URL encoding: Difference between revisions

Add another variation: lowercase escapes like %3a. Encoders that always use uppercase escapes are still valid.
m (therefore content now in leading explanation)
(Add another variation: lowercase escapes like %3a. Encoders that always use uppercase escapes are still valid.)
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* Lowercase escapes are legal, as in "<code><nowiki>http%3a%2f%2ffoo%20bar%2f</nowiki></code>".
Note* that someSome standards give different rules: RFC 3986, ''Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax'', section 2.3, says that "-._~" should not be encoded. HTML 5, section [http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/association-of-controls-and-forms.html#url-encoded-form-data URL-encoded form data], says to preserve "-._*", and to encode space " " to "+". The options below provide for utilization of an exception string, enabling preservation (non encoding) of particular characters to meet specific standards.
It is permissible forto use an exception string (containing a set of symbols that do not need to be converted) to be utilized. However, this is an optional feature and is not a requirement of this task.
'''See also'''
Anonymous user