace() function. The replace operations are unleashed upon the entire "block" of towers, rather than a cell at a time or a line at a time - which perhaps increases the program's execution-time, but reduces program's complexity.
'''Method:''' Instead of "scanning" adjoining towers for each column, convert the tower data into a string representation with building blocks, empty spaces, and potential water retention sites. Then "erode" away the water retention sites that are unsupported. This is accomplished with the String Replace() function. The replace operations are unleashed upon the entire "block" of towers, rather than a cell at a time or a line at a time - which perhaps increases the program's execution-time, but reduces program's complexity.

The program can optionally display the interim string representation of each tower block before the final count is completed. I've since modified it to have the same block and wavy characters are the
The program can optionally display the interim string representation of each tower block before the final count is completed. I've since modified it to have the same block and wavy characters are the
[[{{FULLPAGENAME}}#version_3|REXX 9.3]] output, but used the double-wide columns from the task definition area.
[[{{FULLPAGENAME}}#version_3|REXX 9.3]] output, but used the double-wide columns, as pictured in the task definition area.
<lang vbnet>' Convert tower block data into a string representation, then manipulate that.
<lang vbnet>' Convert tower block data into a string representation, then manipulate that.
Sub Main()
Sub Main()
Line 1,302: Line 1,303:
Block 3 retains 35 water units.
Block 3 retains 35 water units.

Line 1,343: Line 1,344:
Block 7 retains 0 water units.</lang>
Block 7 retains 0 water units.</lang>
===Version 2===
'''Method:''' More conventional "scanning" method. A Char array is used, but no Replace() statements. Output is similar to version 1, although there is now a left margin of three spaces, the results statement is immediately to the right of the string representation of the tower blocks (instead of underneath), the verb is "hold(s)" instead of "retains", and there is a special string when the results indicate zero.

<lang vbnet> ''' <summary>
''' wide - Widens the aspect ratio of a linefeed separated string.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="src">A string representing a block of towers.</param>
''' <param name="margin">Optional padding for area to the left.</param>
''' <returns>A double-wide version of the string.</returns>
Function wide(src As String, Optional margin As String = "") As String
Dim res As String = margin : For Each ch As Char In src
res += If(ch < " ", ch & margin, ch + ch) : Next : Return res
End Function

''' <summary>
''' cntChar - Counts characters, also custom formats the output.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="src">The string to count characters in.</param>
''' <param name="ch">The character to be counted.</param>
''' <param name="verb">Verb to include in format. Expecting "hold",
''' but can work with "retain" or "have".</param>
''' <returns>The count of chars found in a string, and formats a verb.</returns>
Function cntChar(src As String, ch As Char, verb As String) As String
Dim cnt As Integer = 0
For Each c As Char In src : cnt += If(c = ch, 1, 0) : Next
Return If(cnt = 0, "does not " & verb & " any",
verb.Substring(0, If(verb = "have", 2, 4)) & "s " & cnt.ToString())
End Function

''' <summary>
''' report - Produces a report of the number of rain units found in
''' a block of towers, optionally showing the towers.
''' Autoincrements the blkID for each report.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="tea">An int array with tower elevations.</param>
''' <param name="blkID">An int of the block of towers ID.</param>
''' <param name="verb">The verb to use in the description.
''' Defaults to "has / have".</param>
''' <param name="showIt">When true, the report includes a string representation
''' of the block of towers.</param>
''' <returns>A string containing the amount of rain units, optionally preceeded by
''' a string representation of the towers holding any water.</returns>
Function report(tea As Integer(), ' Tower elevation array.
ByRef blkID As Integer, ' Block ID for the description.
Optional verb As String = "have", ' Verb to use in the description.
Optional showIt As Boolean = False) As String ' Show representaion.
Dim block As String = "", ' The block of towers.
lf As String = vbLf, ' The separator between floors.
rTwrPos As Integer ' The position of the rightmost tower of this floor.
For rTwrPos = tea.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1 ' Determine the rightmost tower
If tea(rTwrPos) > 0 Then Exit For ' postition on this floor.
If rTwrPos < 0 Then Exit Do ' When no towers remain, exit the do loop.
' init the floor to a space filled Char array, as wide as the block of towers.
Dim floor As Char() = New String(" ", tea.Length).ToCharArray()
Dim bpf As Integer = 0 ' The count of blocks found per floor.
For column As Integer = 0 To rTwrPos ' Scan from left to right.
If tea(column) > 0 Then ' If a tower exists here,
floor(column) = "█" ' mark the floor with a block,
tea(column) -= 1 ' drop the tower elevation by one,
bpf += 1 ' and advance the block count.
ElseIf bpf > 0 Then ' Otherwise, see if a tower is present to the left.
floor(column) = "≈" ' OK to fill with water.
End If
If bpf > If(showIt, 0, 1) Then ' Continue the building only when needed.
' If not showing blocks, discontinue building when a single tower remains.
' build tower blocks string with each floor added to top.
block = New String(floor) & If(block = "", "", lf) & block
Exit Do ' Ran out of towers, so exit the do loop.
End If
Loop While True ' Depending on previous break statements to terminate the do loop.
blkID += 1 ' increment block ID counter.
' format report and return it.
Return If(showIt, String.Format(vbLf & "{0}", wide(block, " ")), "") &
String.Format(" Block {0} {1} water units.", blkID, cntChar(block, "≈", verb))
End Function

''' <summary>
''' Main routine.
''' With one command line parameter, it shows tower blocks,
''' with no command line parameters, it shows a plain report
Sub Main()
Dim shoTow As Boolean = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Count > 1 ' Show towers.
Dim blkCntr As Integer = 0 ' Block ID for reports.
Dim verb As String = "hold" ' "retain" or "have" can be used instead of "hold".
Dim tea As Integer()() = {New Integer() {1, 5, 3, 7, 2}, ' Tower elevation data.
New Integer() {5, 3, 7, 2, 6, 4, 5, 9, 1, 2},
New Integer() {2, 6, 3, 5, 2, 8, 1, 4, 2, 2, 5, 3, 5, 7, 4, 1},
New Integer() {5, 5, 5, 5}, New Integer() {5, 6, 7, 8},
New Integer() {8, 7, 7, 6}, New Integer() {6, 7, 10, 7, 6}}
For Each block As Integer() In tea
' Produce report for each block of towers.
Console.WriteLine(report(block, blkCntr, verb, shoTow))
End Sub</lang>
Regular version 2 output:
<lang> Block 1 holds 2 water units.
Block 2 holds 14 water units.
Block 3 holds 35 water units.
Block 4 does not hold any water units.
Block 5 does not hold any water units.
Block 6 does not hold any water units.
Block 7 does not hold any water units.</lang>
Sample of version 2 verbose output:
<lang> ██
████████████████████████████████ Block 3 holds 35 water units.

████████ Block 4 does not hold any water units.</lang>
