Verify distribution uniformity/Naive: Difference between revisions

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(Allowing a generator object as well as a generator function so languages without first-class functions aren't omitted)
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'''See also:'''
*[[Verify Distribution Uniformity with Chi-Squared Test‎]]
<lang AutoHotkey>result := DistCheck("dice7",10000,3)
MsgBox, % result
DistCheck(function, repetitions, delta)
{ Loop, % 7 ; initialize array
{ bucket%A_Index% := 0
Loop, % repetitions ; generate numbers
{ v := %function%()
bucket%v% += 1
lbnd := round((repetitions/7)*(100-delta)/100)
ubnd := round((repetitions/7)*(100+delta)/100)
text := "Distribution check:`n`nTotal elements = " repetitions "`n`nMargin = " delta "% --> Lbound = " lbnd ", Ubound = " ubnd "`n"
Loop, % 7
{ text := text "`nBucket " A_Index " contains " bucket%A_Index% " elements."
If bucket%A_Index% not between %lbnd% and %ubnd%
text := text " Skewed."
Return, text
<pre>Distribution check:
Total elements = 10000
Margin = 3% --> Lbound = 1386, Ubound = 1471
Bucket 1 contains 1450 elements.
Bucket 2 contains 1374 elements. Skewed.
Bucket 3 contains 1412 elements.
Bucket 4 contains 1465 elements.
Bucket 5 contains 1370 elements. Skewed.
Bucket 6 contains 1485 elements. Skewed.
Bucket 7 contains 1444 elements.</pre>
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