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a x b x c = (-267.0, 204.0, -3.0)
<lang ksh>
# Vector products
# # dot product (a scalar quantity) A • B = a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3 + ...
# # cross product (a vector quantity) A x B = (a2b3 - a3b2, a3b1 - a1b3, a1b2 - a2b1)
# # scalar triple product (a scalar quantity) A • (B x C)
# # vector triple product (a vector quantity) A x (B x C)
# # Variables:
typeset -a A=( 3 4 5 )
typeset -a B=( 4 3 5 )
typeset -a C=( -5 -12 -13 )
# # Functions:
# # Function _dotprod(vec1, vec2) - Return the (scalar) dot product of 2 vectors
function _dotprod {
typeset _vec1 ; nameref _vec1="$1" # Input vector 1
typeset _vec2 ; nameref _vec2="$2" # Input vector 2
typeset _i ; typeset -si _i
typeset _dotp ; integer _dotp=0
for ((_i=0; _i<${#_vec1[*]}; _i++)); do
(( _dotp+=(_vec1[_i] * _vec2[_i]) ))
echo ${_dotp}
# # Function _crossprod(vec1, vec2, vec) - Return the (vector) cross product of 2 vectors
function _crossprod {
typeset _vec1 ; nameref _vec1="$1" # Input vector 1
typeset _vec2 ; nameref _vec2="$2" # Input vector 2
typeset _vec3 ; nameref _vec3="$3" # Output vector
_vec3+=( $(( _vec1[1]*_vec2[2] - _vec1[2]*_vec2[1] )) )
_vec3+=( $(( _vec1[2]*_vec2[0] - _vec1[0]*_vec2[2] )) )
_vec3+=( $(( _vec1[0]*_vec2[1] - _vec1[1]*_vec2[0] )) )
# # Function _scal3prod(vec1, vec2, vec3) - Return the (scalar) scalar triple product of 3 vectors
function _scal3prod {
typeset _vec1 ; nameref _vec1="$1" # Input vector 1
typeset _vec2 ; nameref _vec2="$2" # Input vector 2
typeset _vec3 ; nameref _vec3="$3" # Input vector 3
typeset _vect ; typeset -a _vect # temp vector
_crossprod _vec2 _vec3 _vect # (B x C)
echo $(_dotprod _vec1 _vect) # A • (B x C)
# # Function _vect3prod(vec1, vec2, vec3, vec) - Return the (vector) vector triple product of 3 vectors
function _vect3prod {
typeset _vec1 ; nameref _vec1="$1" # Input vector 1
typeset _vec2 ; nameref _vec2="$2" # Input vector 2
typeset _vec3 ; nameref _vec3="$3" # Input vector 3
typeset _vec4 ; nameref _vec4="$4" # Output vector
typeset _vect ; typeset -a _vect # temp vector
_crossprod _vec2 _vec3 _vect # (B x C)
_crossprod _vec1 _vect _vec4 # A x (B x C)
# main #
print "The dot product A • B = $(_dotprod A B)"
typeset -a arr
_crossprod A B arr
print "The cross product A x B = ( ${arr[@]} )"
print "The scalar triple product A • (B x C) = $(_scal3prod A B C)"
typeset -m crossprod=arr ; typeset -a arr
_vect3prod A B C arr
print "The vector triple product A x (B x C) = ( ${arr[@]} )"
The dot product A • B = 49
The cross product A x B = ( 5 5 -7 )
The scalar triple product A • (B x C) = 6
The vector triple product A x (B x C) = ( -267 204 -3 )</pre>
