Total circles area: Difference between revisions

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===Python: 2D [[Van der Corput sequence]]===
Remembering that the [[Van der Corput]] sequence is used for Monte Carlo-like simulations. This example uses a Van der Corput sequence generator of base 2 for the first dimension, and base 3 for the second dimension of the 2D space which seems to cover evenly:
To aid in efficiency.
* Circles are uniquified,
* Sorted in descending order of size,
* Wholly obscured circles removed,
* And the square of the radius computed outside the main loops.
<lang python>
from __future__ import division
from math import sqrt
from itertools import count
from pprint import pprint as pp
from itertools import izip as zip
# Remove duplicates and sort, largest first.
circles = sorted(set([
# xcenter ycenter radius
(1.6417233788, 1.6121789534, 0.0848270516),
(-1.4944608174, 1.2077959613, 1.1039549836),
(0.6110294452, -0.6907087527, 0.9089162485),
(0.3844862411, 0.2923344616, 0.2375743054),
(-0.2495892950, -0.3832854473, 1.0845181219),
(1.7813504266, 1.6178237031, 0.8162655711),
(-0.1985249206, -0.8343333301, 0.0538864941),
(-1.7011985145, -0.1263820964, 0.4776976918),
(-0.4319462812, 1.4104420482, 0.7886291537),
(0.2178372997, -0.9499557344, 0.0357871187),
(-0.6294854565, -1.3078893852, 0.7653357688),
(1.7952608455, 0.6281269104, 0.2727652452),
(1.4168575317, 1.0683357171, 1.1016025378),
(1.4637371396, 0.9463877418, 1.1846214562),
(-0.5263668798, 1.7315156631, 1.4428514068),
(-1.2197352481, 0.9144146579, 1.0727263474),
(-0.1389358881, 0.1092805780, 0.7350208828),
(1.5293954595, 0.0030278255, 1.2472867347),
(-0.5258728625, 1.3782633069, 1.3495508831),
(-0.1403562064, 0.2437382535, 1.3804956588),
(0.8055826339, -0.0482092025, 0.3327165165),
(-0.6311979224, 0.7184578971, 0.2491045282),
(1.4685857879, -0.8347049536, 1.3670667538),
(-0.6855727502, 1.6465021616, 1.0593087096),
(0.0152957411, 0.0638919221, 0.9771215985),
]), key=lambda x: -x[-1])
def vdcgen(base=2):
'Van der Corput sequence generator'
for n in count():
vdc, denom = 0,1
while n:
denom *= base
n, remainder = divmod(n, base)
vdc += remainder / denom
yield vdc
def vdc_2d():
'Two dimensional Van der Corput sequence generator'
for x, y in zip(vdcgen(base=2), vdcgen(base=3)):
yield x, y
def bounding_box(circles):
'Return minx, maxx, miny, maxy'
return (min(x - r for x,y,r in circles),
max(x + r for x,y,r in circles),
min(y - r for x,y,r in circles),
max(y + r for x,y,r in circles)
def circle_is_in_circle(c1, c2):
x1, y1, r1 = c1
x2, y2, r2 = c2
return (sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) + r2) <= r1
def remove_covered_circles(circles):
'Takes circles in decreasing radius order. Removes those covered by others'
i, covered = 0, []
while i < len(circles):
c1 = circles[i]
eliminate = []
for c2 in circles[i+1:]:
if circle_is_in_circle(c1, c2):
if eliminate: covered += [c1, eliminate]
for c in eliminate: circles.remove(c)
i += 1
def main(circles):
print('Originally %i circles' % len(circles))
print('Bounding box: %r' % (bounding_box(circles),))
print(' down to %i due to some being wholly covered by others' % len(circles))
minx, maxx, miny, maxy = bounding_box(circles)
print(' Bounding box: %r' % (bounding_box(circles),))
# Shift to 0,0 and compute r**2 once
circles2 = [(x - minx, y - miny, r*r) for x, y, r in circles]
scalex, scaley = abs(maxx - minx), abs(maxy - miny)
pcount, inside, last = 0, 0, ''
for px, py in vdc_2d():
pcount += 1
px *= scalex; py *= scaley
for cx, cy, cr2 in circles2:
if (px-cx)**2 + (py-cy)**2 <= cr2:
inside += 1
if not pcount % 100000:
area = (inside/pcount) * scalex * scaley
print('Points: %8i, Area estimate: %r'
% (pcount, area))
# Hack to check if precision OK
this = '%.4f' % area
if this == last:
last = this
print('The value has settled to %s' % this)
if __name__ == '__main__':
The above is tested to work with python2.7, python3 and pypy
Originally 25 circles
Bounding box: (-2.598415801, 2.8356525417, -2.2017717074, 3.1743670698999997)
down to 14 due to some being wholly covered by others
Bounding box: (-2.598415801, 2.8356525417, -2.2017717074, 3.1743670698999997)
Points: 100000, Area estimate: 21.57125892144117
Points: 200000, Area estimate: 21.565708203389384
Points: 300000, Area estimate: 21.56668201357391
Points: 400000, Area estimate: 21.566949811374652
Points: 500000, Area estimate: 21.567694776165812
Points: 600000, Area estimate: 21.566097727463195
Points: 700000, Area estimate: 21.565374325611838
Points: 800000, Area estimate: 21.565963828562822
Points: 900000, Area estimate: 21.56596788610526
The value has settled to 21.5660</pre>
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