Voronoi diagram: Difference between revisions

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(Voronoi diagram en FreeBASIC)
Line 567:
Canvas.Draw(0,0, img);
<lang freebasic>Dim Shared As Integer ancho = 500, alto = 500
Screenres ancho, alto, 8
Randomize Timer
Function hypot(a As Integer, b As Integer) As Double
Return Sqr(a^2 + b^2)
End Function
Sub Generar_Diagrama_Voronoi(ancho As Integer, alto As Integer, num_celdas As Integer)
Dim As Integer nx(num_celdas), ny(num_celdas), nr(num_celdas), ng(num_celdas), nb(num_celdas)
Dim As Integer x, i, y, j, dmin, d
For i = 1 To num_celdas
nx(i) = (Rnd * ancho)
ny(i) = (Rnd * alto)
nr(i) = (Rnd * 256)
ng(i) = (Rnd * 256)
nb(i) = (Rnd * 256)
Next i
For y = 1 To alto
For x = 1 To ancho
dmin = hypot(ancho-1, alto-1)
j = -1
For i = 1 To num_celdas
d = hypot(nx(i)-x, ny(i)-y)
If d < dmin Then dmin = d : j = i
Next i
Pset (x, y), Rgb(nr(j), ng(j), ng(j))
Next x
Next y
End Sub
Generar_Diagrama_Voronoi(ancho, alto, 25)
Bsave "Voronoi_diadram.bmp",0