Voronoi diagram: Difference between revisions

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Jjuanhdez (talk | contribs)
Voronoi diagram en FreeBASIC
Jjuanhdez (talk | contribs)
Voronoi diagram en BASIC256
Line 92:
<lang BASIC256>global ancho, alto
ancho = 500 : alto = 500
graphsize ancho, alto
function hypot(a, b)
return sqr(a^2+b^2)
end function
subroutine Generar_diagrama_Voronoi(ancho, alto, num_celdas)
dim nx(num_celdas+1)
dim ny(num_celdas+1)
dim nr(num_celdas+1)
dim ng(num_celdas+1)
dim nb(num_celdas+1)
for i = 0 to num_celdas
nx[i] = int(rand * ancho)
ny[i] = int(rand * alto)
nr[i] = int(rand * 256) + 1
ng[i] = int(rand * 256) + 1
nb[i] = int(rand * 256) + 1
next i
for y = 1 to alto
for x = 1 to ancho
dmin = hypot(ancho-1, alto-1)
j = -1
for i = 1 to num_celdas
d = hypot(nx[i]-x, ny[i]-y)
if d < dmin then dmin = d : j = i
next i
color rgb(nr[j], ng[j], nb[j])
plot (x, y)
next x
next y
end subroutine
call Generar_diagrama_Voronoi(ancho, alto, 25)
imgsave "Voronoi_diagram.jpg", "jpg"