
Joined 24 August 2022
→‎Utilities I Wrote:: Update "language links" tapermonkey script to deal with new (Mediawiki 1.39) page title formatting
(→‎Utilities:: add a syntax highlighting toggle applet)
m (→‎Utilities I Wrote:: Update "language links" tapermonkey script to deal with new (Mediawiki 1.39) page title formatting)
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Any code which I have submitted to Rosettacode may be used under the [ Unlicense].
I would appreciate that any use includes a link back to the Rosettacode page from which it was obtained (but obviously would have no way to enforce that.)
==Syntax highlighting and CSS guide==
;* [[User:Thundergnat/Syntax_highlighting_and_CSS|Short guide to Rosetta Code syntax highlighting and CSS customization that I wrote]]
==Reports I Generate:==
;*[[Rosetta_Code/Rank_languages_by_popularity/Full_list|Rank languages by popularity]]
;*[[Rosetta_Code/List_authors_of_task_descriptions/Full_list|List authors of task descriptions]]
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==Utilities I Wrote:==
'''[ Tampermonkey]''' or '''[ Greasemonkey]''' javascript applets
;* [ Add language parameters to Category task entry links] - See [[Rosetta_Code:Village_Pump/Add_link_anchors_to_Language_Category_pages|this Village Pump page]] for details. Presently @ version 0.58 (2023/01/22)
;* [ Syntax highlighting toggle] Toggle the task syntax highlighting off and on. Presently @ version 0.12 (2022/08/22)
==Resources I Host:==
;*[ Offsite repository of resource files for various tasks]
==Language Stats:==
As part of my reports I generate weekly (listed above) I have started to collect some statistics on languages that have a large number of entries. (For now, the cut off is 1000.) A sufficiently large number of entries should average out outliers and give at least an ''reasonable'' overview of how different languages stack up.
Note that this is purely for my own entertainment and curiosity. I strenuously want to avoid people making efforts to optimize for one metric or another. Many of these are heavily influenced by a particular stylistic choice made by a prolific entry author. None of these are good or bad. Just observations.
Comments aren't filtered out, so entries that have lots of comments will have higher character counts. That isn't a bad thing though. Quite the opposite in fact. The whole point of Rosettacode is to learn how different languages can accomplish the same task. Lots of comments is a good thing.
How the various metrics are calculated / what they mean. Averages are the sum of all of that item in every entry divided by the total number of tasks with an entry, rounded to the nearest integer or percentage.
* Task count - The number of tasks for which there is an entry in that language.
* Average lines per entry - The average number of lines in code blocks per entry. Multiple versions under the same task all count as lines per task. (If there are four versions and each has 25 lines, it counts as 100 for that task.)
* Average number of characters - Average number of characters inside <nowiki><lang *></lang></nowiki> blocks per task including whitespace.
* Average whitespace - How many of the above characters are white space? (Including new line characters.)
* Average percent alpha-numerics - What percentage of the non-white space characters are alphabetic or numeric?
* Average percent non-alpha-numerics - What percentage of the non-white space characters are not alphabetic or numeric? (Punctuation, symbols, etc)
* Average percent non-ASCII - What percentage of the non-white space characters are not ASCII characters?
* Syntax highlighting - What syntax highlighter does it use in order from most to least common; the highlighting specifier with how many times it was seen (in parenthesis). Note that some variation is expected, especially for tasks like [[Call a foreign-language function]], [[Rosetta Code/Find bare lang tags]] or probably the largest source of oddball markup tags: [[Rosetta Code/Fix_code_tags]]. In general, Pygments expects the lexer name to be all lower case.
{|class="wikitable sortable"
|+ As of 2022-09-11
!Language!!Task<br>Count!!Avg. #<br>Lines / Entry!!Avg. #<br>Characters!!Avg. %<br>White space!!Avg. %<br>Alphanumerics!!Avg. %Non<br>Alphanumerics!!Avg. %<br>Non-ASCII!!Syntax<br>highlighting
||Wren||1571||57||1646||31.54 %||75.86 %||24.14 %||0.09 %||ecmascript(1638) c(65) go(14) javascript(8) python(2) xml(2) AutoHotkey(1) bash(1) perl(1) text(1)
||Phix||1570||55||1782||32.69 %||78.27 %||21.73 %||0.04 %||phix(1922) Phix(7) javascript(1)
||Julia||1538||34||1011||27.91 %||77.21 %||22.79 %||0.27 %||julia(1817) text(4) Julia(3) ruby(3) html5(2) cpp(1) html(1) lua(1) xml(1)
||Raku||1518||30||895||28.78 %||69.35 %||30.65 %||0.59 %||raku(1958) text(7) bash(4) c(4) xml(2) html(1) rust(1) shell(1)
||Go||1497||76||1809||34.56 %||75.23 %||24.77 %||0.1 %||go(1924) html(5) text(3) bash(2) c(2) xml(2) ecmascript(1) futurebasic(1) html5(1) proto(1) thrift(1)
