Verify distribution uniformity/Naive: Difference between revisions

Added Elixir
(Update Factor implementation: some functions were simplified thanks to John Benediktsson.)
(Added Elixir)
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{{task|Probability and statistics}}
<small>This task is an adjunct to [[Seven-sided dice from Fivefive-sided dice]].</small>
Create a function to check that the random integers returned from a small-integer generator function have uniform distribution.
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* An 'error' if the distribution is not flat enough.
Show the distribution checker working when the produced distribution is flat enough and when it is not. (Use a generator from [[Seven-sided dice from Fivefive-sided dice]]).
See also:
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5 200424</pre>
<lang elixir>defmodule VerifyDistribution do
def naive( generator, times, delta_percent \\ 3 ) do
dict = Enum.reduce( List.duplicate(generator, times),, fn f,d -> update_counter(f,d) end )
values = for x <- Dict.keys(dict), do: Dict.get(dict, x)
average = Enum.sum( values ) / Dict.size( dict )
delta = average * (delta_percent / 100)
fun = fn {_key, value} -> abs(value - average) > delta end
too_large_dict = Enum.filter( dict, fun )
return( Dict.size(too_large_dict), too_large_dict, average, delta_percent )
def return( 0, _too_large_dict, _average, _delta ), do: :ok
def return( _n, too_large_dict, average, delta ) do
{:error, {Dict.to_list(too_large_dict), :failed_expected_average, average, 'with_delta_%', delta}}
def update_counter( fun, dict ), do: Dict.update( dict, fun.(), 1, fn(val) -> val+1 end )
fun = fn -> Dice.dice7 end
IO.inspect VerifyDistribution.naive( fun, 100000, 3 )
IO.inspect VerifyDistribution.naive( fun, 100, 3 )</lang>
{[{1, 16}, {2, 10}, {4, 15}, {5, 8}, {6, 20}, {7, 17}],
:failed_expected_average, 14.285714285714286, 'with_delta_%', 3}}
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