Upside-down numbers: Difference between revisions

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Boreal (talk | contribs)
Added XPL0 example.
Wherrera (talk | contribs)
m julia example
Line 135:
5,000,000th : 82,485,246,852,682
50,000,000th : 9,285,587,463,255,281
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">using Formatting
using ResumableFunctions
@resumable function gen_upsidedowns()
""" generate upside-down numbers (OEIS A299539) """
wrappings = [[1, 9], [2, 8], [3, 7], [4, 6],
[5, 5], [6, 4], [7, 3], [8, 2], [9, 1]]
evens = [19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91]
odds = [5]
ndigits, odd_index, even_index, olen, elen = 1, 0, 0, 1, 9
while true
if isodd(ndigits)
if olen > odd_index
@yield odds[begin + odd_index]
odd_index += 1
# build next odds, but switch to evens
odds = vec([hi * 10^(ndigits + 1) + 10 * i + lo for i in odds, (hi, lo) in wrappings])
ndigits += 1
odd_index = 0
olen = length(odds)
if elen > even_index
@yield evens[begin + even_index]
even_index += 1
# build next evens, but switch to odds
evens = vec([hi * 10^(ndigits + 1) + 10 * i + lo for i in evens, (hi, lo) in wrappings])
ndigits += 1
even_index = 0
elen = length(evens)
println("First fifty upside-downs:")
for (udcount, udnumber) in enumerate(gen_upsidedowns())
if udcount <= 50
print(lpad(udnumber, 5), udcount % 10 == 0 ? "\n" : "")
elseif udcount == 500
println("\nFive hundredth: ", format(udnumber, commas = true))
elseif udcount == 5000
println("Five thousandth: ", format(udnumber, commas = true))
elseif udcount == 50_000
println("Fifty thousandth: ", format(udnumber, commas = true))
elseif udcount == 500_000
println("Five hundred thousandth: ", format(udnumber, commas = true))
elseif udcount == 5_000_000
println("Five millionth: ", format(udnumber, commas = true))
First fifty upside-downs:
5 19 28 37 46 55 64 73 82 91
159 258 357 456 555 654 753 852 951 1199
1289 1379 1469 1559 1649 1739 1829 1919 2198 2288
2378 2468 2558 2648 2738 2828 2918 3197 3287 3377
3467 3557 3647 3737 3827 3917 4196 4286 4376 4466
Five hundredth: 494,616
Five thousandth: 56,546,545
Fifty thousandth: 6,441,469,664
Five hundred thousandth: 729,664,644,183
Five millionth: 82,485,246,852,682