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{{mylang|Visual Basic|Active (in VB for Applications)}}
{{mylang|BASIC|Somewhat Rusty}}
{{mylang|BASIC|Somewhat Rusty}}
{{mylang|Fortran|Stuck in Fortran 77, WATFOR, WATFIV etc.}}
{{mylang|Fortran|Stuck in Fortran 77, WATFOR, WATFIV etc.}}
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=VBA Examples=
=VBA Examples=
Some nontrivial VBA Examples (to be moved).

In MS Office program (Word, Excel, Access...): open the Visual Basic window. Paste the code in a module. Execute it by typing a suitable command in the Immediate Window. Output will be directed to the Immediate Window unless stated otherwise...
In MS Office program (Word, Excel, Access...): open the Visual Basic window. Paste the code in a module. Execute it by typing a suitable command in the Immediate Window. Output will be directed to the Immediate Window unless stated otherwise...

==[[Ordered Words]]==
==[[Dijkstra algorithm]]==
<lang vb>
'Dijkstra globals
Public Sub orderedwords(fname As String)
Const MaxGraph As Integer = 100 'max. number of nodes in graph
' find ordered words in dict file that have the longest word length
Const Infinity = 1E+308
' fname is the name of the input file
Dim E(1 To MaxGraph, 1 To MaxGraph) As Double 'the edge costs (Infinity if no edge)
' the words are printed in the immediate window
Dim A(1 To MaxGraph) As Double 'the distances calculated
' this subroutine uses boolean function IsOrdered
Dim P(1 To MaxGraph) As Integer 'the previous/path array
Dim Q(1 To MaxGraph) As Boolean 'the queue
Public Sub Dijkstra(n, start)
'simple implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm
'n = number of nodes in graph
'start = index of start node
'init distances A
For j = 1 To n
A(j) = Infinity
Next j
A(start) = 0
'init P (path) to "no paths" and Q = set of all nodes
For j = 1 To n
Q(j) = True
P(j) = 0
Next j
Do While True 'loop will exit! (see below)
'find node u in Q with smallest distance to start
dist = Infinity
For i = 1 To n
If Q(i) Then
If A(i) < dist Then
dist = A(i)
u = i
End If
End If
Next i
If dist = Infinity Then Exit Do 'no more nodes available - done!
'remove u from Q
Q(u) = False
'loop over neighbors of u that are in Q
For j = 1 To n
If Q(j) And E(u, j) <> Infinity Then
'check if path to neighbor j via u is shorter than current estimated distance to j
alt = A(u) + E(u, j)
If alt < A(j) Then
'yes, replace with new distance and remember "previous" hop on the path
A(j) = alt
P(j) = u
End If
End If
Next j
End Sub
Public Function GetPath(source, target) As String
Dim word As String 'word to be tested
'reconstruct shortest path from source to target
Dim l As Integer 'length of word
'by working backwards from target using the P(revious) array
Dim wordlength As Integer 'current longest word length
Dim path As String
Dim orderedword() As String 'dynamic array holding the ordered words with the current longest word length
If P(target) = 0 Then
Dim wordsfound As Integer 'length of the array orderedword()
GetPath = "No path"
path = ""
u = target
Do While P(u) > 0
path = Format$(u) & " " & path
u = P(u)
GetPath = Format$(source) & " " & path
End If
End Function
Public Sub DijkstraTest()
'main function to solve Dijkstra's algorithm and return shortest path between
'a node and every other node in a digraph
' define problem:
' number of nodes
n = 5
' reset connection/cost per edge
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To n
E(i, j) = Infinity
Next j
P(i) = 0
Next i
' fill in the edge costs
E(1, 2) = 10
E(1, 3) = 50
E(1, 4) = 65
E(2, 3) = 30
E(2, 5) = 4
E(3, 4) = 20
E(3, 5) = 44
E(4, 2) = 70
E(4, 5) = 23
E(5, 1) = 6
'Solve it for every node

For v = 1 To n
On Error GoTo NotFound 'catch incorrect/missing file name
Dijkstra n, v
Open fname For Input As #1
'Print solution
On Error GoTo 0
Debug.Print "From", "To", "Cost", "Path"
For j = 1 To n
If v <> j Then Debug.Print v, j, IIf(A(j) = Infinity, "---", A(j)), GetPath(v, j)
Next j
Next v
End Sub

Output (using the same graph as in the Floyd-Warshall algorithm below):
wordsfound = 0
wordlength = 0
From To Cost Path
1 2 10 1 2
1 3 40 1 2 3
1 4 60 1 2 3 4
1 5 14 1 2 5

From To Cost Path
'process file line per line
2 1 10 2 5 1
While Not EOF(1)
2 3 30 2 3
Line Input #1, word
2 4 50 2 3 4
If IsOrdered(word) Then 'found one, is it equal to or longer than current word length?
2 5 4 2 5
l = Len(word)
If l >= wordlength Then 'yes, so add to list or start a new list
If l > wordlength Then 'it's longer, we must start a new list
wordsfound = 1
wordlength = l
Else 'equal length, increase the list size
wordsfound = wordsfound + 1
End If
'add the word to the list
ReDim Preserve orderedword(wordsfound)
orderedword(wordsfound) = word
End If
End If
Close #1

