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Two different approaches with Haskell for the zigzag task.
flist = map (:[])
elist = flip replicatecycle [[]]
revNrev True = cycle [reverse,id]
revNrev _ = cycle [id,reverse]
transpN True = id
transpN _ = transpose
zigzag m n = (transpN rev)transpose. map concat. transpose
. uncurry ((.(map (liftM2 (++) ((`take`elist).(dl-`subtract`n).length) flist))).(++).(map (liftM2 (++) flist (elist.(dl-).length))))
.(map (liftM2 (++) flist ((`take`elist).(`subtract`n).length))))
$ splitAt k revcs
Line 26 ⟶ 23:
dl = min m n
nd = abs (m-n)
pseudoAntiDiagsantiDiags = unfoldr (\((c:cs),xs) -> if null xs then Nothing else Just (take c xs,(cs,drop c xs)))
rev = m<n
([1..dl]++(replicate nd dl)++[dl-1,dl-2..0], [0..m*n-1])
pseudoAntiDiags = unfoldr (\((c:cs),xs) -> if null xs then Nothing else Just (take c xs,(cs,drop c xs)))
revcs = zipWith id (revNrevcycle rev[id,reverse]) pseudoAntiDiags antiDiags
([1..dl]++(replicate nd dl)++[dl-1,dl-2..0],[0..m*n-1])
--:Slower slowerversion, almost complete emulation of the J-solution
revcs = zipWith id (revNrev rev) pseudoAntiDiags
-- slower, almost complete emulation of the J-solution
groupon f x y= f x == f y
tab n = fst . until (null.snd) (\(xs,ys)-> (xs++[take n ys], drop n ys)) . (,) []
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where fdiag = map (map snd). groupBy (groupon fst).sortBy (comparing fst)
$ zip (map sum $ sequence [[0..m-1],[0..n-1]] ) [0..]
*Main> sum $ zigzag 500 500
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