URL decoding: Difference between revisions

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Jjuanhdez (talk | contribs)
URL decoding en FreeBASIC
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{{trans|Liberty BASIC}}
<lang freebasic>
Const alphanum = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Function ToDecimal (cadena As String, base_ As Uinteger) As Uinteger
Dim As Uinteger i, n, result = 0
Dim As Uinteger inlength = Len(cadena)
For i = 1 To inlength
n = Instr(alphanum, Mid(Lcase(cadena),i,1)) - 1
n *= (base_^(inlength-i))
result += n
Return result
End Function
Function url2string(cadena As String) As String
Dim As String c, nc, res
For j As Integer = 1 To Len(cadena)
c = Mid(cadena, j, 1)
If c = "%" Then
nc = Chr(ToDecimal((Mid(cadena, j+1, 2)), 16))
res &= nc
j += 2
res &= c
End If
Next j
Return res
End Function
Dim As String URL = "http%3A%2F%2Ffoo%20bar%2F"
Print "Supplied URL '"; URL; "'"
Print "URL decoding '"; url2string(URL); "'"
URL = "google.com/search?q=%60Abdu%27l-Bah%C3%A1"
Print !"\nSupplied URL '"; URL; "'"
Print "URL decoding '"; url2string(URL); "'"