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* [[Poker hand_analyser]]
* [[Poker hand_analyser]]
* [[Go Fish]]
* [[Go Fish]]

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Player 2 wins the game.
Player 2 wins the game.

The rules do not specifiy if an Ace is high or low, in what order the collected cards are added to the winner's hand, or what happens if a player has fewer than two cards left during a War. This solution uses: Aces are high; the winner's cards are collected before the loser's, in the order played; the player's last card is used to determine the winner.

<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">
-- Play the card game War
-- J. Carter 2024 Jul
-- Uses the PragmAda Reusable Components (https://github.com/jrcarter/PragmARC)

with Ada.Text_IO;
with PragmARC.Ansi_Tty_Control;
with PragmARC.Cards.Decks.US;
with PragmARC.Cards.US;

procedure War is
package Ansi renames PragmARC.Ansi_Tty_Control;
package Cards renames PragmARC.Cards.US;
package Decks renames PragmARC.Cards.Decks.US;

use type Cards.Rank_Id;

procedure Display (Hand1 : in Decks.Deck_52; Hand2 : in Decks.Deck_52);
-- Display the state of the game represented by the 2 hands

function ">" (Left : in Cards.Card_Info; Right : in Cards.Card_Info) return Boolean is
(if Left.Rank = Cards.Ace then
Right.Rank /= Cards.Ace
elsif Right.Rank = Cards.Ace then
Left.Rank > Right.Rank);

procedure Display (Hand1 : in Decks.Deck_52; Hand2 : in Decks.Deck_52) is
function Image (Card : in Cards.Card_Info) return Character is
(Cards.Image (Card) (1) );

procedure Display (Hand : in Decks.Deck_52);
-- Puts the ranks of the cards in Hand in a row

procedure Display (Hand : in Decks.Deck_52) is
-- Empty
begin -- Display
All_Cards : for I in 1 .. Hand.Size loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => Image (Hand.Value (I) ) );
end loop All_Cards;
end Display;
begin -- Display
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => Ansi.Clear_Screen);
Display (Hand => Hand1);
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => Ansi.Position (2, 1) );
Display (Hand => Hand2);
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => Ansi.Position (3, 1) );
end Display;

Hand1 : Decks.Deck_52; -- Player 1
Hand2 : Decks.Deck_52; -- Player 2
Card1 : Cards.Card_Info; -- Player 1
Card2 : Cards.Card_Info; -- Player 2
War1 : Decks.Deck_52; -- Player 1
War2 : Decks.Deck_52; -- Player 2
begin -- War
Decks.Standard_Deck (Item => Hand1);

Deal : for I in 1 .. Hand1.Size / 2 loop -- Each player gets half the deck
Hand1.Deal (To => Card1);
Hand2.Add (Item => Card1);
end loop Deal;

Play : loop
Display (Hand1 => Hand1, Hand2 => Hand2);

exit Play when Hand1.Size = 0 or Hand2.Size = 0;

delay 0.5;

Hand1.Deal (To => Card1);
Hand2.Deal (To => Card2);

if Card1.Rank /= Card2.Rank then
if Card1 > Card2 then
Hand1.Add (Item => Card1);
Hand1.Add (Item => Card2);
Hand2.Add (Item => Card2);
Hand2.Add (Item => Card1);
end if;
else -- War!
War1.Add (Item => Card1);
War2.Add (Item => Card2);

All_Tries : loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "W^^");

delay 0.5;

Deal1 : for I in 1 .. 2 loop
exit Deal1 when Hand1.Is_Empty;

Hand1.Deal (To => Card1);
War1.Add (Item => Card1);
end loop Deal1;

Deal2 : for I in 1 .. 2 loop
exit Deal2 when Hand2.Is_Empty;

Hand2.Deal (To => Card2);
War2.Add (Item => Card2);
end loop Deal2;

if War1.Value (War1.Size) > War2.Value (War2.Size) then -- 1 wins
Deal11 : loop
exit Deal11 when War1.Is_Empty;

War1.Deal (To => Card1);
Hand1.Add (Item => Card1);
end loop Deal11;

Deal12 : loop
exit Deal12 when War2.Is_Empty;

War2.Deal (To => Card1);
Hand1.Add (Item => Card1);
end loop Deal12;

exit All_Tries;
elsif War2.Value (War2.Size) > War1.Value (War1.Size) then -- 2 Wins
Deal22 : loop
exit Deal22 when War2.Is_Empty;

War2.Deal (To => Card2);
Hand2.Add (Item => Card2);
end loop Deal22;

Deal21 : loop
exit Deal21 when War1.Is_Empty;

War1.Deal (To => Card2);
Hand2.Add (Item => Card2);
end loop Deal21;

exit All_Tries;
null; -- The war continues
end if;
end loop All_Tries;
end if;
end loop Play;

Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "Player " & (if Hand1.Size = 0 then '2' else '1') & " wins");
end War;

A game is quite lengthy. No attempt is made to display the output of a running game here. A typical ending condition is


Player 2 wins

This shows Player 1's hand (which is empty), Player 2's hand (top card on the left), and the game result. Since only ranks are significant, only ranks are shown.

=={{header|Applesoft BASIC}}==
=={{header|Applesoft BASIC}}==