Ukkonen’s suffix tree construction: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Go}}: Added a note in the preamble about the C code on which this entry is based not compiling as it stands.)
Line 296:
first 100000 d.p. of Pi is: 041021944
(this took 599.770281ms)
<lang Phix>-- demo/rosetta/Ukkonens_Suffix_Tree.exw
integer maxChar = 'z'
sequence children = {},
suffixLinks = {},
starts = {},
ends = {},
suffixIndices = {}
string text
atom pSplitEnd,
pLeafEnd = allocate_word(0,true)
integer root = NULL,
activeEdge = -1,
activeLength = 0,
remainingSuffixCount = 0,
size = -1
function newNode(integer start, atom pFinish, bool bKids=false)
children = append(children,iff(bKids?repeat(NULL,maxChar):0))
suffixLinks = append(suffixLinks,root)
starts = append(starts,start)
ends = append(ends,pFinish)
suffixIndices = append(suffixIndices,-1)
return length(children)
end function
function edgeLength(integer n)
if n == root then
return 0
end if
return peekns(ends[n]) - starts[n] + 1
end function
function walkDown(integer currNode)
integer l = edgeLength(currNode)
if activeLength >= l then
activeEdge += l
activeLength -= l
activeNode = currNode
return true
end if
return false
end function
procedure extendSuffixTree(integer pos)
remainingSuffixCount += 1
lastNewNode = NULL
while remainingSuffixCount > 0 do
if activeLength == 0 then
activeEdge = pos
end if
integer ta = text[activeEdge]
object ca = children[activeNode]
integer next = iff(ca=0?NULL:ca[ta])
if next == null then
if ca=0 then
children[activeNode] = repeat(NULL,maxChar)
end if
children[activeNode][ta] = newNode(pos, pLeafEnd)
if lastNewNode != NULL then
suffixLinks[lastNewNode] = activeNode
lastNewNode = NULL
end if
if walkDown(next) then
end if
integer tp = text[pos]
if text[starts[next]+activeLength] == tp then
if lastNewNode != NULL and activeNode != root then
suffixLinks[lastNewNode] = activeNode
lastNewNode = NULL
end if
activeLength += 1
end if
integer temp = starts[next] + activeLength - 1
pSplitEnd = allocate_word(temp,true)
integer splitnode = newNode(starts[next], pSplitEnd,true)
ta = text[activeEdge]
children[activeNode][ta] = splitnode
children[splitnode][tp] = newNode(pos, pLeafEnd)
starts[next] += activeLength
children[splitnode][text[starts[next]]] = next
if lastNewNode != NULL then
suffixLinks[lastNewNode] = splitnode
end if
lastNewNode = splitnode
end if
remainingSuffixCount -= 1
if activeNode == root and activeLength > 0 then
activeLength -= 1
activeEdge = pos - remainingSuffixCount + 1
elsif activeNode != root then
activeNode = suffixLinks[activeNode]
end if
end while
end procedure
procedure setSuffixIndexByDFS(integer n, integer labelHeight)
if n!=NULL then
-- Uncomment the 3 lines below to print suffix tree
--if starts[n]!=-1 then
-- printf(1,text[starts[n]..peekns(ends[n])])
--end if
if children[n]=0 then
suffixIndices[n] = size - labelHeight
-- Uncomment line below to print suffix index
--printf(1," [%d]\n", suffixIndices[n])
bool leaf = true
for i=1 to maxChar do
integer nci = children[n][i]
if nci != NULL then
-- Uncomment the 3 lines below to print suffix index
--if leaf and starts[n] != -1 then
-- printf(1," [%d]\n", suffixIndices[n])
--end if
leaf = false
setSuffixIndexByDFS(nci, labelHeight+edgeLength(nci))
end if
end for
if leaf then ?9/0 end if -- (sanity check)
end if
end if
end procedure
procedure buildSuffixTree()
size = length(text)
pRootEnd = allocate_word(-1,true)
root = newNode(-1, pRootEnd)
activeNode = root
for i=1 to size do
end for
integer labelHeight = 0
setSuffixIndexByDFS(root, labelHeight)
end procedure
procedure doTraversal(integer n, integer labelHeight, atom pMaxHeight, pSubstringStartIndex)
if n!=NULL then
integer nsi = suffixIndices[n], newHeight
if nsi == -1 then
for i=1 to maxChar do
integer nci = children[n][i]
if nci != NULL then
newHeight = labelHeight+edgeLength(nci)
doTraversal(nci, newHeight, pMaxHeight, pSubstringStartIndex)
end if
end for
elsif nsi > -1 then
newHeight = labelHeight-edgeLength(n)
if peekns(pMaxHeight)<newHeight then
end if
end if
end if
end procedure
procedure getLongestRepeatedSubstring(string s)
atom pMaxHeight = allocate_word(0,true),
pSubstringStartIndex = allocate_word(0,true)
doTraversal(root, 0, pMaxHeight, pSubstringStartIndex)
integer maxHeight = peekns(pMaxHeight),
start = peekns(pSubstringStartIndex)
-- Uncomment line below to print maxHeight and substringStartIndex
--printf(1,"maxHeight %d, substringStartIndex %d\n", {maxHeight, start})
string t = iff(maxHeight=0?"No repeated substring"
printf(1," %s is: %s\n", {iff(s=""?text:s),t})
end procedure
constant tests = {"GEEKSFORGEEKS$",
printf(1,"Longest Repeated Substring in:\n")
for i=1 to length(tests) do
text = tests[i]
end for
-- Sadly gmp crashes when I try 100,000 dp, but I suspect it would be fine with more than my paltry 4GB ram
include mpfr.e
mpfr pi = mpfr_init(0,-10001) -- (set precision to 10,000 dp, plus the "3.")
string piStr = mpfr_sprintf("%.10000Rf", pi), s="Pi"
piStr = piStr[3..$] -- discard leading "3."
maxChar = '9'
for i=3 to 6 do
atom t0 = time()
integer n = power(10,i)
if i>=5 then
text = repeat('0',n)&"$"
for c=1 to n do
text[c] = rand(10)+'0'-1
end for
s = "a made up number"
text = piStr[1..n] & "$"
end if
getLongestRepeatedSubstring(sprintf("first %,d d.p. of %s", {n,s}))
printf(1," (this took %gs)\n\n", {time()-t0})
end for</lang>
Longest Repeated Substring in:
ABCDEFG$ is: No repeated substring
banana$ is: ana
abcpqrabpqpq$ is: ab
pqrpqpqabab$ is: ab
first 1,000 d.p. of Pi is: 23846
(this took 0s)
first 10,000 d.p. of Pi is: 7111369
(this took 0.047s)
first 100,000 d.p. of a made up number is: 022105155
(this took 0.422s)
first 1,000,000 d.p. of a made up number is: 09014346795
(this took 4.734s)