From To Cost Path
'print the list
3 1 49 3 4 5 1
Debug.Print "Found"; wordsfound; "ordered words of length"; wordlength
3 2 59 3 4 5 1 2
For i = 1 To wordsfound
3 4 20 3 4
Debug.Print orderedword(i)
3 5 43 3 4 5
Exit Sub

From To Cost Path
4 1 29 4 5 1
debug.print "Error: Cannot find or open file """ & fname & """!"
4 2 39 4 5 1 2
4 3 69 4 5 1 2 3
4 5 23 4 5

From To Cost Path
5 1 6 5 1
5 2 16 5 1 2
5 3 46 5 1 2 3
5 4 66 5 1 2 3 4

==[[Floyd-Warshall algorithm]]==
[[File:FloydGraph.png|thumb|250px|Graph used in this and Dijkstra's algorithm]]
The [ Floyd algorithm or Floyd-Warshall algorithm] finds the shortest path between all pairs of nodes in a weighted, directed graph. It is an example of dynamic programming.

Usage: fill in the number of nodes (n) and the edge distances or costs in sub Floyd or in sub FloydWithPaths.
Then run "Floyd" or "FloydWithPaths".

Floyd: this sub prints the lengths or costs of the shortest paths but not the paths themselves

FloydWithPaths: this sub prints the lengths and the nodes along the paths

<lang vb>
Option Compare Database

'Floyd globals
Const MaxGraph As Integer = 100 'max. number of vertices in graph
Const Infinity = 1E+308
Dim E(1 To MaxGraph, 1 To MaxGraph) As Double
Dim A(1 To MaxGraph, 1 To MaxGraph) As Double
Dim Nxt(1 To MaxGraph, 1 To MaxGraph) As Integer
Public Sub SolveFloyd(n)
'Floyd's algorithm: all-pairs shortest-paths cost
'returns the cost (distance) of the least-cost (shortest) path
'between all pairs in a labeled directed graph
'note: this sub returns only the costs, not the paths!
' n : number of vertices (maximum value is maxGraph)
' E(i,j) : cost (length,...) of edge from i to j or "Infinity" if no edge between i and j
' A(i,j): minimal cost for path from i to j
' Infinity : very large number
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To n
If E(i, j) <> Infinity Then A(i, j) = E(i, j) Else A(i, j) = Infinity
Next j
A(i, i) = 0
Next i
For k = 1 To n
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To n
If A(i, k) + A(k, j) < A(i, j) Then A(i, j) = A(i, k) + A(k, j)
Next j
Next i
Next k
End Sub
End Sub
Public Sub SolveFloydWithPaths(n)
'cf. SolveFloyd, but here we
'use matrix "Nxt" to store information about paths
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To n
If E(i, j) <> Infinity Then A(i, j) = E(i, j) Else A(i, j) = Infinity
Next j
A(i, i) = 0
Next i
For k = 1 To n
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To n
If A(i, k) + A(k, j) < A(i, j) Then
A(i, j) = A(i, k) + A(k, j)
Nxt(i, j) = k
End If
Next j
Next i
Next k
End Sub
Public Function GetPath(i, j) As String
'recursively reconstruct shortest path from i to j using A and Nxt
If A(i, j) = Infinity Then
GetPath = "No path!"
tmp = Nxt(i, j)
If tmp = 0 Then
GetPath = " " 'there is an edge from i to j
GetPath = GetPath(i, tmp) & Format$(tmp) & GetPath(tmp, j)
End If
End If
End Function
Public Sub Floyd()
'main function to apply Floyd's algorithm
'see description in wp:en:Floyd-Warshall algorithm
' define problem:
' number of vertices?
n = 5
' reset connection/cost per edge matrix
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To n
E(i, j) = Infinity
Next j
Next i
' fill in the edge costs
E(1, 2) = 10
E(1, 3) = 50
E(1, 4) = 65
E(2, 3) = 30
E(2, 5) = 4
E(3, 4) = 20
E(3, 5) = 44
E(4, 2) = 70
E(4, 5) = 23
E(5, 1) = 6
'Solve it
SolveFloyd n
'Print solution
'note: for large graphs the output may be too large for the Immediate panel
'in that case you could send the output to a text file
Debug.Print "From", "To", "Cost"
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To n
If i <> j Then Debug.Print i, j, IIf(A(i, j) = Infinity, "No path!", A(i, j))
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Public Sub FloydWithPaths()
'main function to solve Floyd's algorithm and return shortest path between
'any two vertices
' define problem:
' number of vertices?
n = 5
' reset connection/cost per edge matrix
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To n
E(i, j) = Infinity
Nxt(i, j) = 0
Next j
Next i
' fill in the edge costs
E(1, 2) = 10
E(1, 3) = 50
E(1, 4) = 65
E(2, 3) = 30
E(2, 5) = 4
E(3, 4) = 20
E(3, 5) = 44
E(4, 2) = 70
E(4, 5) = 23
E(5, 1) = 6
'Solve it
SolveFloydWithPaths n
'Print solution
'note: for large graphs the output may be too large for the Immediate panel
'in that case you could send the output to a text file
Debug.Print "From", "To", "Cost", "Via"
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To n
If i <> j Then Debug.Print i, j, IIf(A(i, j) = Infinity, "---", A(i, j)), GetPath(i, j)
Next j
Next i
End Sub

