Village Pump/Approximate fit solutions

Revision as of 09:51, 24 July 2011 by rosettacode>Markhobley (initial content)
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Approximate fit solutions
This is a particular discussion thread among many which consider Rosetta Code.


New tag for "limited solutions"


In some instances, it may not be possible for a language to provide an exact match solution to the task, due to limitations of the language or its utilized subcomponents. It mighr be a good idea to have a "limited solution" marker would be a good idea. (Similar to the "incorrect solution" tag), that reads something like 'The solution provided does not meet the exact specifications of the task, due to limitations of the language or its subcomponents. The author has tried to provide a "close fit" solution based on those limitations'.). I know there are tasks on the wiki, where the solutions is a close approximation, rather than an exact fit. This might be quite useful. Markhobley 09:45, 24 July 2011 (UTC)