
From Rosetta Code
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My Favorite Languages
Language Proficiency
Perl Thorough knowledge, plentiful practice
Maxima Good knowledge, some practice
C Good knowledge, little practice
C++ Good knowledge, little practice
Haskell Some knowledge, little practice

Hi there. I'm Just Another College Kid, but I'm not a computer-science major. In fact, as of yet, I've yet to receive any real formal instruction in computer science or in programming; everything I know about software, I've picked up myself in my spare time.

As you can surmise from the table, my language of choice is Perl. ("Underscore" is the English name of $_.) Aside from Inform 6, which nobody cares about and is already obsolete, it was my first programming language. I began my study of it when I was sixteen, and it's remained close to my heart ever since. I rarely care about the execution speed of my programs, and I prefer a language that emphasizes freedom and power over discipline and elegance, so it's a natural fit for me. Yet I must admit that lately, I've been rather drawn to Haskell, which, despite its entirely static typing and purely functional nature, gives the programmer a startling number of options.

Anywho, if you see a task that needs a Perl example, or a Perl example that needs work, give me a holler and I'll be happy to help.