From To Cost
1 2 10
1 3 40
1 4 60
1 5 14
2 1 10
2 3 30
2 4 50
2 5 4
3 1 49
3 2 59
3 4 20
3 5 43
4 1 29
4 2 39
4 3 69
4 5 23
5 1 6
5 2 16
5 3 46
5 4 66

From To Cost Via
1 2 10
1 3 40 2
1 4 60 2 3
1 5 14 2
2 1 10 5
2 3 30
2 4 50 3
2 5 4
3 1 49 4 5
3 2 59 4 5 1
3 4 20
3 5 43 4
4 1 29 5
4 2 39 5 1
4 3 69 5 1 2
4 5 23
5 1 6
5 2 16 1
5 3 46 1 2
5 4 66 1 2 3

==[[KWIC index]]==
Public Function IsOrdered(someWord As String) As Boolean
'true if letters in word are in ascending (ascii) sequence

<lang vb>
Dim l As Integer 'length of someWord
'KWIC index
Dim wordLcase As String 'the word in lower case
Dim ascStart As Integer 'ascii code of first char
' - all titles and catalog numbers can be held in an array in main memory
Dim asc2 As Integer 'ascii code of next char
' - disregard punctuation in titles
' - the KWIC index itself may be too large for main memory - do not store it in memory
' - the KWIC index consists of one line per title/keyword combination and consists of:
' - the catalog number
' - the title with the keyword centered in a line of given length (e.g. 80 or 120)
' (constant-width font assumed)
' note: long titles may be truncated at the beginning or the end of the line

wordLcase = LCase(someWord) 'convert to lower case
Const MAXKEYS = 20 'max. number of keywords in a title
l = Len(someWord)
Const STOPWORDS = "a an and by for is it of on or the to with " 'that last space is needed!
IsOrdered = True
Dim title() As String 'list of titles to be included in KWIC index
If l > 0 Then 'this skips empty string - it is considered ordered...
Dim catno() As Integer 'list of catalog numbers
ascStart = Asc(Left$(wordLcase, 1))
Dim ntitle As Integer 'number of titles
For i = 2 To l
Dim index() As Integer 'holds title number and position of keyword in title
asc2 = Asc(Mid$(wordLcase, i, 1))
Dim nkeys As Long 'total number of keywords found
If asc2 < ascStart Then 'failure!

IsOrdered = False
Sub ReadTitles()
Exit Function
' read or - in this case - set the titles and catalog numbers
ntitle = 10
ReDim title(1 To ntitle)
ReDim catno(1 To ntitle)
title(1) = "Microsoft Visio 2003 User's Guide"
title(2) = "Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out"
title(3) = "Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA"
title(4) = "Excel 2003 Formulas"
title(5) = "Excel for Scientists and Engineers"
title(6) = "Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference"
title(7) = "Automated Data Analysis Using Excel"
title(8) = "Beginning Excel: What-if Data Analysis Tools"
title(9) = "How to do Everything with Microsoft Office Excel 2003"
title(10) = "Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel"
catno(1) = 10
catno(2) = 13
catno(3) = 3435
catno(4) = 987
catno(5) = 1010
catno(6) = 1244
catno(7) = 709
catno(8) = 9088
catno(9) = 33
catno(10) = 7733
End Sub

Function IsStopword(aword) As Boolean
'search for aword in stopword list
'add an extra space to avoid ambiguity
IsStopword = InStr(STOPWORDS, LCase(aword) & " ") > 0
End Function

Sub ProcessTitles()
'find positions of keywords in titles, store in index array
'Note: we cannot use Split here because that function doesn't return
'the positions of the words it finds
nkeys = 0
For i = 1 To ntitle
atitle = title(i) & " " 'add extra space as sentinel
p1 = 1
Do While p1 <= Len(atitle)
'find next word:
'a) find next non-space
While Mid$(atitle, p1, 1) = " ": p1 = p1 + 1: Wend
'b) extend word
p2 = p1
While Mid$(atitle, p2, 1) <> " ": p2 = p2 + 1: Wend
aword = Mid$(atitle, p1, p2 - p1)
'for now we assume there is no punctuation, i.e. no words
'in parentheses, brackets or quotation marks
If Not IsStopword(aword) Then
'remember position of this keyword
'we probably should check for overflow (too many keywords) here!
nkeys = nkeys + 1
index(nkeys, 1) = i
index(nkeys, 2) = p1
End If
End If
ascStart = asc2
'continue searching
p1 = p2 + 1
Next i
End If
Next i
End Sub

Function Shift(aString, pos)
'return shifted string (part beginning at position "pos" followed by part before it)
Shift = Mid$(aString, pos) & " " & Left$(aString, pos - 1)
End Function
End Function

