Variables: Difference between revisions

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(a + b)</lang>
Variable names in Oz always start with an uppercase letter.
Oz variables are dataflow variables. A dataflow variable can basically be free (unbound) or determined (has a value). Once a value has been assigned, it can not be changed. If we assign the same value again, nothing happens. If we assign a different value to an already determined variable, an exception is raised:
<lang oz>declare
Var %% new variable Var, initially free
{Show Var}
Var = 42 %% now Var has the value 42
{Show Var}
Var = 42 %% the same value is assigned again: ok
Var = 43 %% a different value is assigned: exception</lang>
In the Emacs-based <em>interactive environment</em>, <code>declare</code> creates a new open scope in which variables can be declared. The variables are visible for the entire rest of the session.
(Most operations on free variables block until the variables has been bound. <code>Show</code> on the other hand always proceeds.)
Assignment to dataflow variables is also called unification. It is actually a symmetric operation, e.g. the following binds B to 3:
<lang oz>declare
A = 3
A = B
{Show B}</lang>
However, variables can only be introduced at the left side of the <code>=</code> operator. So this is a syntax error:
<lang oz>declare
A = 3
A = B %% Error: variable B not introduced
{Show B}</lang>
It is possible to introduce multiple variables in a single statement:
<lang oz>declare
[A B C D] = [1 2 3 4] %% unification of two lists</lang>
In a <em>module definition</em>, toplevel variables can be introduced between the keywords <code>define</code> and <code>end</code> without the need for <code>declare</code>. The range between these two keywords is also their scope. Toplevel variables can optionally be exported.
<lang oz>functor
export Function
ToplevelVariable = 42
fun {Function}
Function and class definitions introduce a new variable with the name of the function/class and assign the new function/class to this variable.
Most Oz statement introduce a new scope and it is possible to introduce local variables at the top of this scope with the <code>in</code> keyword.
<lang oz>fun {Function Arg}
LocalVar1 = if Arg == 42 then
LocalVar2 = yes
LocalVar3 = no %% variables can be initialized when declared
Here, <code>LocalVar1</code> is visible in the whole body of <code>Function</code> while <code>LocalVar2</code> is only visible in the <code>then</code> branch and <code>LocalVar3</code> is only visible in the <code>else</code> branch.
Additionally, new local variables can be introduced everywhere using the keyword <code>local</code>.
<lang oz>if {IsEven 42} then
{System.showInfo "Here, LocalVar is not visible."}
LocalVar = "Here, LocalVar IS visible"
{System.showInfo LocalVar}
New variables are also introduced in pattern matching.
<lang oz>case "Rosetta code" of First|_ then {Show First} end %% prints "R"</lang>
<code>_</code> creates a new nameless variable that is initially unbound. It is usually pronounced "don't care".
It is possible to create a read-only view of a variable with the <code>!!</code> operator. This is called a "future". We can wait for such a variable to become bound by another thread and we can read its value, but we can never set it.
<lang oz>declare
B = !!A %% B is a read-only view of A
B = 43 %% this blocks until A is known; then it fails because 43 \= 42
A = 42</lang>
Additional operations on variables:
<lang oz>declare
V = 42
{Wait V} %% explicitly wait for V to become determined
if {IsDet V} then %% check whether V is determined; not recommended
{Show determined}
elseif {IsFree V} then %% check whether V is free; not recommended
{Show free}
<code>IsFree</code> and <code>IsDet</code> are low-level functions. If you use them, you code is no longer declarative and prone to race conditions when used in a multi-threaded context.
To have mutable references like in imperative languages, use cells:
<lang oz>declare
A = {NewCell 42}
{Show @A} %% read a cell with @
A := 43 %% change its value
OldVal = A := 44 %% read and write at the same time (atomically)</lang>
<code>A</code> is an immutable dataflow variable that is bound to a mutable reference.