Trigonometric functions: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Ruby}}: Kill a phantom category.)
(Add Seed7 example)
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(display (* arctan (/ 180 pi)))
(display (* arctan (/ 180 pi)))

The example below uses the libaray [ math.s7i],
which defines, besides many other functions,
[ sin],
[ cos],
[ tan],
[ asin],
[ acos] and
[ atan].

<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
include "float.s7i";
include "math.s7i";

const proc: main is func
const float: radians is PI / 4.0;
const float: degrees is 45.0;
writeln(" radians degrees");
writeln("sine: " <& sin(radians) digits 5 <& sin(degrees * PI / 180.0) digits 5 lpad 9);
writeln("cosine: " <& cos(radians) digits 5 <& cos(degrees * PI / 180.0) digits 5 lpad 9);
writeln("tangent: " <& tan(radians) digits 5 <& tan(degrees * PI / 180.0) digits 5 lpad 9);
writeln("arcsine: " <& asin(0.70710677) digits 5 <& asin(0.70710677) * 180.0 / PI digits 5 lpad 9);
writeln("arccosine: " <& acos(0.70710677) digits 5 <& acos(0.70710677) * 180.0 / PI digits 5 lpad 9);
writeln("arctangent: " <& atan(1.0) digits 5 <& atan(1.0) * 180.0 / PI digits 5 lpad 9);
end func;</lang>

radians degrees
sine: 0.70711 0.70711
cosine: 0.70711 0.70711
tangent: 1.00000 1.00000
arcsine: 0.78540 45.00000
arccosine: 0.78540 45.00000
arctangent: 0.78540 45.00000