Sub SortTitles()
' sort the index() array to represent shifted titles in alphabetical order
' more efficient sorting algorithms can be applied here...
switched = True
Do While switched
'scan array for two shifted strings in the wrong order and swap
'(swap the index entries, not the strings)
'use case-insensitive compare
switched = False
For i = 1 To nkeys - 1
string1 = LCase(Shift(title(index(i, 1)), index(i, 2)))
string2 = LCase(Shift(title(index(i + 1, 1)), index(i + 1, 2)))
If string2 < string1 Then 'swap
For j = 1 To 2
temp = index(i, j)
index(i, j) = index(i + 1, j)
index(i + 1, j) = temp
switched = True
End If
Next i
End Sub

Sub PrintKWIC(linelength)
'print the KWIC index
spaces = Space(linelength / 2)
Debug.Print "Cat. number", "|"; Space((linelength - 10) / 2); "KWIC string"
Debug.Print String(linelength + 15, "-")
For i = 1 To nkeys
atitle = title(index(i, 1))
pos = index(i, 2)
'create shifted string so that keyword is centered in the line
part2 = Mid$(atitle, pos)
part1 = Right$(spaces & Left$(atitle, pos - 1), linelength / 2)
kwicstring = Right$(part1, linelength / 2) & Left$(part2, linelength / 2)
Debug.Print catno(index(i, 1)), "|"; kwicstring
End Sub

Sub KWIC()
'main program for KWIC index
'set array
ReDim index(ntitle * MAXKEYS, 2)
'index(.,1) is title nr.
'index(.,2) is keyword position in title
PrintKWIC 80 'argument is the length of the KWIC lines (excluding catalog numbers)
End Sub

Output (note that some titles are truncated at the start or the end. An improvement could be to wrap these titles around if there is room on the other end):
Cat. number | KWIC string
987 | Excel 2003 Formulas
33 | Everything with Microsoft Office Excel 2003
13 | Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out
3435 | Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA
10 | Microsoft Visio 2003 User's Guide
1244 | Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
9088 | Beginning Excel: What-if Data Analysis Tools
709 | Automated Data Analysis Using Excel
7733 | Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel
709 | Automated Data Analysis Using Excel
9088 | Beginning Excel: What-if Data Analysis T
9088 | Beginning Excel: What-if Data Analysis Tools
709 | Automated Data Analysis Using Excel
7733 | Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel
33 | How to do Everything with Microsoft Office Exce
1010 | Excel for Scientists and Engineers
33 | How to do Everything with Microsoft Office Excel 2
987 | Excel 2003 Formulas
33 | to do Everything with Microsoft Office Excel 2003
13 | Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out
3435 | Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA
1244 | Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
709 | Automated Data Analysis Using Excel
7733 | Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel
1010 | Excel for Scientists and Engineers
9088 | Beginning Excel: What-if Data Analysis Tools
987 | Excel 2003 Formulas
10 | Microsoft Visio 2003 User's Guide
33 | How to do Everything with Microsoft Offi
13 | Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out
3435 | Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VB
33 | How to do Everything with Microsoft Office Excel 2003
13 | Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out
10 | Microsoft Visio 2003 User's Guide
33 | How to do Everything with Microsoft Office Excel 2003
13 | Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out
13 | Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out
1244 | Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
3435 | Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA
1244 | Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
1010 | Excel for Scientists and Engineers
7733 | Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel
9088 | Beginning Excel: What-if Data Analysis Tools
10 | Microsoft Visio 2003 User's Guide
709 | Automated Data Analysis Using Excel
7733 | Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel
3435 | Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA
1244 | Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
10 | Microsoft Visio 2003 User's Guide
9088 | Beginning Excel: What-if Data Analysis Tools

==[[Hailstone sequence]]==
Public Function Hailstone(aNumber As Long, Optional Printit As Boolean = False) As Long
'return length of Hailstone sequence for aNumber
'if optional argument Printit is true, print the sequence in the Immediate window
Dim nSteps As Long
Const NumbersPerLine = 10 'when printing, start a new line after this much numbers

nSteps = 1
If Printit Then Debug.Print aNumber,
While aNumber <> 1
If aNumber Mod 2 = 0 Then aNumber = aNumber / 2 Else aNumber = 3 * aNumber + 1
nSteps = nSteps + 1
If Printit Then Debug.Print aNumber,
If Printit And (nSteps Mod NumbersPerLine = 0) Then Debug.Print
If Printit Then Debug.Print "(Length:"; nSteps; ")"
Hailstone = nSteps
End Function

Public Sub HailstoneTest()
Dim theNumber As Long
Dim theSequenceLength As Long
Dim SeqLength As Long
Dim i as Long

'find and print the Hailstone sequence for 27 (note: the whole sequence, not just the first four and last four items!)
Debug.Print "Hailstone sequence for 27:"
theNumber = Hailstone(27, True)

'find the longest Hailstone sequence for numbers less than 100000.
theSequenceLength = 0
For i = 2 To 99999
SeqLength = Hailstone(i)
If SeqLength > theSequenceLength Then
theNumber = i
theSequenceLength = SeqLength
End If
Next i
Debug.Print theNumber; "has the longest sequence ("; theSequenceLength; ")."
End Sub

Hailstone sequence for 27:
Found 16 ordered words of length 6
27 82 41 124 62 31 94 47 142 71
214 107 322 161 484 242 121 364 182 91
274 137 412 206 103 310 155 466 233 700
350 175 526 263 790 395 1186 593 1780 890
445 1336 668 334 167 502 251 754 377 1132
566 283 850 425 1276 638 319 958 479 1438
719 2158 1079 3238 1619 4858 2429 7288 3644 1822
911 2734 1367 4102 2051 6154 3077 9232 4616 2308
1154 577 1732 866 433 1300 650 325 976 488
244 122 61 184 92 46 23 70 35 106
53 160 80 40 20 10 5 16 8 4
2 1 (Length: 112 )
77031 has the longest sequence ( 351 ).