||Perl||1473||34||925||27.02 %||68.17 %||31.83 %||0.1 %||perl(2047) text(12) bash(5) shell(2) c(1) html5(1) latex(1) Perl(1)
||Python||1406||72||2017||30.84 %||75.56 %||24.44 %||0.04 %||python(2669) text(13) bash(5) html5(5) c(2) cmd(2) python3(2) AutoHotkey(1) ebnf(1) perl(1) Python(1) qb64(1) shell(1) xml(1)
||Nim||1402||48||1332||24.64 %||75.52 %||24.48 %||1.12 %||nim(1599) text(10) python(8) c(4) Nim(3) ruby(3) nimrod(1) xml(1)
||J||1275||28||780||26.93 %||69.73 %||30.27 %||6.53 %||j(2986) text(48) J(11) bash(7) c(4) sh(4) bnf(1) html5(1) make(1) python(1) snusp(1) xml(1)
||C||1215||79||1873||28.76 %||72.62 %||27.38 %||0.01 %||c(1656) text(48) cpp(11) bash(6) C(2) xml(2) assembly(1) cafe(1) d(1) go(1) html5(1) make(1) perl(1) sh(1) shell(1)
||Mathematica||1177||12||422||17.56 %||70.77 %||29.23 %||0.04 %||mathematica(1485) text(35) Mathematica(8) wolfram language(2) mathematica (1) sh(1)
||REXX||1146||56||3373||40.33 %||68.47 %||31.53 %||8.45 %||rexx(1766) text(11) cobol(1) sh(1)
||Haskell||1138||45||1355||28.34 %||76.84 %||23.16 %||0.08 %||haskell(2089) text(7) bash(3) Haskell(3) c(1) html5(1) sh(1)
||Java||1138||66||2077||33.52 %||78.56 %||21.44 %||0.01 %||java(1273) java5(223) text(6) c(4) bash(3) html5(3) xml(3) Java(2) java8(2) make(2) cmd(1) java 12(1) python(1) shell(1)
||Kotlin||1132||47||1365||33.21 %||77.61 %||22.39 %||0.03 %||scala(1110) kotlin(61) c(4) groovy(2) html5(2) scheme(2) java(1) xml(1)
||C++||1115||73||1973||29.27 %||72.71 %||27.29 %||0.02 %||cpp(1511) c++(14) c(8) text(4) sh(3) html5(2) asm(1) bash(1) cmake(1) d(1) make(1)
||Ruby||1103||32||832||26.18 %||76.49 %||23.51 %||0.06 %||ruby(1588) bash(4) c(2) html5(2) Ruby(2) rust(1) tcl(1) text(1)
||Racket||1089||34||1155||26.48 %||75.08 %||24.92 %||0.29 %||racket(1343) scheme(18) text(9) bash(1) c(1) cmd(1) html5(1) xml(1)
||FreeBASIC||1073||47||1232||30.87 %||82.41 %||17.59 %||0.03 %||freebasic(1128) basic(2) qbasic(2) c(1) text(1) zxbasic(1)
||zkl||1011||19||688||17.98 %||69.69 %||30.31 %||0.03 %||zkl(1728) bash(2) c(2) html5(1)
||Sidef||1003||22||545||30.82 %||70.18 %||29.82 %||0.45 %||ruby(1251) sidef(4) shell(2) html5(1)
<div style="padding:1em;background:#eeeeff;"><h3>Older commentary</h3>
Second pass through after a lot of minor patches to the site and custom syntax highlighting filtering added. Should be a lot <strike>more accurate</strike> less inaccurate now. Numbers probably still don't ''mean'' anything, but they aren't quite as large outright whoppers. J numbers are still way overstated due to the very common decision to just include the output inside the language tags rather than in a separate output section. Not really sure what to do about it (if anything.) I '''''really''''' don't want to take on trying to untangle that mess. --[[User:Thundergnat|Thundergnat]] ([[User talk:Thundergnat|talk]]) 21:29, 13 February 2022 (UTC)
Some observations: Phix numbers are completely bogus due to the custom syntax highlighting code polluting every entry. Eventually I'll look into filtering. This is a very preliminary first whack at it.
I expected Raku to have a higher percent of non-ASCII characters and was very surprised by J and REXX having so much. On closer investigation, J and REXX entries make heavy use of box line drawing characters... which aren't ASCII. Syntax highlighting directives are all over the place. Case doesn't matter but spelling nominally does. Though, to be fair, most of the syntax highlighting are very minor variations, so getting it wrong probably doesn't change much. There are a whole bunch of obvious typos in there too though. Sigh. --[[User:Thundergnat|Thundergnat]] ([[User talk:Thundergnat|talk]]), 08 February
:Sorry about the Phix syntax highlighting mess. I'd love to use standard Geshi, and in fact do on my own site, but waited 6 years and nothing happened. In a lovely world there would be a special page on RC containing the geshi highlighting files for all languages, that anyone could edit in the usual way with the usual single-click to undo any vandalism, and periodically (bi-annual would be plenty) some admin pushes updates into the geshi dir. I guess you could even have a <nowiki><lang PhixRC></nowiki> mechanism whereby "release candidate" geshi updates could be tried out on selected pages without risking damaging the whole site. Alternatively it should actually be fairly straightforward for a man of your talents to html-strip the Phix entries (just sayin), and/or I'm not above being tasked to go and clean up my own mess, which one day I still hope to be able to do (trust me, I too despise my own minor updates showing up as complete gobbledeygook). I also wonder if it would be at all useful for the syntax highlighting column to contain (first/random) links to offending pages, so I could find out what page it thinks is using say "PL/1" or "Phi"? --[[User:Petelomax|Pete Lomax]] ([[User talk:Petelomax|talk]]) 10:04, 10 February 2022 (UTC)</div>
;*[ Offsite repository of resource files for various tasks]
