Truncate a file: Difference between revisions

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Line 434:
Cannot open file "<File name with full path>. The system cannot find the file specified.
<lang elena>#import system'io.
#import extensions.
file_info extension(file_path) fileOp
set &length:length
stream stream := FileStream openForEdit &path:self.
stream set &length:length.
stream close.
Line 452:
if ('program'arguments length != 3)
[ console << printLine:"Please provide the path to the file and a new length". AbortException new; raise. ].
varfile_info fileNamefile := File new('program'arguments@[1]).
var length := ('program'arguments@[2)] toInt.
ifnot (fileNamefile file_path is &availableisAvailable)
[ console writeLine:printLine("File ":fileName:,file," does not exist"). AbortException new; raise. ].
fileName file_pathfile set &length:length.