Variable-length quantity: Difference between revisions

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This number requires two 32-bit units to store. Because <code>uint32</code> is in the native endian, opposite to the big endian storage of the integer, the words come out byte swapped. The <code>be-uint32</code> type could be used to change this.
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
<lang vbnet>Module Module1
Function ToVlq(v As ULong) As ULong
Dim array(8) As Byte
Dim buffer = ToVlqCollection(v).SkipWhile(Function(b) b = 0).Reverse().ToArray
buffer.CopyTo(array, 0)
Return BitConverter.ToUInt64(array, 0)
End Function
Function FromVlq(v As ULong) As ULong
Dim collection = BitConverter.GetBytes(v).Reverse()
Return FromVlqCollection(collection)
End Function
Iterator Function ToVlqCollection(v As ULong) As IEnumerable(Of Byte)
If v > Math.Pow(2, 56) Then
Throw New OverflowException("Integer exceeds max value.")
End If
Dim index = 7
Dim significantBitReached = False
Dim mask = &H7FUL << (index * 7)
While index >= 0
Dim buffer = mask And v
If buffer > 0 OrElse significantBitReached Then
significantBitReached = True
buffer >>= index * 7
If index > 0 Then
buffer = buffer Or &H80
End If
Yield buffer
End If
mask >>= 7
index -= 1
End While
End Function
Function FromVlqCollection(vlq As IEnumerable(Of Byte)) As ULong
Dim v = 0UL
Dim significantBitReached = False
Using enumerator = vlq.GetEnumerator
Dim index = 0
While enumerator.MoveNext
Dim buffer = enumerator.Current
If buffer > 0 OrElse significantBitReached Then
significantBitReached = True
v <<= 7
v = v Or (buffer And &H7FUL)
End If
index += 1
If index = 8 OrElse (significantBitReached AndAlso (buffer And &H80) <> &H80) Then
Exit While
End If
End While
End Using
Return v
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim values = {&H7FUL << 7 * 7, &H80, &H2000, &H3FFF, &H4000, &H200000, &H1FFFFF}
For Each original In values
Console.WriteLine("Original: 0x{0:X}", original)
REM collection
Dim seq = ToVlqCollection(original)
Console.WriteLine("Sequence: 0x{0}", seq.Select(Function(b) b.ToString("X2")).Aggregate(Function(a, b) String.Concat(a, b)))
Dim decoded = FromVlqCollection(seq)
Console.WriteLine("Decoded: 0x{0:X}", decoded)
REM ints
Dim encoded = ToVlq(original)
Console.WriteLine("Encoded: 0x{0:X}", encoded)
decoded = FromVlq(encoded)
Console.WriteLine("Decoded: 0x{0:X}", decoded)
End Sub
End Module</lang>
<pre>Original: 0xFE000000000000
Sequence: 0xFF80808080808000
Decoded: 0xFE000000000000
Encoded: 0xFF80808080808000
Decoded: 0xFE000000000000
Original: 0x80
Sequence: 0x8100
Decoded: 0x80
Encoded: 0x8100
Decoded: 0x80
Original: 0x2000
Sequence: 0xC000
Decoded: 0x2000
Encoded: 0xC000
Decoded: 0x2000
Original: 0x3FFF
Sequence: 0xFF7F
Decoded: 0x3FFF
Encoded: 0xFF7F
Decoded: 0x3FFF
Original: 0x4000
Sequence: 0x818000
Decoded: 0x4000
Encoded: 0x818000
Decoded: 0x4000
Original: 0x200000
Sequence: 0x81808000
Decoded: 0x200000
Encoded: 0x81808000
Decoded: 0x200000
Original: 0x1FFFFF
Sequence: 0xFFFF7F
Decoded: 0x1FFFFF
Encoded: 0xFFFF7F
Decoded: 0x1FFFFF</pre>
