Unique characters: Difference between revisions

Add 8080 assembly
(→‎{{header|jq}}: efficiency)
(Add 8080 assembly)
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=={{header|8080 Assembly}}==
<lang 8080asm>puts: equ 9 ; CP/M print syscall
TERM: equ '$' ; CP/M string terminator
org 100h
jmp demo
;;; Given a list of strings, find characters appearing only
;;; in one string and once only.
;;; Input: DE = list of strings, BC = start of output
unique: xra a ; Zero out the workspace
mvi h,upage
mov l,a
uzbuf: mov m,a
inr l
jnz uzbuf
push d
ustr: pop h
mov e,m ; Load next string pointer
inx h
mov d,m
inx h
mov a,d ; End of list?
ora e
jz uclat ; Then go find the uniques
push h ; Otherwise, keep list pointer
mvi h,upage
uchar: ldax d ; Get character
cpi TERM ; Done?
jz ustr ; Then do next string
mov l,a ; Otherwise, count the character
inr m
inx d ; Next character
jmp uchar
uclat: lxi h,upage*256 ; Start of page
utst: dcr m ; Is this character included?
jnz uskip
mov a,l ; If so add it to the output
stax b
inx b
uskip: inr l ; Try next character
jnz utst
mvi a,TERM ; CP/M string terminator
stax b
;;; Demo code
demo: lxi b,outbuf ; Set BC to location of output buffe
lxi d,list ; Set DE to the list of strings
call unique ; Call the code
mvi c,puts ; Print the result
lxi d,outbuf
jmp 5
;;; List of strings
list: dw str1, str2, str3, 0
str1: db '133252abcdeeffd', TERM
str2: db 'a6789798st', TERM
str3: db 'yxcdfgxcyz', TERM
;;; Memory
upage: equ ($/256)+1 ; Workspace for 'unique'
outbuf: equ (upage+1)*256 ; Output </lang>
