
Delimiter in string "#" or ";" will be ignored. <lang xprofan> Proc Min

  Declare int PC, i, float e, t
  PC = %PCount
  e = @!(1)
  If PC > 1
    For i, 2, PC
      t = @!(i)
      e = if( (e == 0.0) and (t == 0.0), -(-e - t), if(t < e, t, e) )
  Return e


Proc Odd

  Parameters int n
  Return TestBit(n,0)


Proc strip_comments

  Parameters string s, delim
  Declare int posi[]
  Declare int i, min_p, p
  min_p = $7FFFFFFF
  For i, 1, Len(delim)
     posi[ i ] = InStr( mid$(delim,i,1), s )
     Case posi[ i ] > 0 : min_p = Min( posi[ i ], min_p )
  posi[ 0 ] = InStr( chr$(34), s )
  // if there is a string delimiter on the left side...
  If (posi[0] > 0) and (posi[0] < min_p)   
     // ...and counting of delimiter is odd, then the sign is part of a string
     If Odd( Len( Left$(s,min_p) ) - Len( translate$( Left$(s,min_p), Chr$(34), "" )) )   
        p = posi[ 0 ] + 1
        min_p = $7FFFFFFF
           // closing quote
           posi[ 0 ] = InStr( chr$(34), s, p )
           'Case posi[0] > 0 : posi[0] = posi[0] + p
           p = posi[ 0 ] + 1
           // find new positions after that
           For i, 1, Len(delim)
              posi[ i ] = InStr( mid$(delim,i,1), s, p )
              Case posi[ i ] > 0 : min_p = Min( posi[ i ], min_p )
           posi[ 0 ] = InStr( chr$(34), s, p )
           // if there is a string delimiter on the left side...
           If (posi[0] > 0) and (posi[0] < min_p)
              // ...and counting of delimiter is odd, then the sign is part of a string
              If Odd( Len( Left$(s,min_p) ) - Len( translate$( Left$(s,min_p), Chr$(34), "" )) )
                 p = posi[ 0 ] + 1
                 min_p = $7FFFFFFF
                 // and again....
        Until min_p = 0
  Return Trim$( Left$( s, min_p - 1 ) )


cls declare string s, t

s = " apples, pears # and bananas" t = strip_comments( s, "#;" ) Print s + "|\n-> [" + t + "]\n"

s = " apples, pears ; and bananas" t = strip_comments( s, "#;" ) Print s + "|\n-> [" + t + "]\n"

s = " apples, pears \t " t = strip_comments( s, "#;" ) Print s + "|\n-> [" + t + "]\n"

s = " " + chr$(34) + " #oh, my god " + chr$(34) + " apples, pears # and bananas" t = strip_comments( s, "#;" ) Print s + "|\n-> [" + t + "]\n"

waitkey end</lang> Output:

[apples, pears]
[apples, pears]
[apples, pears]
[" #oh, my god " apples, pears]
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