Latest revision as of 14:33, 23 November 2011

My Favorite Languages
Language Proficiency
VBA Active
BASIC Somewhat Rusty
Fortran Stuck in Fortran 77, WATFOR, WATFIV etc.
Pascal Rusty
PHP Learning
MATLAB Learning
JavaScript Semi-Active
SQL Semi-Active
APL is way back

VBA Examples

Some nontrivial VBA Examples (to be moved).

In MS Office program (Word, Excel, Access...): open the Visual Basic window. Paste the code in a module. Execute it by typing a suitable command in the Immediate Window. Output will be directed to the Immediate Window unless stated otherwise...

Dijkstra algorithm

<lang vb> 'Dijkstra globals Const MaxGraph As Integer = 100 'max. number of nodes in graph Const Infinity = 1E+308 Dim E(1 To MaxGraph, 1 To MaxGraph) As Double 'the edge costs (Infinity if no edge) Dim A(1 To MaxGraph) As Double 'the distances calculated Dim P(1 To MaxGraph) As Integer 'the previous/path array Dim Q(1 To MaxGraph) As Boolean 'the queue

Public Sub Dijkstra(n, start)

 'simple implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm
 'n = number of nodes in graph
 'start = index of start node
 'init distances A
   For j = 1 To n
     A(j) = Infinity
   Next j
   A(start) = 0
 'init P (path) to "no paths" and Q = set of all nodes
 For j = 1 To n
   Q(j) = True
   P(j) = 0
 Next j
 Do While True 'loop will exit! (see below)
 'find node u in Q with smallest distance to start
   dist = Infinity
   For i = 1 To n
     If Q(i) Then
       If A(i) < dist Then
         dist = A(i)
         u = i
       End If
     End If
   Next i
   If dist = Infinity Then Exit Do 'no more nodes available - done!
   'remove u from Q
   Q(u) = False
   'loop over neighbors of u that are in Q
   For j = 1 To n
     If Q(j) And E(u, j) <> Infinity Then
       'check if path to neighbor j via u is shorter than current estimated distance to j
       alt = A(u) + E(u, j)
       If alt < A(j) Then
         'yes, replace with new distance and remember "previous" hop on the path
         A(j) = alt
         P(j) = u
       End If
     End If
   Next j

End Sub

Public Function GetPath(source, target) As String

'reconstruct shortest path from source to target
'by working backwards from target using the P(revious) array
Dim path As String
If P(target) = 0 Then
  GetPath = "No path"
  path = ""
  u = target
  Do While P(u) > 0
    path = Format$(u) & " " & path
    u = P(u)
  GetPath = Format$(source) & " " & path
End If

End Function

Public Sub DijkstraTest() 'main function to solve Dijkstra's algorithm and return shortest path between 'a node and every other node in a digraph

' define problem: ' number of nodes n = 5 ' reset connection/cost per edge For i = 1 To n

 For j = 1 To n
   E(i, j) = Infinity
 Next j
 P(i) = 0

Next i ' fill in the edge costs E(1, 2) = 10 E(1, 3) = 50 E(1, 4) = 65 E(2, 3) = 30 E(2, 5) = 4 E(3, 4) = 20 E(3, 5) = 44 E(4, 2) = 70 E(4, 5) = 23 E(5, 1) = 6

'Solve it for every node

For v = 1 To n

 Dijkstra n, v
 'Print solution
 Debug.Print "From", "To", "Cost", "Path"
 For j = 1 To n
   If v <> j Then Debug.Print v, j, IIf(A(j) = Infinity, "---", A(j)), GetPath(v, j)
 Next j

Next v End Sub </lang>

Output (using the same graph as in the Floyd-Warshall algorithm below):

From          To            Cost          Path
 1             2             10           1 2 
 1             3             40           1 2 3 
 1             4             60           1 2 3 4 
 1             5             14           1 2 5 

From          To            Cost          Path
 2             1             10           2 5 1 
 2             3             30           2 3 
 2             4             50           2 3 4 
 2             5             4            2 5 

From          To            Cost          Path
 3             1             49           3 4 5 1 
 3             2             59           3 4 5 1 2 
 3             4             20           3 4 
 3             5             43           3 4 5 

From          To            Cost          Path
 4             1             29           4 5 1 
 4             2             39           4 5 1 2 
 4             3             69           4 5 1 2 3 
 4             5             23           4 5 

From          To            Cost          Path
 5             1             6            5 1 
 5             2             16           5 1 2 
 5             3             46           5 1 2 3 
 5             4             66           5 1 2 3 4 

Floyd-Warshall algorithm

Graph used in this and Dijkstra's algorithm

The Floyd algorithm or Floyd-Warshall algorithm finds the shortest path between all pairs of nodes in a weighted, directed graph. It is an example of dynamic programming.

