Unicode polynomial equation: Difference between revisions

(Added Wren)
Line 521:
x⁵ - ½x⁴ + 101¼x³ + 100¾x + 2½ => x⁵ - ½x⁴ + 101¼x³ + 100¾x + 2½
<lang Nim>import re, sequtils, strutils, tables
from unicode import toRunes
Powers = [("0", "⁰"), ("1", "¹"), ("2", "²"), ("3", "³"), ("4", "⁴"),
("5", "⁵"), ("6", "⁶"), ("7", "⁷"), ("8", "⁸"), ("9", "⁹")]
Fractions = [(".25", "¼"), (".5", "½"), (".75", "¾"), (".14285714285714", "⅐"),
(".11111111111111", "⅑"), (".1", "⅒"), (".33333333333333", "⅓"),
(".66666666666667", "⅔"), (".2", "⅕"), (".4", "⅖"), (".6", "⅗"),
(".8", "⅘"), (".16666666666667", "⅙"), (".83333333333333", "⅚"),
(".125", "⅛"), (".375", "⅜"), (".625", "⅝"), (".875", "⅞")]
Reps1 = [(",", ""), (" ", ""), ("¼", ".25"), ("½", ".5"), ("¾", ".75"),
("⅐", ".14285714285714"), ("⅑", ".11111111111111"), ("⅒", ".1"),
("⅓", ".33333333333333"), ("⅔", ".66666666666667"), ("⅕", ".2"),
("⅖", ".4"), ("⅗", ".6"), ("⅘", ".8"), ("⅙", ".16666666666667"),
("⅚", ".83333333333333"), ("⅛", ".125"), ("⅜", ".375"), ("⅝", ".625"),
("⅞", ".875"), ("↉", ".0"), ("⏨", "e"), ("⁄", "/")]
Reps2 = [("⁰", "0"), ("¹", "1"), ("²", "2"), ("³", "3"), ("⁴", "4"), ("⁵", "5"),
("⁶", "6"), ("⁷", "7"), ("⁸", "8"), ("⁹", "9"), ("⁻⁻", ""), ("⁻", "-"),
("⁺", ""), ("**", ""), ("^", ""), ("↑", ""), ("⁄", "/")]
Eqs = [
"-0.00x⁺¹⁰ + 1.0·x ** 5 + -2e0x^4 + +0,042.00 × x ⁺³ + +.0x² + 20.000 000 000x¹ - -1x⁺⁰ + .0x⁻¹ + 20.x¹",
"x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 0x² + 40x + 1",
"0e+0x⁰⁰⁷ + 00e-00x + 0x + .0x⁰⁵ - 0.x⁴ + 0×x³ + 0x⁻⁰ + 0/x + 0/x³ + 0x⁻⁵",
"1x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 40x + 1x⁰",
"+x⁺⁵ + -2x⁻⁻⁴ + 42x⁺⁺³ + +40x - -1",
"x^5 - 2x**4 + 42x^3 + 40x + 1",
"x↑5 - 2.00·x⁴ + 42.00·x³ + 40.00·x + 1",
"x⁻⁵ - 2⁄x⁴ + 42x⁻³ + 40/x + 1x⁻⁰",
"x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42.000 000x³ + 40x + 1",
"x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 0,042x³ + 40.000,000x + 1",
"0x⁷ + 10x + 10x + x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 20x + 1",
"1E0x⁵ - 2,000,000.e-6x⁴ + 4.2⏨1x³ + .40e+2x + 1",
"x⁵ - x⁴⁄2 + 405x³⁄4 + 403x⁄4 + 5⁄2",
"x⁵ - 0.5x⁴ + 101.25x³ + 100.75x + 2.5",
"x⁻⁵ - 2⁄x⁴ + 42x⁻³ - 40/x",
"⅐x⁵ - ⅓x⁴ - ⅔x⁴ + 42⅕x³ + ⅑x - 40⅛ - ⅝"]
type Coefs = Table[int, float]
proc printEquation(coefs: Coefs) =
stdout.write "=> "
if coefs.len == 0:
echo "0\n"
var max = int.low
var min = int.high
for k in coefs.keys:
if k > max: max = k
if k < min: min = k
for p in countdown(max, min):
var c = coefs.getOrDefault(p)
if c != 0:
if p < max:
var sign = '+'
if c < 0:
sign = '-'
c = -c
stdout.write ' ', sign, ' '
if c != 1 or (c == 1 and p == 0):
var cs = $c
let ix = cs.find('.')
