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Twelve statements: Difference between revisions

Added Bracmat example
(Updated D entry)
(Added Bracmat example)
Line 243:
Near miss with statements 1 5 8 10 11 12 true (failed 12).
<lang bracmat>(
( number
= n done ntest oldFT
. !arg:(?done.(=?ntest).?oldFT)
& 0:?n
& ( !done
: ?
( !ntest
. !oldFT&1+!n:?n&~
| !n
= ( (1."This is a numbered list of twelve statements.")
. 1
. (
= n nr done toDo
. !arg:(?done.?toDo)
& 0:?n
& whl
' ( !done:(?nr.?) ?done
& 1+!n:!nr:?n
& whl
' ( !toDo:((?nr.?).?) ?toDo
& 1+!n:!nr:?n
& (!n:12&true|false)
( (2."Exactly 3 of the last 6 statements are true.")
. end
. (
= done toDo lastSix
. !arg:(?done.?toDo)
& !done:? [-7 ?lastSix
& ( number$(!lastSix.(=?).true):3
& true
| false
( (3."Exactly 2 of the even-numbered statements are true.")
. end
. (
= done toDo ii
. !arg:(?done.?toDo)
& ( number
$ ( !done
. (=?ii&!ii*1/2:~/)
. true
: 2
& true
| false
( (4."If statement 5 is true, then statements 6 and 7 are both true.")
. 7
. (
= done toDo
. !arg:(?done.?toDo)
& ( !done
: ( ? (5.false) ?
| ? (6.true) ?
: ? (7.true) ?
& true
| false
( (5."The 3 preceding statements are all false.")
. 5
. (
= done toDo
. !arg:(?done.?toDo)
& ( !done
: ?
& true
| false
( (6."Exactly 4 of the odd-numbered statements are true.")
. end
. (
= done toDo i
. !arg:(?done.?toDo)
& ( number
$ ( !done
. (=?i&!i*1/2:/)
. true
: 4
& true
| false
( (7."Either statement 2 or 3 is true, but not both.")
. 7
. (
= done toDo
. !arg:(?done.?toDo)
& ( number
$ (!done.(=2|3).true)
: 1
& true
| false
( (8."If statement 7 is true, then 5 and 6 are both true.")
. 8
. (
= done toDo
. !arg:(?done.?toDo)
& ( !done
: ( ? (7.false) ?
| ? (5.true) ?
: ? (6.true) ?
& true
| false
( (9."Exactly 3 of the first 6 statements are true.")
. 9
. (
= done toDo firstSix
. !arg:(?done.?toDo)
& !done:?firstSix [6 ?
& ( number$(!firstSix.(=?).true):3
& true
| false
( (10."The next two statements are both true.")
. 12
. (
= done toDo
. !arg:(?done.?toDo)
& ( !done:? (?.true) (?.true)
& true
| false
( (11."Exactly 1 of statements 7, 8 and 9 are true.")
. 11
. (
= done toDo
. !arg:(?done.?toDo)
& ( number
$ ( !done
. (=7|8|9)
. true
: 1
& true
| false
( (12."Exactly 4 of the preceding statements are true.")
. 12
. (
= done toDo preceding
. !arg:(?done.?toDo)
& !done:?preceding (?.?)
& ( number$(!preceding.(=?).true):4
& true
| false
& ( TestTruth
= done toDo postponedTests testToBePostponed
, n when test FT oldFT A Z text
, postponedTest testNow
. !arg:(?done.?toDo.?postponedTests)
& ( !toDo:
& "We have come to the end of the list of tests.
Perform any tests that had to be postponed until now."
& whl
' ( !postponedTests
: (?.?oldFT.(=?postponedTest)) ?A
& postponedTest$(!done.):!oldFT
& !A:?postponedTests
& !postponedTests:
& out$("Solution:" !done)
& ~
| !toDo
: ((?n.?text).?when.(=?test)) ?toDo
& "'false' and 'true' are just two symbols, not 'boolean values'.
You can choose other symbols if you like.
The program first guesses the first symbol and assigns it to the variable FT.
After backtracking, the second symbol is guessed and assigned to FT.
This is done for each statement."
& false true
: ?
( ?
& 1+!guesses:?guesses
& (!n.!FT):?testNow
& "Do all tests that had to be postponed until now, unless one of those tests
fails. Remove the successful tests from the list of postponed tests."
& whl
' ( !postponedTests
: ?A
& postponedTest$(!done !testNow.!toDo)
: !oldFT
& !A !Z:?postponedTests
& "Check that all tests that had to be postponed until now are removed from
the list of postponed tests. Only then go on with looking at testing
the current statement. Backtrack if a test failed."
& !postponedTests:~(? (!n.?) ?)
& ( !when:>!n
& "The current statement cannot be tested right now. Postpone it to
the earliest coming statement where the current statement can be
(The earliest statement, denoted by 'when', is computed manually.)"
& (!when.!FT.'$test):?testToBePostponed
| "No need to postpone. Test the current statement now."
& :?testToBePostponed
& "If the test fails, backtrack. If it succeeds, go on to the next
& test$(!done !testNow.!toDo):!FT
& "So far so good. Test the next statements. (recursively)"
& TestTruth
$ ( !done !testNow
. !toDo
. !testToBePostponed !postponedTests
& 0:?guesses
& TestTruth$(.!STATEMENTS.)
| out
$ ( str
$ ( "That's it. I made "
" true/false guesses in all. (A brute force method needs 2^12="
" guesses."
<pre> Solution:
That's it. I made 220 true/false guesses in all. (A brute force method needs 2^12=4096 guesses.</pre>


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