Visitor pattern: Difference between revisions

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(Ada implementation with tagged types)
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An Ada implementation of the Wikipedia Java example.
===Method 1: via Tagged Types (the object-oriented approach)===
Perhaps more packages than needed (7), which makes for quite a few files (specification + implementation). Only the `Visitors` files are long; the rest are much shorter.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

package Base is

type Base_Record is abstract tagged null record;

end Base;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

limited with Base;
limited with Bodies;
limited with Cars;
limited with Engines;
limited with Wheels;

package Visitors is

type Visitor is abstract tagged null record;

procedure Visit_Base
(Self : Visitor; Dest : Base.Base_Record'Class) is null;

procedure Visit_Body (Self : Visitor; Dest : Bodies.Body_Record'Class);
procedure Visit_Car (Self : Visitor; Dest : Cars.Car_Record'Class);
procedure Visit_Engine (Self : Visitor; Dest : Engines.Engine_Record'Class);
procedure Visit_Wheel (Self : Visitor; Dest : Wheels.Wheel_Record'Class);

type Perform is new Visitor with null record;
type Print is new Visitor with null record;

overriding procedure Visit_Body
(Self : Perform; Dest : Bodies.Body_Record'Class);
overriding procedure Visit_Body
(Self : Print; Dest : Bodies.Body_Record'Class);

overriding procedure Visit_Car
(Self : Perform; Dest : Cars.Car_Record'Class);
overriding procedure Visit_Car (Self : Print; Dest : Cars.Car_Record'Class);

overriding procedure Visit_Engine
(Self : Perform; Dest : Engines.Engine_Record'Class);
overriding procedure Visit_Engine
(Self : Print; Dest : Engines.Engine_Record'Class);

overriding procedure Visit_Wheel
(Self : Perform; Dest : Wheels.Wheel_Record'Class);
overriding procedure Visit_Wheel
(Self : Print; Dest : Wheels.Wheel_Record'Class);

end Visitors;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
use all type Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;

with Wheels;

package body Visitors is

package IO renames Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Visit_Body (Self : Visitor; Dest : Bodies.Body_Record'Class) is
Self.Visit_Body (Dest);
end Visit_Body;

overriding procedure Visit_Body
(Self : Perform; Dest : Bodies.Body_Record'Class)
IO.Put_Line ("Moving my Body");
end Visit_Body;

overriding procedure Visit_Body
(Self : Print; Dest : Bodies.Body_Record'Class)
IO.Put_Line ("Visiting Body");
end Visit_Body;

procedure Visit_Car (Self : Visitor; Dest : Cars.Car_Record'Class) is
Self.Visit_Car (Dest);
end Visit_Car;

overriding procedure Visit_Car
(Self : Perform; Dest : Cars.Car_Record'Class)
IO.Put_Line ("Starting my car");
end Visit_Car;

overriding procedure Visit_Car (Self : Print; Dest : Cars.Car_Record'Class)
IO.Put_Line ("Visiting Car");
end Visit_Car;

procedure Visit_Engine (Self : Visitor; Dest : Engines.Engine_Record'Class)
Self.Visit_Engine (Dest);
end Visit_Engine;

overriding procedure Visit_Engine
(Self : Perform; Dest : Engines.Engine_Record'Class)
IO.Put_Line ("Revving my Engine");
end Visit_Engine;

overriding procedure Visit_Engine
(Self : Print; Dest : Engines.Engine_Record'Class)
IO.Put_Line ("Visiting Engine");
end Visit_Engine;

procedure Visit_Wheel (Self : Visitor; Dest : Wheels.Wheel_Record'Class) is
Self.Visit_Wheel (Dest);
end Visit_Wheel;

overriding procedure Visit_Wheel
(Self : Perform; Dest : Wheels.Wheel_Record'Class)
IO.Put_Line ("Rolling my " & To_String (Dest.Name) & " wheel");
end Visit_Wheel;

overriding procedure Visit_Wheel
(Self : Print; Dest : Wheels.Wheel_Record'Class)
IO.Put_Line ("Visiting " & To_String (Dest.Name) & " wheel");
end Visit_Wheel;

end Visitors;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Base;

limited with Visitors;

package Bodies is

type Body_Record is new Base.Base_Record with private;

procedure Visit (Self : Body_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class);


type Body_Record is new Base.Base_Record with null record;

end Bodies;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Visitors;

package body Bodies is

procedure Visit (Self : Body_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class) is
Visitor.Visit_Body (Self);
end Visit;

end Bodies;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Base;
with Bodies;
with Engines;
with Wheels;

limited with Visitors;

package Cars is

type Car_Record is new Base.Base_Record with private;

procedure Visit (Self : Car_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class);

function Initialize return Car_Record;


type Wheel_Array is array (1 .. 4) of Wheels.Wheel_Record;

type Car_Record is new Base.Base_Record with record
Bod : Bodies.Body_Record;
Eng : Engines.Engine_Record;
Whs : Wheel_Array;
end record;

end Cars;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

with Visitors;

package body Cars is

subtype Unbounded_String is Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
use all type Unbounded_String;

procedure Visit (Self : Car_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class) is
Visitor.Visit_Car (Self);
Visitor.Visit_Body (Self.Bod);
Visitor.Visit_Engine (Self.Eng);
for Wheel of Self.Whs loop
Visitor.Visit_Wheel (Wheel);
end loop;
end Visit;

function Initialize return Car_Record is
Result : Car_Record;
Result.Whs :=
[Wheels.Initialize (To_Unbounded_String ("front left")),
Wheels.Initialize (To_Unbounded_String ("front right")),
Wheels.Initialize (To_Unbounded_String ("back left")),
Wheels.Initialize (To_Unbounded_String ("back right"))];
return Result;
end Initialize;

end Cars;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Base;

limited with Visitors;

package Engines is

type Engine_Record is new Base.Base_Record with private;

procedure Visit (Self : Engine_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class);


type Engine_Record is new Base.Base_Record with null record;

end Engines;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Visitors;

package body Engines is

procedure Visit (Self : Engine_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class) is
Visitor.Visit_Engine (Self);
end Visit;

end Engines;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

with Base;

limited with Visitors;

package Wheels is

subtype Unbounded_String is Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
use all type Unbounded_String;

type Wheel_Record is new Base.Base_Record with private;

procedure Visit (Self : Wheel_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class);

function Initialize (Name : Unbounded_String) return Wheel_Record;

function Name (Me : Wheel_Record) return Unbounded_String;


type Wheel_Record is new Base.Base_Record with record
My_Name : Unbounded_String;
end record;

end Wheels;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Visitors;

package body Wheels is

procedure Visit (Self : Wheel_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class) is
Visitor.Visit_Wheel (Self);
end Visit;

function Initialize (Name : Unbounded_String) return Wheel_Record is
(My_Name => Name);

function Name (Me : Wheel_Record) return Unbounded_String is (Me.My_Name);

end Wheels;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Cars;
with Visitors;

procedure Visitor_Pattern is
Car : Cars.Car_Record := Cars.Initialize;
Performer : aliased Visitors.Perform;
Printer : aliased Visitors.Print;
Car.Visit (Performer);
Car.Visit (Printer);
end Visitor_Pattern;
===Method 2: Discriminated Types===
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">abstract type CarElementVisitor end
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">abstract type CarElementVisitor end