if ix >= 0:
let d = cs[ix..^1]
for frac in Fractions:
if d == frac[0]:
cs = cs.replace(d, frac[1])
if cs[0] == '0' and cs.len > 1 and cs[1] != '.':
cs = cs[1..^1]
stdout.write cs
if p != 0:
var ps = ($p).multiReplace(Powers)
if ps == "¹": ps = ""
stdout.write 'x', ps
echo '\n'
template getFloat(s: string): float =
except ValueError:
quit "Expected float, got: " & s, QuitFailure
let rgx = re"\s+(\+|-)\s+"
for eq in Eqs:
echo eq
let terms = eq.split(rgx)
let ops = toSeq(eq.findAll(rgx)).mapIt(it.strip())
var coefs: Coefs
for i, term in terms:
let s = term.split("x")
var t = s[0]
t = unicode.strip(t, runes = "·× ".toRunes)
t = t.multiReplace(Reps1)
var c = 1.0
var inverse = false
if t == "" or t == "+" or t == "-": t &= '1'
let ix = t.find('/')
if ix == t.high:
inverse = true
c = t.getFloat()
elif ix >= 0:
let u = t.split('/')
let m = u[0].getFloat()
let n = u[1].getFloat()
c = m / n
c = t.getFloat()
if i > 0 and ops[i - 1] == "-": c = -c
if c == -0.0: c = 0.0
if s.len == 1:
coefs[0] = coefs.getOrDefault(0) + c
var u = s[1].strip()
if u.len == 0:
let p = if inverse: -1 else: 1
if c != 0:
coefs[p] = coefs.getOrDefault(p) + c
u = u.multiReplace(Reps2)
let jx = u.find('/')
var p: int
if jx >= 0:
let v = u.split('/')
p = try: v[0].parseInt() except ValueError: 1
let d = v[1].getFloat()
c /= d
p = try: u.strip().parseInt() except ValueError: 1
if inverse: p = -p
if c != 0: coefs[p] = coefs.getOrDefault(p) + c
<pre>-0.00x⁺¹⁰ + 1.0·x ** 5 + -2e0x^4 + +0,042.00 × x ⁺³ + +.0x² + 20.000 000 000x¹ - -1x⁺⁰ + .0x⁻¹ + 20.x¹
=> x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 40x + 1
x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 0x² + 40x + 1
=> x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 40x + 1
0e+0x⁰⁰⁷ + 00e-00x + 0x + .0x⁰⁵ - 0.x⁴ + 0×x³ + 0x⁻⁰ + 0/x + 0/x³ + 0x⁻⁵
=> 0
1x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 40x + 1x⁰
=> x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 40x + 1
+x⁺⁵ + -2x⁻⁻⁴ + 42x⁺⁺³ + +40x - -1
=> x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 40x + 1
x^5 - 2x**4 + 42x^3 + 40x + 1
=> x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 40x + 1
x↑5 - 2.00·x⁴ + 42.00·x³ + 40.00·x + 1
=> x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 40x + 1
x⁻⁵ - 2⁄x⁴ + 42x⁻³ + 40/x + 1x⁻⁰
=> 1 + 40x-¹ + 42x-³ - 2x-⁴ + x-⁵
x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42.000 000x³ + 40x + 1
=> x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 40x + 1
x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 0,042x³ + 40.000,000x + 1
=> x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 40x + 1
0x⁷ + 10x + 10x + x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 20x + 1
=> x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 40x + 1
1E0x⁵ - 2,000,000.e-6x⁴ + 4.2⏨1x³ + .40e+2x + 1
=> x⁵ - 2x⁴ + 42x³ + 40x + 1
x⁵ - x⁴⁄2 + 405x³⁄4 + 403x⁄4 + 5⁄2
=> x⁵ - ½x⁴ + 101¼x³ + 100¾x + 2½
x⁵ - 0.5x⁴ + 101.25x³ + 100.75x + 2.5
=> x⁵ - ½x⁴ + 101¼x³ + 100¾x + 2½
x⁻⁵ - 2⁄x⁴ + 42x⁻³ - 40/x
=> -40x-¹ + 42x-³ - 2x-⁴ + x-⁵
⅐x⁵ - ⅓x⁴ - ⅔x⁴ + 42⅕x³ + ⅑x - 40⅛ - ⅝
=> ⅐x⁵ - x⁴ + 42⅕x³ + ⅑x - 40¾</pre>
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