User:EMBee/Scrap: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
(potential algorithm for a text to html conversion)
(→‎Text to HTML: some code to convert text to html (incomplete))
Line 22:
* create an xml node
* add elements to node
* add lines to element if multiline like paragraph
<lang Pike>// function to calculate the average line length:
int linelength(array lines)
array sizes = sizeof(lines[*])-({0});
sizes = sort(sizes);
// only consider the larger half of lines minus the top 5%
array larger = sizes[sizeof(sizes)/2..sizeof(sizes)-sizeof(sizes)/20];
int averagelarger = `+(@larger)/sizeof(larger);
return averagelarger;
array mark_up(array lines)
array markup = ({});
// find special lines
foreach(lines; int index; string line)
string strippedline = String.trim_whites(line);
if (sizeof(strippedline))
string firstchar = strippedline[0..0];
int pos = search(line, firstchar);
if (lines[index-1]-" "-"\t" =="" && lines[index+1]-" "-"\t" =="")
markup +=({ ({ "heading", strippedline, pos }) });
else if (firstchar == "*")
markup += ({ ({ "bullet", strippedline, pos }) });
else if ( (<"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9">)[firstchar] )
markup += ({ ({ "number", strippedline, pos }) });
else if (pos > 0)
markup += ({ ({ "indent", strippedline, pos }) });
markup += ({ ({ "regular", strippedline, pos }) });
else markup += ({ ({ "empty" }) });
foreach(markup; int index; array line)
if (index > 0 && index < sizeof(markup)-1 )
if (line[0] == "regular" && markup[index-1][0] != "regular" && markup[index+1][0] != "regular")
line[0] = "heading";
else if (line[0] == "empty" && markup[index-1][0] == "regular" && markup[index+1][0] == "regular")
line[0] = "new paragraph";
else if (line[0] == "empty" && markup[index-1][0] == "regular" && markup[index+1][0] != "regular")
line[0] = "end paragraph";
else if (line[0] == "empty" && markup[index-1][0] != "regular" && markup[index+1][0] == "regular")
line[0] = "begin paragraph";
return markup;