Usage: fill in the number of nodes (n) and the edge distances or costs in sub Floyd or in sub FloydWithPaths. Then run "Floyd" or "FloydWithPaths".

Floyd: this sub prints the lengths or costs of the shortest paths but not the paths themselves

FloydWithPaths: this sub prints the lengths and the nodes along the paths

<lang vb> Option Compare Database

'Floyd globals Const MaxGraph As Integer = 100 'max. number of vertices in graph Const Infinity = 1E+308 Dim E(1 To MaxGraph, 1 To MaxGraph) As Double Dim A(1 To MaxGraph, 1 To MaxGraph) As Double Dim Nxt(1 To MaxGraph, 1 To MaxGraph) As Integer

Public Sub SolveFloyd(n)

 'Floyd's algorithm: all-pairs shortest-paths cost
 'returns the cost (distance) of the least-cost (shortest) path
 'between all pairs in a labeled directed graph
 'note: this sub returns only the costs, not the paths!
 ' n : number of vertices (maximum value is maxGraph)
 ' E(i,j) : cost (length,...) of edge from i to j or "Infinity" if no edge between i and j
 ' A(i,j): minimal cost for path from i to j
 ' Infinity : very large number

 For i = 1 To n
   For j = 1 To n
     If E(i, j) <> Infinity Then A(i, j) = E(i, j) Else A(i, j) = Infinity
   Next j
   A(i, i) = 0
 Next i
 For k = 1 To n
   For i = 1 To n
     For j = 1 To n
       If A(i, k) + A(k, j) < A(i, j) Then A(i, j) = A(i, k) + A(k, j)
     Next j
   Next i
 Next k

End Sub

Public Sub SolveFloydWithPaths(n)

 'cf. SolveFloyd, but here we
 'use matrix "Nxt" to store information about paths
 For i = 1 To n
   For j = 1 To n
     If E(i, j) <> Infinity Then A(i, j) = E(i, j) Else A(i, j) = Infinity
   Next j
   A(i, i) = 0
 Next i
 For k = 1 To n
   For i = 1 To n
     For j = 1 To n
       If A(i, k) + A(k, j) < A(i, j) Then
         A(i, j) = A(i, k) + A(k, j)
         Nxt(i, j) = k
       End If
     Next j
   Next i
 Next k

End Sub

Public Function GetPath(i, j) As String

'recursively reconstruct shortest path from i to j using A and Nxt
If A(i, j) = Infinity Then
  GetPath = "No path!"
  tmp = Nxt(i, j)
  If tmp = 0 Then
    GetPath = " " 'there is an edge from i to j
    GetPath = GetPath(i, tmp) & Format$(tmp) & GetPath(tmp, j)
  End If
End If

End Function

Public Sub Floyd() 'main function to apply Floyd's algorithm 'see description in wp:en:Floyd-Warshall algorithm

' define problem: ' number of vertices? n = 5 ' reset connection/cost per edge matrix For i = 1 To n

 For j = 1 To n
   E(i, j) = Infinity
 Next j

Next i ' fill in the edge costs E(1, 2) = 10 E(1, 3) = 50 E(1, 4) = 65 E(2, 3) = 30 E(2, 5) = 4 E(3, 4) = 20 E(3, 5) = 44 E(4, 2) = 70 E(4, 5) = 23 E(5, 1) = 6

'Solve it SolveFloyd n

'Print solution 'note: for large graphs the output may be too large for the Immediate panel 'in that case you could send the output to a text file Debug.Print "From", "To", "Cost" For i = 1 To n

 For j = 1 To n
   If i <> j Then Debug.Print i, j, IIf(A(i, j) = Infinity, "No path!", A(i, j))
 Next j

Next i End Sub

Public Sub FloydWithPaths() 'main function to solve Floyd's algorithm and return shortest path between 'any two vertices

' define problem: ' number of vertices? n = 5 ' reset connection/cost per edge matrix For i = 1 To n

 For j = 1 To n
   E(i, j) = Infinity
   Nxt(i, j) = 0
 Next j

Next i ' fill in the edge costs E(1, 2) = 10 E(1, 3) = 50 E(1, 4) = 65 E(2, 3) = 30 E(2, 5) = 4 E(3, 4) = 20 E(3, 5) = 44 E(4, 2) = 70 E(4, 5) = 23 E(5, 1) = 6

'Solve it SolveFloydWithPaths n

'Print solution 'note: for large graphs the output may be too large for the Immediate panel 'in that case you could send the output to a text file Debug.Print "From", "To", "Cost", "Via" For i = 1 To n

 For j = 1 To n
   If i <> j Then Debug.Print i, j, IIf(A(i, j) = Infinity, "---", A(i, j)), GetPath(i, j)
 Next j

Next i End Sub



From          To            Cost
 1             2             10 
 1             3             40 
 1             4             60 
 1             5             14 
 2             1             10 
 2             3             30 
 2             4             50 
 2             5             4 
 3             1             49 
 3             2             59 
 3             4             20 
 3             5             43 
 4             1             29 
 4             2             39 
 4             3             69 
 4             5             23 
 5             1             6 
 5             2             16 
 5             3             46 
 5             4             66 

