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<pre>[std, ieee, dware, dw02, dw05, dw06, dw07, gtech, dw01, dw04, ramlib, std_cell_lib, synopsys, des_system_lib, dw03]</pre>
<pre>[std, ieee, dware, dw02, dw05, dw06, dw07, gtech, dw01, dw04, ramlib, std_cell_lib, synopsys, des_system_lib, dw03]</pre>



<lang JavaScript>const libs =
`des_system_lib std synopsys std_cell_lib des_system_lib dw02 dw01 ramlib ieee
dw01 ieee dw01 dware gtech
dw02 ieee dw02 dware
dw03 std synopsys dware dw03 dw02 dw01 ieee gtech
dw04 dw04 ieee dw01 dware gtech
dw05 dw05 ieee dware
dw06 dw06 ieee dware
dw07 ieee dware
dware ieee dware
gtech ieee gtech
ramlib std ieee
std_cell_lib ieee std_cell_lib

// A map of the input data, with the keys as the packages, and the values as
// and array of packages on which it depends.
const D = libs
.map(e => e.split(' ').filter(e => e != ''))
.reduce((p, c) =>
p.set(c[0], c.filter((e, i) => i > 0 && e !== c[0] ? e : null)), new Map());
[].concat(...D.values()).forEach(e => {
D.set(e, D.get(e) || [])

// The above map rotated so that it represents a DAG of the form
// Map {
// A => [ A, B, C],
// B => [C],
// C => []
// }
// where each key represents a node, and the array contains the edges.
const G = [...D.keys()].reduce((p, c) =>
[...D.keys()].filter(e => D.get(e).includes(c))),
new Map()

// An array of leaf nodes; nodes with 0 in degrees.
const Q = [...D.keys()].filter(e => D.get(e).length == 0);

// The result array.
const S = [];
while (Q.length) {
const u = Q.pop();
G.get(u).forEach(v => {
D.set(v, D.get(v).filter(e => e !== u));
if (D.get(v).length == 0) {

console.log('Solution:', S);

<lang JavaScript>
Solution: [
'des_system_lib' ]
