Truncatable primes: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|REXX}}: changed some comments, optimized the prime generation part of the program.
m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: changed output to conform to program's output.)
m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: changed some comments, optimized the prime generation part of the program.)
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Extra code was added to the prime number generator as this is the section of the REXX program that consumes the vast majority of the time.
<lang REXX>/*REXX pgm finds largest left- and& right-truncatable primes <≤1m 1(or millionarg1).*/
parse arg high .; if high=='' then high=1000000 /*assume 1 million.*/
!.=0; Lp=0; Rp=0; w=length(high) /*placeholders for primes, Lp, Rp*/
p@.1=2; p@.2=3; p@.3=5; p@.4=7; p@.5=11; p@.6=13; p@.7=17 /*some low primes. */
!.2=1; !.3=1; !.5=1; !.7=1; !.11=1; !.13=1; !.17=1 /*low prime flags. */
n#=7; s.n#=p@.n#**2 /*number of primes so far. , prime²*/
/*───────────────────────────────────────generate more primes ≤ high. */
do j=p@.n#+2 by 2 to high /*only find odd primes from here.*/
if j//3 ==0 then iterate /*is J divisible by three? */
if right(j,1)==5 then iterate /*is the right-most digit a "5" ?*/
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/*[↑] above five lines saves time*/
do k=7 while s.k<=j /*divide by known odd primes. */
if j//p@.k==0 then iterate j /*Is J divisible by X? ¬ prime.*/
end /*k*/
n#=n#+1 /*bump number of primes found. */
p@.n#=j; s.n#=j*j /*assign to sparse array; prime².*/
!.j=1 /*indicate that J is a prime.*/
end /*j*/
/*─────────────────────────────────────find largest left truncatable P. */
do L=n# by -1 for n#; if pos(0,p@.L)\==0 then iterate
do k=1 for length(p@.L)-1; _=right(p@.L,k) /*L truncate #.*/
if \!._ then iterate L /*Truncated # ¬prime? Skip it.*/
end /*k*/
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end /*L*/
/*─────────────────────────────────────find largest right truncatable P.*/
do R=n# by -1 for n#; if pos(0,p@.R)\==0 then iterate
do k=1 for length(p@.R)-1; _=left(p@.R,k) /*R truncate #.*/
if \!._ then iterate R /*Truncated # ¬prime? Skip it.*/
end /*k*/
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end /*R*/
/*───────────────────────────────────────show largest left/right trunc P*/
say 'The last prime found is ' p@.n# " (there are" n# 'primes ≤' high")."
say copies('─',70) /*show a separator line. */
say 'The largest left-truncatable prime ≤' high " is " right(p@.L,w)
say 'The largest right-truncatable prime ≤' high " is " right(p@.R,w)
/*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/</lang>