From          To            Cost          Via
 1             2             10            
 1             3             40            2 
 1             4             60            2 3 
 1             5             14            2 
 2             1             10            5 
 2             3             30            
 2             4             50            3 
 2             5             4             
 3             1             49            4 5 
 3             2             59            4 5 1 
 3             4             20            
 3             5             43            4 
 4             1             29            5 
 4             2             39            5 1 
 4             3             69            5 1 2 
 4             5             23            
 5             1             6             
 5             2             16            1 
 5             3             46            1 2 
 5             4             66            1 2 3 

KWIC index

<lang vb> 'KWIC index 'assumptions: ' - all titles and catalog numbers can be held in an array in main memory ' - disregard punctuation in titles ' - the KWIC index itself may be too large for main memory - do not store it in memory ' - the KWIC index consists of one line per title/keyword combination and consists of: ' - the catalog number ' - the title with the keyword centered in a line of given length (e.g. 80 or 120) ' (constant-width font assumed) ' note: long titles may be truncated at the beginning or the end of the line

'globals Const MAXKEYS = 20 'max. number of keywords in a title Const STOPWORDS = "a an and by for is it of on or the to with " 'that last space is needed! Dim title() As String 'list of titles to be included in KWIC index Dim catno() As Integer 'list of catalog numbers Dim ntitle As Integer 'number of titles Dim index() As Integer 'holds title number and position of keyword in title Dim nkeys As Long 'total number of keywords found

Sub ReadTitles() ' read or - in this case - set the titles and catalog numbers ntitle = 10 ReDim title(1 To ntitle) ReDim catno(1 To ntitle)

 title(1) = "Microsoft Visio 2003 User's Guide"
 title(2) = "Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out"
 title(3) = "Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA"
 title(4) = "Excel 2003 Formulas"
 title(5) = "Excel for Scientists and Engineers"
 title(6) = "Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference"
 title(7) = "Automated Data Analysis Using Excel"
 title(8) = "Beginning Excel: What-if Data Analysis Tools"
 title(9) = "How to do Everything with Microsoft Office Excel 2003"
 title(10) = "Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel"
 catno(1) = 10
 catno(2) = 13
 catno(3) = 3435
 catno(4) = 987
 catno(5) = 1010
 catno(6) = 1244
 catno(7) = 709
 catno(8) = 9088
 catno(9) = 33
 catno(10) = 7733

End Sub

Function IsStopword(aword) As Boolean 'search for aword in stopword list 'add an extra space to avoid ambiguity IsStopword = InStr(STOPWORDS, LCase(aword) & " ") > 0 End Function

Sub ProcessTitles() 'find positions of keywords in titles, store in index array 'Note: we cannot use Split here because that function doesn't return 'the positions of the words it finds nkeys = 0 For i = 1 To ntitle

 atitle = title(i) & " " 'add extra space as sentinel
 p1 = 1
 Do While p1 <= Len(atitle)
   'find next word:
   'a) find next non-space
   While Mid$(atitle, p1, 1) = " ": p1 = p1 + 1: Wend
   'b) extend word
   p2 = p1
   While Mid$(atitle, p2, 1) <> " ": p2 = p2 + 1: Wend
   aword = Mid$(atitle, p1, p2 - p1)
   'for now we assume there is no punctuation, i.e. no words
   'in parentheses, brackets or quotation marks
   If Not IsStopword(aword) Then
     'remember position of this keyword
     'we probably should check for overflow (too many keywords) here!
     nkeys = nkeys + 1
     index(nkeys, 1) = i
     index(nkeys, 2) = p1
   End If
   'continue searching
   p1 = p2 + 1

Next i End Sub

Function Shift(aString, pos) 'return shifted string (part beginning at position "pos" followed by part before it)

 Shift = Mid$(aString, pos) & " " & Left$(aString, pos - 1)

End Function

Sub SortTitles()

 ' sort the index() array to represent shifted titles in alphabetical order
 ' more efficient sorting algorithms can be applied here...
 switched = True
 Do While switched
   'scan array for two shifted strings in the wrong order and swap
   '(swap the index entries, not the strings)
   'use case-insensitive compare
   switched = False
   For i = 1 To nkeys - 1
     string1 = LCase(Shift(title(index(i, 1)), index(i, 2)))
     string2 = LCase(Shift(title(index(i + 1, 1)), index(i + 1, 2)))
     If string2 < string1 Then 'swap
       For j = 1 To 2
         temp = index(i, j)
         index(i, j) = index(i + 1, j)
         index(i + 1, j) = temp
       switched = True
     End If
   Next i

End Sub

Sub PrintKWIC(linelength) 'print the KWIC index

 spaces = Space(linelength / 2)
 Debug.Print "Cat. number", "|"; Space((linelength - 10) / 2); "KWIC string"
 Debug.Print String(linelength + 15, "-")
 For i = 1 To nkeys
   atitle = title(index(i, 1))
   pos = index(i, 2)
   'create shifted string so that keyword is centered in the line
   part2 = Mid$(atitle, pos)
   part1 = Right$(spaces & Left$(atitle, pos - 1), linelength / 2)
   kwicstring = Right$(part1, linelength / 2) & Left$(part2, linelength / 2)
   Debug.Print catno(index(i, 1)), "|"; kwicstring

