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From Rosetta Code

A little bit about myself:

I earned my undergraduate degree in in Computer Science from the University of New Mexico in May 2011. I am attending again in the fall in order to earn a graduate degree. I am currently an intern at Sandia National Laboratories developing Oracle-backed web applications.

I like C, Perl, and anything that goes over 200 MPH.


Language Proficiency My thoughts
BASIC Intermediate I would never use it by choice
BASH Intermediate I use it to make my life easier
C Proficient I love me some pointers
C++ Intermediate Not a fan of the memory management, but I like the rest
Fortran Beginner I know the basics
Go Beginner Just starting, but I like what I see
Haskell Intermediate We don't talk
Java Proficient My bread and butter. It's what I get paid to write
MATLAB Beginner It's alright
Perl Intermediate It's what I write in for fun
PHP Intermediate ಠ_ಠ
Python Beginner Not a fan
Scheme Beginner I like it, but have no use for it
SQL Intermediate Not a lot of other choices out there

Contributions so far:

discordian date C implementation

Guess the number/With feedback C implementation

Vigenère cipher Perl implementation

Remove the first and last characters from a string Java implementation

Remove the first and last characters from a string C implementation

Strip a set of characters from a string C implementation

Guess the number/With feedback (player) C implementation

Hello World web server Perl implementation

Pick Random Array Element Perl implementation

Pick Random Array Element C implementation

Basic Statistics Perl implementation

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