Ukkonen’s suffix tree construction: Difference between revisions

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m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
(Created Nim solution.)
Line 501:
first 1000000 d.p. of π: 756130190263
6.008879 seconds (35.25 M allocations: 4.152 GiB, 23.20% gc time)
<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/[sequtils, strformat, strutils, tables]
const ∞ = int.high
# Suffix-tree node.
Node = ref object
children: Table[char, int]
first: int
last: int
suffixLink: int
suffixIndex: int
# Ukkonen suffix-tree.
SuffixTree = object
nodes: seq[Node]
text: string
root: int
position: int
currentNode: int
needSuffixLink: int
remainder: int
activeNode: int
activeLength: int
activeEdge: int
func newNode(): Node =
Node(first: -1, last: ∞, suffixLink: -1, suffixIndex: -1)
func newNode(first, last: int): Node =
Node(first: first, last: last, suffixLink: 0, suffixIndex: -1)
func newNode(st: var SuffixTree; first, last: int): int =
inc st.currentNode
st.nodes[st.currentNode] = newNode(first, last)
result = st.currentNode
func activeEdgeChar(st: SuffixTree): char {.inline.} = st.text[st.activeedge]
func edgeLength(st: SuffixTree; n: Node): int =
min(n.last, st.position + 1) - n.first
func addSuffixLink(st: var SuffixTree; nodenum: int) =
if st.needSuffixLink >= 0:
st.nodes[st.needSuffixLink].suffixLink = nodenum
st.needSuffixLink = nodenum
func walkdown(st: var SuffixTree; currNode: int): bool =
let length = st.edgeLength(st.nodes[currNode])
if st.activeLength < length: return false
inc st.activeEdge, length
dec st.activeLength, length
st.activeNode = currnode
result = true
func extendSuffixTree(st: var SuffixTree; pos: int) =
st.position = pos
st.needSuffixLink = -1
inc st.remainder
while st.remainder > 0:
if st.activeLength == 0: st.activeEdge = st.position
if st.activeEdgeChar() notin st.nodes[st.activeNode].children:
let nodeNum = st.newNode(st.position, ∞)
st.nodes[st.activeNode].children[st.activeEdgeChar()] = nodeNum
let next = st.nodes[st.activeNode].children[st.activeEdgeChar()]
if st.walkdown(next): continue
if st.text[st.nodes[next].first + st.activeLength] == st.text[pos]:
inc st.activeLength
let split = st.newNode(st.nodes[next].first, st.nodes[next].first + st.activeLength)
st.nodes[st.activeNode].children[st.activeEdgeChar()] = split
let nodeNum = st.newNode(st.position, ∞)
st.nodes[split].children[st.text[pos]] = nodeNum
st.nodes[next].first += st.activelength
st.nodes[split].children[st.text[st.nodes[next].first]] = next
dec st.remainder
if st.activeNode == st.root and st.activeLength > 0:
dec st.activelength
st.activeEdge = st.position - st.remainder + 1
elif st.activeNode != st.root:
st.activeNode = st.nodes[st.activeNode].suffixLink
proc setSuffixIndexByDFS(st: var SuffixTree; node: Node; labelHeight: Natural; verbose = false) =
if verbose and node.first >= 0:
echo st.text[node.first..<min(node.last, st.text.len)]
var isLeaf = true
for ichild in node.children.values:
let child = st.nodes[ichild]
if verbose and isLeaf and node.first >= 0:
echo &" [{node.suffixindex}]"
isLeaf = false
st.setSuffixIndexbyDFS(child, labelHeight + st.edgeLength(child))
if isleaf:
node.suffixindex = st.text.len - labelHeight
if verbose: echo &" [{node.suffixindex}]"
proc initSuffixTree(str: string): SuffixTree =
var nodes = newSeqWith(str.len * 2, newNode())
result = SuffixTree(nodes: nodes, text: str, position: -1, currentNode: -1,
needSuffixLink: -1, remainder: 0, activeLength: 1, activeEdge: 0)
result.root = result.newNode(0, 0)
result.activeNode = result.root
for i in 0..result.text.high:
result.setSuffixIndexByDFS(result.nodes[result.root], 0)
func doTraversal(st: SuffixTree): (int, seq[int]) =
var maxHeight = 0
var substringStartIndices = @[-1]
func traversal(node: Node; labelHeight: int) =
if node.suffixIndex == -1:
for ichild in node.children.values:
let child = st.nodes[ichild]
traversal(child, labelHeight + st.edgeLength(child))
elif maxHeight < labelHeight - st.edgeLength(node):
maxHeight = labelHeight - st.edgeLength(node)
substringStartIndices = @[node.suffixIndex]
elif maxHeight == labelHeight - st.edgelength(node):
substringStartIndices.add node.suffixIndex
traversal(st.nodes[st.root], 0)
result = (maxHeight, move(substringStartIndices))
proc getLongestRepeatedSubstring(st: SuffixTree; label = ""; printResult = true): string =
let (length, starts) = st.dotraversal()
result = if length == 0: ""
else: starts.mapIt(st.text[]).deduplicate().join(" (or) ")
if printResult:
stdout.write " ", if label.len == 0: join(st.text) else: label, ": "
echo if length == 0: "No repeated substring." else: result
const Tests = ["CAAAABAAAABD$",
echo "Longest Repeated Substring in:\n"
for test in Tests:
var st = initSuffixTree(test)
discard st.getLongestRepeatedSubstring()
# Pi calculation.
import std/[monotimes, times]
import integers
func isr(term, guess: Integer): Integer =
var term = term
result = guess
let value = term * result
while true:
if abs(term - result) <= 1:
result = (result + term) shr 1
term = value div result
func calcAgm(lam, gm: Integer; z: var Integer; ep: Integer): Integer =
var am: Integer
var lam = lam
var gm = gm
var n = 1
while true:
am = (lam + gm) shr 1
gm = isr(lam, gm)
let v = am - lam
let zi = v * v * n
if zi < ep:
z -= zi
inc n, n
lam = am
result = am
func bip(exp: int; man = 1): Integer {.inline.} = man * 10^exp
func calculatePi(): string =
const Digits = 4_000_000
let am = bip(Digits)
let gm = isqrt(bip(Digits + Digits - 1, 5))
var z = bip(Digits + Digits - 2, 25)
let agm = calcAGM(am, gm, z, bip(Digits + 1))
let pi = agm * agm * bip(Digits - 2) div z
result = $pi
let sπ = calculatePi()
for number in [1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000]:
let text = sπ[2..<number] & '$'
let start = getMonoTime()
var st = initSuffixTree(text)
discard st.getlongestrepeatedsubstring(&"first {number} d.p. of π")
echo &" → Temps: {(getMonoTime() - start).inMicroseconds} µs"
<pre>Longest Repeated Substring in:
ABCDEFG$: No repeated substring.
banana$: ana
abcpqrabpqpq$: ab (or) pq
pqrpqpqabab$: ab (or) pq
first 1000 d.p. of π: 60943 (or) 42019 (or) 82534 (or) 33446 (or) 93751 (or) 99999 (or) 23846
→ Temps: 780 µs
first 10000 d.p. of π: 7111369 (or) 8530614
→ Temps: 14726 µs
first 100000 d.p. of π: 134926158 (or) 041021944 (or) 201890888
→ Temps: 178656 µs
first 1000000 d.p. of π: 756130190263
→ Temps: 1919290 µs