Walk a directory/Recursively: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|UNIX Shell}}: globstar and dotglob)
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Find accepts file globbing params too as -name, here I use regexp from grep.
As illustrated [[#UNIX Shell|above]], the "find" command can be used with the -name option to match simple patterns. To find files matching more complex patterns, the results of "find" can be piped, e.g.
<lang bash>find . | grep '.*\.txt$'</lang>
<lang bash>find . -type f | grepegrep '.*\.txt$|\.TXT$'</lang>
One way to run a command against each file that is found is to use "xargs", but if there is any possibility that a filename contains a space or tab character, then the following model should be used:
<lang bash> find . -type f -name "*.txt" -print0 | xargs -0 fgrep sometext</lang>