Tokenize a string: Difference between revisions

Add 8080 assembly
(Add PL/M)
(Add 8080 assembly)
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=={{header|8080 Assembly}}==
<lang 8080asm>puts: equ 9
org 100h
jmp demo
;;; Split the string at DE by the character in C.
;;; Store pointers to the beginning of the elements starting at HL
;;; The amount of elements is returned in B.
split: mvi b,0 ; Amount of elements
sloop: mov m,e ; Store pointer at [HL]
inx h
mov m,d
inx h
inr b ; Increment counter
sscan: ldax d ; Get current character
inx d
cpi '$' ; Done?
rz ; Then stop
cmp c ; Place to split?
jnz sscan ; If not, keep going
dcx d
mvi a,'$' ; End the string here
stax d
inx d
jmp sloop ; Next part
;;; Test on the string given in the task
demo: lxi h,parts ; Parts array
lxi d,hello ; String
mvi c,','
call split ; Split the string
lxi h,parts ; Print each part
loop: mov e,m ; Load pointer into DE
inx h
mov d,m
inx h
push h ; Keep the array pointer
push b ; And the counter
mvi c,puts ; Print the string
call 5
lxi d,period ; And a period
mvi c,puts
call 5
pop b ; Restore the counter
pop h ; Restore the array pointer
dcr b ; One fewer string left
jnz loop
period: db '. $'
hello: db 'Hello,How,Are,You,Today$'
parts: equ $</lang>
<pre>Hello. How. Are. You. Today.</pre>
=={{header|AArch64 Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits}}
Line 265 ⟶ 316:
<lang lisp>(defun split-at (xs delim)
