Tonelli-Shanks algorithm: Difference between revisions

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(Added Julia language)
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* [[Cipolla's algorithm]]
* [[Cipolla's algorithm]]

<lang clojure>
(defn find-first
" Finds first element of collection that satisifies predicate function pred "
[pred coll]
(first (filter pred coll)))

(defn modpow
" b^e mod m (using Java which solves some cases the pure clojure method has to be modified to tackle--i.e. with large b & e and
calculation simplications when gcd(b, m) == 1 and gcd(e, m) == 1) "
[b e m]
(.modPow (biginteger b) (biginteger e) (biginteger m)))

(defn legendre [a p]
(modpow a (quot (dec p) 2) p)

(defn tonelli [n p]
" Following Wikipedia "
(assert (= (legendre n p) 1) "not a square (mod p)")
(loop [q (dec p) ; Step 1 in Wikipedia
s 0]
(if (zero? (rem q 2))
(recur (quot q 2) (inc s))
(if (= s 1)
(modpow n (quot (inc p) 4) p)
(let [z (find-first #(= (dec p) (legendre % p)) (range 2 p))] ; Step 2 in Wikipedia
(loop [
M s
c (modpow z q p)
t (modpow n q p)
R (modpow n (quot (inc q) 2) p)]
(if (= t 1)
(let [i (long (find-first #(= 1 (modpow t (bit-shift-left 1 %) p)) (range 1 M))) ; Step 3
b (modpow c (bit-shift-left 1 (- M i 1)) p)
M i
c (modpow b 2 p)
t (rem (* t c) p)
R (rem (* R b) p)]
(recur M c t R)

; Testing--using Python examples
(doseq [[n p] [[10, 13], [56, 101], [1030, 10009], [44402, 100049],
[665820697, 1000000009], [881398088036, 1000000000039],
[41660815127637347468140745042827704103445750172002, 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000577]]
:let [r (tonelli n p)]]
(println (format "n: %5d p: %d \n\troots: %5d %5d" (biginteger n) (biginteger p) (biginteger r) (biginteger (- p r)))))

n: 10 p: 13
roots: 7 6
n: 56 p: 101
roots: 37 64
n: 1030 p: 10009
roots: 1632 8377
n: 44402 p: 100049
roots: 30468 69581
n: 665820697 p: 1000000009
roots: 378633312 621366697
n: 881398088036 p: 1000000000039
roots: 791399408049 208600591990
n: 41660815127637347468140745042827704103445750172002 p: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000577
roots: 32102985369940620849741983987300038903725266634508 67897014630059379150258016012699961096274733366069
