Unicode strings: Difference between revisions

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* Racket includes additional related functionality, like some Unicode functions (normalization etc), and IO encoding based on iconv to do IO of many other encodings.
* Racket includes additional related functionality, like some Unicode functions (normalization etc), and IO encoding based on iconv to do IO of many other encodings.

[[Category:Scala Implementations]]
<lang scala>object UTF8 extends App {

def charToInt(s: String) = {
def charToInt0(c: Char, next: Char): Option[Int] = (c, next) match {
case _ if (c.isHighSurrogate && next.isLowSurrogate) =>
Some(java.lang.Character.toCodePoint(c, next))
case _ if (c.isLowSurrogate) => None
case _ => Some(c.toInt)

if (s.length > 1) charToInt0(s(0), s(1)) else Some(s.toInt)

def intToChars(n: Int) = java.lang.Character.toChars(n).mkString

println('\uD869'.isHighSurrogate + " " + '\uDEA5'.isLowSurrogate)


val b = "\uD869\uDEA5"

val c = "\uD834\uDD1E"

val a = "$abcde¢£¤¥©ÇßçIJijŁłʒλπ•₠₡₢₣₤₥₦₧₨₩₪₫€₭₮₯₰₱₲₳₴₵₵←→⇒∙⌘☺☻ア字文𪚥".
map(c => "%s\t\\u%04X".format(c, c.toInt)).foreach(println)
<pre style="height:20ex;overflow:scroll">true true
$ \u0024
a \u0061
b \u0062
c \u0063
d \u0064
e \u0065
¢ \u00A2
£ \u00A3
¤ \u00A4
¥ \u00A5
© \u00A9
Ç \u00C7
ß \u00DF
ç \u00E7
IJ \u0132
ij \u0133
Ł \u0141
ł \u0142
ʒ \u0292
λ \u03BB
π \u03C0
• \u2022
₠ \u20A0
₡ \u20A1
₢ \u20A2
₣ \u20A3
₤ \u20A4
₥ \u20A5
₦ \u20A6
₧ \u20A7
₨ \u20A8
₩ \u20A9
₪ \u20AA
₫ \u20AB
€ \u20AC
₭ \u20AD
₮ \u20AE
₯ \u20AF
₰ \u20B0
₱ \u20B1
₲ \u20B2
₳ \u20B3
₴ \u20B4
₵ \u20B5
₵ \u20B5
← \u2190
→ \u2192
⇒ \u21D2
∙ \u2219
⌘ \u2318
☺ \u263A
☻ \u263B
ア \u30A2
字 \u5B57
文 \u6587
? \uD869
? \uDEA5
 \uF8FF
The Unicode encoding of Seed7 [http://seed7.sourceforge.net/manual/types.htm#char characters] and
The Unicode encoding of Seed7 [http://seed7.sourceforge.net/manual/types.htm#char characters] and