End Sub

Sub KWIC()

 'main program for KWIC index
 'set array
 ReDim index(ntitle * MAXKEYS, 2)
 'index(.,1) is title nr.
 'index(.,2) is keyword position in title
 PrintKWIC 80 'argument is the length of the KWIC lines (excluding catalog numbers)

End Sub </lang>

Output (note that some titles are truncated at the start or the end. An improvement could be to wrap these titles around if there is room on the other end):

Cat. number   |                                   KWIC string
 987          |                                  Excel 2003 Formulas
 33           | Everything with Microsoft Office Excel 2003
 13           |                 Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out
 3435         |                        Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA
 10           |                        Microsoft Visio 2003 User's Guide
 1244         |                                  Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
 9088         |          Beginning Excel: What-if Data Analysis Tools
 709          |                         Automated Data Analysis Using Excel
 7733         |                                   Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel
 709          |                                        Automated Data Analysis Using Excel
 9088         |                                        Beginning Excel: What-if Data Analysis T
 9088         |               Beginning Excel: What-if Data Analysis Tools
 709          |                              Automated Data Analysis Using Excel
 7733         |                                        Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel
 33           |                                 How to do Everything with Microsoft Office Exce
 1010         |               Excel for Scientists and Engineers
 33           |                              How to do Everything with Microsoft Office Excel 2
 987          |                                        Excel 2003 Formulas
 33           | to do Everything with Microsoft Office Excel 2003
 13           |                       Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out
 3435         |                              Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA
 1244         |                                        Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
 709          |          Automated Data Analysis Using Excel
 7733         |            Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel
 1010         |                                        Excel for Scientists and Engineers
 9088         |                              Beginning Excel: What-if Data Analysis Tools
 987          |                             Excel 2003 Formulas
 10           |            Microsoft Visio 2003 User's Guide
 33           |                                        How to do Everything with Microsoft Offi
 13           |            Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out
 3435         |                                        Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VB
 33           |              How to do Everything with Microsoft Office Excel 2003
 13           |                                        Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out
 10           |                                        Microsoft Visio 2003 User's Guide
 33           |    How to do Everything with Microsoft Office Excel 2003
 13           |                              Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out
 13           |     Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out
 1244         |                         Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
 3435         |                   Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA
 1244         |            Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
 1010         |                              Excel for Scientists and Engineers
 7733         |                    Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel
 9088         | Beginning Excel: What-if Data Analysis Tools
 10           |                   Microsoft Visio 2003 User's Guide
 709          |                Automated Data Analysis Using Excel
 7733         |                          Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel
 3435         |  Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA
 1244         |                             Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
 10           |                              Microsoft Visio 2003 User's Guide
 9088         |                       Beginning Excel: What-if Data Analysis Tools

Hailstone sequence

<lang> Public Function Hailstone(aNumber As Long, Optional Printit As Boolean = False) As Long 'return length of Hailstone sequence for aNumber 'if optional argument Printit is true, print the sequence in the Immediate window Dim nSteps As Long Const NumbersPerLine = 10 'when printing, start a new line after this much numbers

nSteps = 1 If Printit Then Debug.Print aNumber, While aNumber <> 1

 If aNumber Mod 2 = 0 Then aNumber = aNumber / 2 Else aNumber = 3 * aNumber + 1
 nSteps = nSteps + 1
 If Printit Then Debug.Print aNumber,
 If Printit And (nSteps Mod NumbersPerLine = 0) Then Debug.Print

Wend If Printit Then Debug.Print "(Length:"; nSteps; ")" Hailstone = nSteps End Function

Public Sub HailstoneTest() Dim theNumber As Long Dim theSequenceLength As Long Dim SeqLength As Long Dim i as Long

'find and print the Hailstone sequence for 27 (note: the whole sequence, not just the first four and last four items!) Debug.Print "Hailstone sequence for 27:" theNumber = Hailstone(27, True)

'find the longest Hailstone sequence for numbers less than 100000. theSequenceLength = 0 For i = 2 To 99999

 SeqLength = Hailstone(i)
 If SeqLength > theSequenceLength Then
   theNumber = i
   theSequenceLength = SeqLength
 End If

Next i Debug.Print theNumber; "has the longest sequence ("; theSequenceLength; ")." End Sub </lang>


Hailstone sequence for 27:
 27            82            41            124           62            31            94            47            142           71           
 214           107           322           161           484           242           121           364           182           91           
 274           137           412           206           103           310           155           466           233           700          
 350           175           526           263           790           395           1186          593           1780          890          
 445           1336          668           334           167           502           251           754           377           1132         
 566           283           850           425           1276          638           319           958           479           1438         
 719           2158          1079          3238          1619          4858          2429          7288          3644          1822         
 911           2734          1367          4102          2051          6154          3077          9232          4616          2308         
 1154          577           1732          866           433           1300          650           325           976           488          
 244           122           61            184           92            46            23            70            35            106          
 53            160           80            40            20            10            5             16            8             4            
 2             1            (Length: 112 )
 77031 has the longest sequence ( 351 ).